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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Oh right btw, Jingo is also a character in the Crossbell games. Her mom runs a black market place in Crossbell and you buy things from her all the time, and Jingo is manning the store very often. It really explains why Jingo is so weird.
  2. Its because it switched to NISA. Xseed actually voiced a lot more cutscenes than were voiced in the Japanese versions of 1 and 2 and they voiced whole scenes when they did.
  3. And I have finished Side Jobs. I probably shouldn't have done this as the last thing, I didn't think it would be as good as what came later and it sure wasn't, but it still had good stories. Anyway I am now done with Dresden entirely . Now I can finally catch up on Shardcasts, I've only watched the Taravangian one out of all of the RoW Shardcasts (And the first two Parts of Overlady Reads which I also need to get to)
  4. Apaprently the CS anime won't be an adaptation, it will tell an original story that showcases events we never got to see. So that opens the floodgates for all kind of things. Could be Driechels backstory, could be Osborne backstory, could be CS1 field studies, could be following Olivert in CS2, could be the annexation in between 2 and 3. There are many options
  5. So some small characterization you might not pick up on from the end of the chapter if you haven't played the Crossbell games.
  6. CS3 and 4 exist, so I beg to differ. And Hajimari is literally an epilogue for Crossbell as much as it is for CS
  7. Yeah, there is only one thing in CS1 that I would call a spoiler, and even then it's not a huuuuuge deal.
  8. I would say yes. They sort of spoil each other for something but Crossbell arc was made first, and you get spoiled on more of the twists for Crossbell than you do CS. It's not too big of a deal in CS1 if you avoid newspapers. CS2 is a bigger deal. CS3 is an even bigger deal, and then CS4 just assumes you've played literally every game in the series.
  9. Yeah there will likely be a Blu-Ray release that will uncensor it. That's usually how it goes. They have to censor it for the television release, and then when they get it on Blu-Ray, they remove the censorship.
  10. And here is the Crossbell party. From the top, left to right, we have Rixia, Wazy, Noel (just a cop), Randy, KeA (Cutest daughteru), Elie, Tio, and Lloyd. I will note that Rixia and Lloyd look basically identical to how they look in the Crossbell games because CS2's Divertissment chapter doesn't take place very long after the events of the Crossbell games, since CS1 and 2 are concurrent with Azure (and Zero a bit at the start of CS1). Also I don't think the non-CS games are on PS3. If you want to play the older games, PC is your best bet
  11. Sure thing, I can post some pictures.This is the party from Sky plus two non-party members. On the left, from top to bottom, we have Renne, Loewe, Joshua, and Estelle (the main character). On the right from top to bottom, we have Tita, Zin (a Calvardian Bracer), Scherazard (a Liberlian Bracer, the mentor to Joshua and Estelle), Kloe (Liberl princess), Olivert (who goes by Olivier in these games), and Agate. I think I have to post the Crossbell image in a separate comment
  12. It's not an issue on my laptop, it's more an issue on my phone. Having them on my phone would be far more convenient. I get the notifications just fine on my laptop
  13. Yeah I'm not sure either. There is a character NAMED Gideon, but he's a member of the Imperial Liberation Front, the people AGAINST Osborne.
  14. Osborne's real first name is Giliath, assuming we're still talking about Trails Osborne. Gideon is a completely different character.
  15. Yeah LotR references make sense but I mean, it's only the most well known fantasy series ever written. Of course they're aware of that. Though is the Osgiliath Basin really a reference to LotR? I thought it was more a reference to.... Well, Giliath Osborne.
  16. I don't actually think Wheel of Time is a reference. I think they just thought it sounded cool. I would be surprised if Falcom was aware of much Western fantasy literature, even the big stuff.
  17. Yeah I didn't do much accessorizing either. The only thing I did was put on Juna's Lloyd outfit because it was just too perfect not to do, and put the glasses on Rean. I also put on
  18. I didn't know about that but what I do know is that the fight was awful and his movement speed wouldn't change that.
  19. Oh also, on a note unrelated to Trails but nevertheless relevant, I've been playing through Ys. I beat Ys 1 last week and am going through 2 now.
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