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Posts posted by Merlin

  1. Hey all! I'm a Lightweaver of the who's only spoken the first Ideal, my name's Sahar, and my spren's is Spool.

    "Spool, why are we doing this?" Sahar asked. "Because... I feeeell..." Spool buzzed. Sahar huffed a little. From what she'd seen of the other's spren, they were supposed to actually get more intelligent, though perhaps she'd misjudged. It wasn't like she was going to intentionally talk to those goody-two-shoes fools. Sahar rounded a corner and stared.

    She saw several bleeding people, as well as ones bleeding... stormlight. They were all hiding from some huge dust clouds, from which screams were coming out of. "Spool..." She warned, "I'm going to turn around and walk away. Right now.". 

    "Noo..." Spool made a groaning sound. "At least... you can... help. Yes, help. That's the word!" She sounded satisfied. Sahar huffed again, marched across the wounded, and into the dust cloud. Immediately, a girl Sahar's age stumbled up to her with both a gut wound, and a gash down one leg. She fell unconscious  onto Sahar's feet.

    "Delightful." Sahar groaned, and pulled the girl back through the dust.

  2. 14 hours ago, Config2 said:

    I mean, I like Lynn and I like Kaladin, but I think her and Zigsal (sorry about spelling, I'm an audible guy) are better. They have a little more in common as both literate and outsiders.

    Also they are both closer in degree of focus in the books. Maybe if she got more screen time I'd be more natural.

    I think Lynn will definitely end up with a member of Bridge Four, most likely Sigzil. That would be an interesting addition to the whole "Where the heck are we gonna put everyone's families?" question that Sigzil brought up, though I think it would be a minor plotline. 

  3. I agree. Kaladin admits to Syl that he didn't feel affection for Shallan, just that she reminded him of Tien. Kaladin latches on to anyone who has a happy aura like Tien did, since Kaldin can't really produce that himself

  4. Me and my friend have been debating profusely about whether or not Kaladin is gonna get a girlfriend. She desperately wants him to find "that special one" but I personally think he's gonna be alone except for Syl. I mean, what available women are there in Stormlight? Jasnah, Rysn, Venli, and Lynn? Jasnah... ha ha. I think Rysn died, and Lynn is going to end up with Lopen or something. (Actually, that would be extremely entertaining.) Kaladin's gonna hate Venli, and Lift...? Yeesh.

  5. Has anyone else wondered how the heck Lopen lost his arm? My theory is that he fought the "pig" in Herdaz that appears in one of the interludes of... Oathbringer? I think? Anyway, that was the most reasonable theory me and my friend came up with, most of which had to do with him secretly being the king of Herdaz. Oh yeah, and how did he get into the bridge crews in the first place? 

  6. I just finished Oathbringer again, and after reading the part where Teft swears the Second Ideal, I'm a little confused. He says "I will protect those I hate, even if the one I hate most is myself." That's obviously different from Kaladin's Second Ideal, so I was wondering if the Ideals change person by person, not just in the Lightweavers. (sorry if that was unclear.^_^)

  7. So, my friend recently finished Stormlight for the 1st time, and she's moving to Mistborn. I need a coherent way to explain the whole cosmere-multiverse-worldhopper-Splinters-Adonalsium thing without sounding like:

    "So, uh, there was this guy or force or something living on a planet called, uh... idk. Um... and he was destroyed? I think? Or, like, it's called Splintering, so he splintered into all these parts, or, like, um... emotions? I guess? And they all went to the different planets in the cosmere, which is like another universe, sort've. And one was Odium, and like, Cultivation. And Ruin and stuff. and Odium, like killed other emotion-splinter-things. And on Roshar there's, like Honor, who...

    Ok. I'll stop. 

    Anyway, I would appreciate it if you guys could help try to come up with a little speech that's makes enough sense that I don't sound like a TOTAL madman. (I'm perfectly sane, it's my hallucinations who aren't.)

  8. It would also be really hard to do the interludes. They would take up time and people would be confused why we have this random scene with a Purelaker guy all of a sudden, and I, for one, wouldn't remember enough about their stories to feel the significance later on.  (Like with Rysn, who appears throughout and only becomes prominent near the end of Oathbringer.)

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