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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Ah, don't worry about it. It's not a big spoiler. If you had played the Crossbell games you would know her anyway so in a sense it's supposed to be known in this game. Speaking of your girl Duvalie (CS4)
  2. Wait, she showed up that early? Was she in her casual outfit? I don't remember this.
  3. I always save scum bonding events. The ones I go with in the end are the ones that give me items or profile entries, and if there are some remaining points afterwards that don't give me one of them, I just go with whatever event I liked the most
  4. To be fair it is kind of hard to say he's a wholly good person when he would be perfectly happy just killing every noble. Do they deserve it? A lot of them, yeah. But he literally had to be convinced that Elend was different, and that convincing took Elend literally risking his life. Plus there was the time he had Demoux beat up and nearly kill Bilg through no fault of his own, Bilg had, like, a tiny bit of doubt and Kelsier inflamed it, as I recall. He's not a wholly terrible person, but he is definitely an anti-hero and very probably a sociopath.
  5. At this rate, I'll be finished with CS4 before you start CS3 lol that being said im actually making somewhat poor progress on cs4 myself i should really be farther than i am
  6. "Be sure to do all the helpful side stuff in the game before finishing!" Was already gonna do all that lmao
  7. Of course I am, I'm not just gonna state spoilers when I know there's someone blind here.
  8. So every Returned has a purpose. But what happens when one dies prematurely, before fulfilling their purpose? Did they have a purpose other than to die later? Or did they have another purpose they they were never able to fulfill? How badly can that screw up Endowment's plans? I never thought of this before and I think its an interesting topic
  9. I will be playing Cold Steel 4 the moment I finish this weeks Rhythm of War chapter.
  10. I sadly won't be able to read the next book for a while. The estimate for when I can rent the next audiobook is 18 weeks and I don't have the money to pick it up on Audible
  11. I now have Cold Steel 4. I'm not gonna post the box because spoilers. Gonna start later today
  12. Just finished the second to last chapter of Changes My. God. Marsters KILLED it. That was..... wow.
  13. The Digital Deluxe edition just includes four of the costume bundles. That's about it I think. You can probably get those seperate
  14. My pre-order is in and we are two days from release. Excitement commenses
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