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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Oh my god we're doing it in Shadar Logoth. Maybe we can kill Mashadar while we're at it.
  2. Alright so Mat's escape plan is seemingly going to go off without a hitch despite about 50 hitches popping up. And now we're taking Tuon with us. Fantastic.
  3. God Mat's escape attempt is making me anxious. WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN DAMMIT AAAAAAAAAA
  4. Finally a more in depth look at Cadsuane'a motives. She just wants Rand to be more human again. That's nice.
  5. Gold truths are strange. I don't fully understand them myself. It's explained a bit more later but it's not really explained. Episode 5 was my favorite episode based in the manga (i havent read any others but the manga really elevated my opinion of it i adored it), but based in the VN Episode 6 is my favorite. Erika is the rattiest rat to ever rat and Episode 6 is fantastic for that.
  6. The first scene with him in this book, at the end of ch 22. The stuff with Luca and Isam. Other points I was confused about, that I know I just don't remember, are the murder of two Aes Sedai in the Stone of Tear and the killing of a Gray Man in Tar Valon.
  7. WAIT LUC?! ISN'T LUC SLAYER?! There was a lot happening in that scene that I feel like I didn't understand. How much of it should I not understand, and how much is stuff I forgot?
  8. Oh good, Fain is also in Far Madding. Everything is just getting better and better
  9. Alright it's been officially confirmed that Taim is in fact out to kill Rand and he ordered the defectors to kill him. Pretty obvious, Taim was always a rat, but good to finally have it out in the open
  10. Odd definition of how every romance should start "I wish to purchase this man, woman who is sexually assaulting him" "He's not for sale he's a free man even though I'm forcing him into sex" "Oh okay *proceeds to pretend he doesn't exist whenever he is aware of her presence but basically stalk him because you know you're destined to be together*"
  11. Erika's nuts, I love her. She's probably intelligent enough to figure out what's actually happening, but she doesn't care enough to. She only cares to prove her own immediate theory, and she doesn't have love, and as we all know, without love, it cannot be seen. She sees these people as nothing more than pieces on a board, suspects or potential victims and nothing else. She doesn't see any of them as actual people. That one thing is what will forever and always prevent her from TRULY solving the mystery, because Umineko is a very human tale full of human characters, and if you refuse to see these people as humans, you will never understand what truly happens. It's such a direct commentary on how people actually are. Ryukishi writing Umineko episodically means he saw how people were reacting and interacting with his story, and he was directly commenting on his readers in the story. There are people like Erika, who are trying to look at everything through a lens of "logic" and "I can't believe anything that isn't in red", and those people are looking at the story the wrong way. It's really good. The game existed in Episode 1, Episode 1 is another game board, but Meta Battler wasn't in it yet. He only entered it in the Tea Party. Meta Battler is the Battler that lived until the end of Episode 1. Oh yeah, speaking of Virgilia, I told you I had a theory why she was the way she was in Episode 4. I can actually say what that is. So, my theory is this: Virgilia is just really bad at being evil. She was brought in by Beato to be a guiding hand for Battler in Episode 3, to get him to think about the story properly, and then to pretend to be evil at the end of Episode 3 and during Episode 4. But Virgilia's natural personality IS what we saw when she was helping Battler, so when she was being evil in Episode 4 she was putting on an act the whole time, and she's just really not good at playing at being evil. And so, when Beato goes essentially comatose, she drops the act and goes back to how she was in Episode 3, because that's her real personality and she has no more reason to put on the act.
  13. Worst part of being back to Mat is that I have to deal with Tylin AGAIN! Berelain is annoying enough, and she isn't literally a rapist. I just want Tylin to go AWAY
  14. We have now finally met the Daughter of the Nine Moons, the final love interest for our main characters to be introduced. And the next chapter is a Mat chapter FINALLY! I needed this two books ago dammit
  15. I wonder why Moridin isn't trying to take control of Demandred, Graendal, Aran'gar, and Osan'gar. Interesting, so Moridin is after Fain. Makes sense, even the Dark One's forces fear the power of Mordeth
  16. Rand is now officially Elayne's warder. And, unexpectedly, Aviendha and Min's as well
  17. Huh. So using the Oath Rod cuts your lifespan. Interesting
  18. Oh damn, an assassination attempt on Elayne. Dyelin's maybe dead. Good tea party all around.
  19. The captive Seanchan that Rand had last book. Apparently he just gave them to Elayne to deal with.
  20. The powerscaling in this series is nuts lmao Every time I hear "She's even stronger in the power than X", it feels like it gets less meaning lmao When literally every character is a prodigy in the Power
  21. I mean, Estelle's character as we know her is pretty much made up by the localization. Plus as someone who played the fan translation, she's pretty memeable there too. I haven't played enough to get to her yet in the localization but I doubt she's THAT different.
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