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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Anyway, some notes. Verin is currently doing a brainwashing. That's... something.
  2. Today I continue. A few notes: I forgot Sammael died. I forgot Moridin existed. I don't know if I'm supposed to know who Moridin is at this point, but I know now. Don't leave Mat hanging.
  3. Neoseeker is good for Zero. It's a different person who did the CS ones, though.
  4. Yeah. Some of the words they said there have been mentioned before, but everything we learned there was new information 20% off is probably the best for now, yeah
  5. Finished Crooked Kingdom, and I think I'm going to getback into Wheel of Time now.
  6. Now that I've finished Crooked Kingdom, I think I'm read to continue with Wheel of Time
  7. We don't know what Zemuria is. Simulation theory is strong but we have zero clue if that's actually the case
  8. Love Maria. Small infant, very good. To be fair, Beato was enjoying the torture of Rosa. Maria didn't get involved until later. The timeline with Maria and Ange can be very confusing. I don't fully remember how it works myself
  9. That's as far as I got too. Except I died to the subsequent boss so now I have to grind, and they're just here. Its funny as hell that Rex comes with Pandoria'a kid but she wasn't in the cutscene, so she's just HERE now lmao.
  10. You said chapter 2, and I thought you meant Episode 2 and was very confused. Also Maria's story is very adorable and wholesome. Except for the times when it's not either of those things.
  11. That's Zeit. He's a little pupper friend you get in Crossbell. And that's all I'll say on that.
  12. You don't know the characters from 3 and 9 yet, but 3 and 9 is very important for Reverie.
  13. Yes, everything can be solved. There are semantics and tricky wording with the red, yes, but it's very possible. And very clever I would say. That's Meta Battler. Idk what the canned food thing is about but its supposed to be Meta Battler.
  14. CS isn't particularly better or worse on any console. It's really just Crossbell that got big changes across consoles. Yeah, they didn't dub Crossbell. The reason is probably related to the games being fully voice acted, unlike the CS games
  15. The Switch and PC ports were handled by Durante, best known for making a mod that fixed the Dark Souls PC port. He's a pretty big name, and he does all of the Trails porting, and he goes above and beyond with them. Some of the changes he does includes: Making textures better (and I mean remarkably better, there are some signs that are unreadable on PS4 that you can read on PC and Switch, this isn't a minor thing). Adding several game options, including the ability to turn off random encounters if any of your party members come into contact with an enemy (because your party follows behind you in these games), change exactly how fast you want the high speed mode to go, change the scale of the UI to be bigger and the ability to show what BGM is playing at any given time It also adds a backlog, and if you're like me and just press buttons at complete random sometimes, that's a godsend because it let's you look back at the text.
  16. They're less hefty than the later CS games. CS definitely goes far longer than Crossbell. Also I doubt we're gonna get an English release of Sky any time soon. It was localized by a different company. Also, if you have a Switch or like playing games on PC, I'd recommend those versions of Crossbell to Playstation. Playstation is faithful to the original Kai versions, but that means it doesn't add several quality of life things added to the Switch and PC versions.
  17. Its more that you'll be missing out on all of the emotional catharsis of the game. It assumes that you've played all of the Crossbell games and it is the end of that storyline, and a lot of the emotions would fall flat without playing them. I say the same for CS3 and especially 4, but Reverie is another level. Plus it casually spoils a lot of things from those games too (then again you already have no less than 5 major Crossbell spoilers already so)
  18. I can. Reverie concludes plot lines built up in Crossbell. I'd argue that CS3 and 4 are also extremely important to have Crossbell, but Reverie is another level.
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