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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Started the Forsaken chapter, read about half of it. As much as I've criticized the Forsaken, I still find their chapters very interesting. We learned of some new people from beyond the Aiel Waste, we learned that a past incarnation of the Dragon before Lews Therin was actually converted to the Dark One (how did the Wheel survive that I wonder), and we maybe learned that Mesaana is in the White Tower? I don't remember if that was said in the prologue. It probably was but dammit I can't keep anything straight
  2. I said in Reverie that if Trails was just the story of Renne growing up I'd be perfectly content. That's basically what it's become.
  3. I know they were practically confirmed, but actually SEEING them is a whole different thing. Also I love the model and I'm half freaking out about that too
  4. Don't worry, most people don't like love triangles in general, and most agree that this books isn't handled amazingly
  5. Get them and find out! Also the epilogue is its own full fledged chapter. With its own boss. The epilogue boss is the true final boss.
  6. I think reading in shorter bursts is helping my concentration. I hate stopping in the middle of chapters, but whenever I feel like I'm losing concentration, I just stop reading and that helps a lot with my motivation to read, I've been reading more consistently (not daily but regularly)
  7. I need to reread I Am Number Four and read the stuff released after United As One. I don't remember anything about the series despite loving it a lot as a teenager, and I never picked up the books that released after the main series ended.
  8. Alright. I'll just think about that, and maybe try and remember who helped make Trollocs
  9. One person that I will never be able to guess. I presume Aran'Gar is one of the two female Forsaken killed, so either Lanfear (assuming she is actually dead which I still am not convinced), or.... Semirhage? Was Semirhage killed? I don't even remember
  10. I assume their identities will be made clear as I read? One tidbit given on their identities was that one helped make Trollocs, which I remember but not from where.
  11. I also feel like I should remember Mesaana, but I don't. I can tell from context that she's a Forsaken but I swear I do not recognize the name at all, whereas while I couldn't tell you what they are I guarantee I could tell you when the other Forsaken are named Hmmm. Two of the Forsaken were put into new bodies, Osan'gar and Aran'gar. Am I supposed to know which ones, or is that left unknown for now? Two of the dead Forsaken for sure, based on Shaidar's dialogue
  12. So uh, I kind of don't remember basically anything of Morgase's POVs. I remember that she fled and is planning to build up an army to take back Andor, but other than Gill and Lini I don't remember any of the people with her or anything that happened after she fled, lol
  13. "If they were dead, he would see whether the Dragon Reborn could live with a sword through his heart" Raw line
  14. I finished the main story of Neo The World Ends With You! I still have A New Day and the Secret Reports to do, but the main plot is over!
  15. Oh god Faile's here. This means Perrin is here, which is a good thing, but also Faile is here
  16. Gonna read more because I feel bad having not read any in two months
  17. Ahhh I see. Yeah, that makes sense. You don't exactly go into Baba Is You expecting story
  18. How is one of the most acclaimed puzzle games ever made unexpectedly good lol
  19. Oh yes. They are AMAZING. They are the Arkham games of Spider-Man.A fantastic standard for superhero games going forward.
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