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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Yeah Tauros on Laura is, like, the most broken thing in this game. She just becomes a god of destruction and the drawback of Tauros doesn't matter because the only fights that go on long enough for characters to start getting two turns are bosses.
  2. The cap is not 99. The series typically has far greater than that because the levels sort of add up across the series
  3. All right fair enough. Did you play the DLC of the first game? Its not important but it is quite good
  4. If you've already played the original Spider Man, then that's fine. If you haven't, don't. Miles spoils quite a bit of the first game
  5. Finished Yakuza 7. Easy game of the year. Probably my favorite in the series.
  6. Yes. They can be slow but I have enjoyed them
  7. I for one can't comment yet because I'm not st that point. Maybe someday
  8. Elaborate on what you've heard and why you're reluctant
  9. I thought the Heroes of the Horn were the Companions? Well anyway, yeah, I did mean the Heroes of the Horn. And that's all interesting. Birgitte being a parallel to Artemis is, like, the only thing that I would have thought of and that has absolutely zero basis other than being a female archer
  10. Yeah I noticed that Artur was probably King Arthur. I'm wondering if the other Hundred Companions are referring to other figures that I just haven't figured out because I'm dumb
  11. Al'ghol just made me think of the Batman villain. If I had to guess, its just supposed to be a ghoul?
  12. Yeah I kind of worded what I meant poorly. I meant more specifically just different viewpoints doing things and maybe, like, a central group of people like in the other Mistborn books, just with a lot of different offworld people in the group.
  13. I wonder if it will just be focused on Scadrians, or if members of the main cast will be from off world. Like members of the main cast will be from different worlds and have the various different magic systems and they're running around doing stuff. It also ties into a question of if it'll have only.one primary POV like the other Mistborn series or if it'll have a lot of different perspectives a la Stormlight
  14. Would you describe them as a race? A class? Or something else entirely? I ask this because I was trying to describe basically what the skaa were to a friend who was reading for the first time but couldn't really figure out how to.
  15. I don't see that. It's way better than some of the early books. They probably just find it not as epic as Changes was. My RoW progress is going weirdly. I was reading a couple chapters a day consistently but I haven't been the last few days and idk why. I'm on Part 4 tho so that's something.
  16. I'm on Chapter 50 of Ghost Story, planning to finish it today. And damn.
  17. Also started playing Miles Morales. Real good so far. I hope the villains match the quality of the original game, because the original's villain lineup was incredible
  18. On the topic of Dragon Quest, I've been playing Yakuza 7 and it's really good
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