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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Just you wait for episode 6. Its one of the best episodes of anime I've ever had the pleasure of watching and its all for the animation of the fight scene.
  2. I just finished Akudama Drive. It was absolutely incredible.
  3. EDIT: IGNORE ME I AM A MORON! That character is not in CS2. Who are you talking about when you say Aria
  4. Finally. It took forever, but it finally happened. (Cold Days)
  5. On Chapter 13, and oh my god Nynaeve. Why the hell do you make yourself so unlikable for zero reason. Elayne is literally blameless to you being forced to pretend to be a servant, and yet you still give her crap because of it. Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  6. It basically gives you a really big art that costs all your EP but has a really strong effect. I would say that all in all it's not really worth it. I never used them.
  7. REALLY good first day for Cold Days. Got to chapter 8 and we get Dresden being awesome as per usual, as well as
  8. ReZero Season 2 part 2! The Promised Neverland Season 2!
  9. Oh I assumed he did. I didn't remember that he saw them (gee wonder why), so I just assumed he walked through them and I didn't remember.
  10. Oh interesting. Moiraine saw all of her potential futures when she went to Rhuidean. I wonder if that means that the three different rings DO do something different, with the one Moiraine went through showing the future and the one Rand went through showing memories of ancestors, or if men and women see different things stepping through them. If the former is true, I wonder what the third ring shows? I would think the present, since one shows the past and one the future, but that would seem odd.
  11. The latter is most likely because Dalinar wrote Oathbringer, and it seems very obvious to be written by a Singer given the name.
  12. Aviendha lied twice. Probably about hating Rand. Tsundere's, man.
  13. Asmodean says that "Rahvin has a queen for one of his pets". So Gaebril is Rahvin then most likely.
  14. I am very much in the mood to read right now so I am going to!
  15. It just occurred to me. Prior to release I was dead certain we would get at least one Truth from Hoid, one new statement about him that we did not know that would advance his Oaths. We didn't get that and I am very sad
  16. It's not happening. Not after this book. After Oathbringer it was still kind of possible, but not after killing Teft.
  17. When he says it hurt the pace of the game, thats probably saying that regular battles can take too much time, which is fair.
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