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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Yeah solving the Epitaph is very much an optional thing. It doesn't really help you understand very much if you solve it, it's just for the sense of accomplishment
  2. I really like EVA's ascension. It's a cool scene The Eptaph can be solved in English but it's significantly harder than in Japanese. I've seen it done, but not very many people can solve the Epitaph even with Japanese, let alone without
  3. Yeah, giving the reader and Battler a way to actually look at the murders, and knowing that what we see is just what Beatrice chooses to show us, is a huge hint that Ryukishi gave us, presumably because of the issues people had with Episode 2. It gives people a way to actually theorize without just going "okay it's magic because we see that it's magic" Ryukishi fight scenes are funny because things just. Happen. There's no rhyme or reason to any of it, they just happen. It literally is a schoolyard game where you just go "I shoot you", "I have a bulletproof vest", "I have armor piercing rounds", etc. Also, the original character who was going to be in the original Episode 3 is named Virgilius. That's given a nod when Virgilia introduces herself, she calls herself "Virgilius" first and then goes to Virgilia. Virgilius was basically Virgilia but far more antagonistic (I said he was split in two, and Virgilia is obviously one of those two. The second comes later).
  4. Ah I see. Yeah, I'm just theorizing really, it's never been confirmed. But given all the circumstances around this Episode it makes the most sense
  5. Yeah, Beato on the island and in the Meta world are for all intents and purposes the same character. What do you mean?
  6. Fun fact about Episode 3. It was actually completely rewritten. The fanbase complained about Episode 2 a ton and started saying that the story was unsolvable, so Ryukishi made Episode 3 basically as early hints for how to think about Umineko. It's very impressive that he managed to rewrite it as well as he did. That being said, that's not without its downsides. We actually completely lost a character (though they were basically split into two separate characters, and they did come back in Saku), and I think that the solution to this Episode is pretty sloppy, due to not being as thought out as the others. I actually believe this is a bit of a retcon by Ryukishi. I think in Episode 2, Ryukishi planned so that Battler could only see what his Piece saw, and probably that he was controlling Piece Battler directly or the same being or whatever. But in Episode 3, Piece Battler starts feeling like his own separate character and Battler starts seeing scenes that his Piece doesn't see. I think Ryukishi realized that having Piece Battler see the magical murders would make for more compelling arguments, among other things.
  7. When it comes to theories, I wouldn't assume Battler is right automatically by virtue of being protagonist. Ryukishi likes to play with it, and sometimes he says something right, and other times he says something very wrong lmao. I wouldn't say I gave a hint necessarily. Whether or not they considered themselves furniture back then, Battler doesn't remember it. Could be that they didn't call themselves that, could be that he just forgot, could be they thought it to themselves but didn't say anything. Could be that Kanon's presence changes something, because he wasn't around back then. A lot of possibilities.
  8. Oh yeah, Umineko's soundtrack is absolutely.peak. It's my favorite soundtrack. Yeah Umineko's characters are insanely well written. Gohda has humanizing characteristics too. He's as nasty as he is most of the time because all he wants is to be the chef. He hates that he's forced to do other things, but when it comes to food, he's perfectly content. He's a show off, maybe, but that just means he's proud of his skills.
  9. Here's the thing about Battler. He's a dumb boi. He doesn't once question the Meta world and all the things happening. His goal is not really disproving magic, his goal is in essence disproving magic on the island and in the murders. Think about it that way and Battler will make a lot more sense. That said I wouldn't say to blindly accept that magic is real.
  10. By the way, since I've not mentioned it yet. Beatrice is actually my favorite character. Not in Umineko. In fiction. She's so wonderful.
  11. Yeah, they're subverting what you expect from the "after Episode chat between characters" by making it clear very quickly that something isn't right, and then pulling the rug.out from under you. It's great, even if it causes me no end of headaches trying to force people who didn't like those in Higurashi to watch it without also spoiling them. Lambdadelta is not a name that you would recognize. Her name, however, means 34. This is important because all of these WTC games have a character whose name is 34. But I'll save that for later. It should be noted that the furniture thing is not consistent of all the servants. Only Shannon, Kanon, and Genji. Neither Kumasawa nor Gohda say anything of the sort, and Battler doesn't seem to remember anything about furniture. Post however you want my guy. It's no trouble at all
  12. The original OPs for Umineko don't have any spoilers. The PS3 OPs are full of spoilers. You watched the PS3 OP it seems, which is chock full of them. I'd recommend against watching them again Also you're definitely not near the end of Episode 1.
  13. Maria is my baby and I will kill for her. Child. Infant. Daughter. Cute. Love. Nah it's the 1980s just like Higurashi. Kinzo's just a westaboo
  14. I'm honestly not sure of the answers, idk enough about Higu to answer. Umineko's chapter names are more straightforward than Higu, but also most people just call them "Episode" and then the number
  15. Based, you did it. Idk anything about Rei, but Saikokoroshi is something to probably read before Umineko. If that's in Rei than cool, I don't know lol. It's not too important though, just something to do if you want
  16. I don't know the structure, I never actually played the VN. I know what it's like but I don't know how much it actually matters
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