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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Oh yes you're right! I very nearly forgot! Okay so basically, in New Game +, you can collect another series of books called the Black Records (Don't worry about those, you get all of them in CS3 too so you can read them there). After collecting all of them, you are called to the roof, and this is the scene you get
  2. Since I don't have Battle Ground yet, I'm gonna take this time to listen to the rest of Brief Cases as well as listen to Side Jobs.
  3. Finished Peace Talks. As I expected, I loved it. It's not my favorite but it's up there. I don't know if it was because I didn't have to wait months for a book to be half a book and can jump into Battle Ground not long after or if it's just because it has more of what I like about Dresden but I felt not an ounce of the disappointment other people apparently did
  4. I would say to sell as much sepith as you can to afford one. You'll get a ton of sepith in the dungeon most likely and you probably don't have much use for it at this point anyway.
  5. Just finished chapter 29 of Peace Talks and man that was great. I can definitely say that I will not have the same disappointment that other people had.
  6. If you go somewhere, I think an Orbment Station, you will find some very expensive pieces of equipment called Mirrors. I recommend getting at least one of them and equipping it. It's very cool. I won't tell you what they do because the surprise is part of the fun
  7. Oh right have I ever said that Osborne is probably my second favorite villain ever? Because he is
  8. I'm not really sure what the problem is. What do your characters look like? I've NEVER had that much trouble basically ever in CS.
  9. On chapter 18 of Peace Talks and there was one thing I was disappointed in.
  10. Yeah but also, it's aluminum, which has always been the thing that Investiture is removed with, so it makes sense. You stab yourself with a Hemalurgic spike of aluminum, of course you're gonna lose literally everything.
  11. That's really weird, nothing like that never happened with mine. I don't think you should take it out on the people who made the books, it seems rather unfair to just proclaim it shoddy work when it's presumably bound in the exact same way as every other book.
  12. Got to chapter 8 of Peace Talks and I can definitely see why it needs two books. It is setting up a LOT.
  13. I will say I'm very excited for Peace Talks, because the slower more dialogue focused parts of Dresden are always the most enjoyable for me
  14. There's no real way for me to ensure that I get Battleground immediately after Peace Talks. I put out a hold on Battleground but who knows if it'll be available by the time I am finishing up Peace Talks. If I finish Peace Talks and REALLY want to get to Battleground immediately, though, I can use Scribd since I haven't used a free trial for that
  15. Oh right also something to note. I don't know if I've said this yet or not but this game does something absolutely baffling. It hides plot behind New Game+. There is a scene at the very end of the game in New Game+ that gives REQUIRED INFORMATION for future games. It is so dumb and baffling and I don't understand why they did it. I'll give you a link after you beat the game
  16. Nope. The Roaring Lion isn't a character in another game. He is a member of a group who is veryimportant, the Gralsritter
  17. Planning on finishing Skin Game today and as luck would have it Peace Talks is available immediately, so I'll be starting that tomorrow
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