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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Changes is, like, an all star movie. Feels like basically every ally Dresden has ever had thats still in action is showing up. I wasn't expecting this until Battle Field.
  2. Yeah. Honestly, though, I was suspicious of him when they said "Morgase has a new lover", because I think that was soon after learning that one of the Forsaken was in a position of power in.... I want to say Illian? I don't remember where specifically, but I remember learning about Gaebril not long after that and it was very clear to me that he is also probably a Forsaken.
  3. Yeah, I figured that Gaebril was a Forsaken from the first time he was on screen, but I didn't think about her being under mind control at all
  4. Well if it wasn't already obvious that Gaebril was a Forsaken, it definitely is now. He straight up has Morgase under mind control
  5. Reading chapter 1. What happened to Gareth, I wonder. He seems to have been completely dismissed from duty. I wonder how that came about.
  6. I don't anticipate reading a whole lot for a while. What with Cold Steel 4 coming out next week, Dawnshard presumably coming next week, and Rhythm of War coming next month, I'm unsure how much I'll be able to read. I might still try for a chapter a day starting tomorrow but it will likely be a lot less of a daily thing with all these new releases coming so soon after one another.
  7. I hope but I'm also doubtful Though maybe their parents could be important characters. That's almost like having Moriummer, right? Close enough?
  8. I would hope for Moriummer, but as they are currently a newborn, it sadly doesn't seem feasible. I'm worried that they won't grow up until the epilogue of the final book.
  9. Like I said, I don't really know about the expansions of VI. But I do know that I enjoy the complete version of Civ V more than I do VI
  10. It's the complete version of Civ V, with all the expansions and stuff. I think it's just the name of the final expansion but if you have it, odds are you have the rest. Or maybe it comes with all the rest.I'm not sure
  11. If you're just talking base Civ 6, I would say that it's not worth it if you have Brave New World. I don't have any of the expansions so I can't comment on those.
  12. I just finished reading the visual novel Remember11 last night and I'm not really sure how to put into words how much I enjoyed it. It's something that in the moment, I felt somewhat disappointed by the ending, but over the past day I've grown to appreciate it, and I'm sure I'll appreciate it a lot more with time
  13. You keep your Persona Compendium, your social stats your money, your equipment, and certain key items that give you access to some of the abilities of the Confidants, provided you maxed them out and talked to them in the epilogue. You do not keep your levels or any other Confidant abilities. You will find that the social stats being carried over will make things far easier. You will still be able to spend your later days training because you get through them so fast.
  14. Wasn't too shocked. That was the book description thing.
  15. Finished Turn Coat. That was quite good but Changes is next and I anticipate that to blow every other book out of the water. That starts Monday.
  16. So I finished the climax of Turn Coat, and damnation. I still have the final chapter to go but wow, that was something.
  17. Mouse is a very good boy. Actually top 10 best doggos.
  18. I don't really see that in the Forsaken yet. That will likely change but at the moment, they seem like the least human villains other than Padan Fain (and probably the Dark One himself, but we haven't seen him). The other villains or groups are all doing what they think is right so far. Elaida did what she thought was right, she doesn't like that Siuan was letting Rand run free. The Whitecloaks are doing what they thing right, they are dedicated to the Light and, as delusional, wrong, and trigger happy as they are, they still think they're serving the light and doing good for the world by ridding it of Darkfriends. Bernhard specifically thinks he genuinely will avenge his father by killing Perrin, because he really doesn't know the situation any better. The Seanchan, loath as I am to admit it, think they're right, they were raised to believe that channelers should be leashed and they were raised to believe that their blood is the true blood. The Forsaken so far don't really have any principles, unity, or motivation other than power. This is realistic and human in its own right, mind (thats why Fain is less human than them to me, he's just insane and corrupted by a crazy ghost dude), but I think its the least human of the lot. Religious zealots persecuting people because they think it right and people acting according to their cultural traditions seem more human to me than people chasing power and backstabbing their supposed allies for more power. But these are just my impressions right now. The Whitecloaks and Seanchan will probably remain faceless groups with only a handful of individual characters, while the Forsaken who DON'T die immediately will likely have far more fleshed out motivations.
  19. The Forsaken's interactions with each other are very interesting
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