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  1. It's mentioned that both Adolin and Kaladin wear hogshide boots in WoR, and shallan wears slippers made of some sort of silk. The sandals would probably have been of the same materials, but of less quality than something a soldier would wear. I assume that horses would be too expensive to use for leather.
  2. Yeah, Trell is a person from Taldain and also a religion, I think that if it is another shard they would just be using the name for the reputation, or as a disguise.
  3. Perhaps, might not be possible, the increased reaction time you get when burning a-atium could be stored, or just the natural sense of danger or awareness. Another unlikely one could be the ability to feel emotions, or the strength of the emotion, as I would classify those as senses that the brain creates and picks up.
  4. I believe that was supposed to be spiderman's powers, rather than senses stored.
  5. So, Mistborn era two takes place just after Stormlight 5. I've been thinking that Trell's incursion on Scadrial could have something to do with the events of Stormlight 5, possibly rell is forced out of their shard planet by odium, or is odium. Maybe Honor and Odium are combined to make trell, or Dalinar, being made to lead the voidbringers, goes by trell. I would love to hear your Trell based theories, and any information that could debunk my own.
  6. Is it confirmed that aluminum can block speed bubbles? and if it dropped it would take time to put up another, enough to be a danger. But this idea is a great one, that would give a huge advantage to Bendalloy burners, even if you'd be shooting away a fortune.
  7. healing people would be a great thing to do with your powers! and I'm sure that plants would thrive with your care
  8. This is also what I thought, that it just healed the cells that began to die, rather than renewing the oxygen itself.
  9. Yes, that would be a great option, I wouldn't, however, say that any other option is a mistake, as I think that some other abilities would be much more useful in a normal life. Infinite healing is great, but would it help a lot in daily life outside of a dangerous situation? The reflexes are also tempered by pushing you to act and making it hard to stay still, which could be a downside. I do think Elsecaller is a wonderful option though, the transformation and transportation could be very useful.
  10. I included both mistborn/ feruchemist and the misting and ferring, incase people wanted to focus on one area. If choosing surgebinding, misting, ferring, or twinborn, which powers would you want?
  11. I do remember hearing something about that, but when he changed it so that feruchemists could physically touch toxic metals, I think that's when he decided that allomancers could as well.
  12. There's actually a WoB which states that Allomancers are generally immune to metal poisoning. https://wob.coppermind.net/entry/14804 I think people in era one burned them off a precaution without realising this, but the idea that Wayne's healing could impact his physical age, maybe aligning it with his spiritual ideal, is interesting, and could definitely be a possibility.
  13. I hadn't heard of that, that's very interesting. I just assume it would become an annoyance having to regularly reset your watch, and any other timepiece in the bubble. This could also probably be used to your advantage in a very few cases, if you're alone in a room with someone, and could put up a bubble without them knowing you could change their watch time. That would be very convoluted and too hard to pull off to be practical.
  14. Rereading Alloy of Law, and a thought struck me, gear powered watches would be completely messed up by either of the temporal metals. If, say Wayne, was to burn Bendalloy to create a speed bubble around him, and watches inside would also be sped up, coming out of the bubble ahead of everyone else's. A similar thing would happen with Cadmium, the watches outside of the bubble would be ticking much faster than those inside, but they would be standard time, leaving the watch inside behind.
  15. murder make magic emotional support fairy god parent magic finger painting Kirby but with metal magic piggy bank-wrist bands very fancy stamps magic karate rainbow cpr
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