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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Is it possible to change your preorder question to Brandon? Because I thought of a better question and I realized my question might already be answered by the time the event comes about.
  2. Alright, so we've got some Forsaken names. The one at Rhuidean is Asmodean, and the one with the mind control powers is Moghedien
  3. Well of course you don't. His arc has barely started and it got cut off at the end of the season. Pop isn't great at the start, but as the series goes, she became my favorite female character in the series, including main series, so.
  4. Domon is great. He just walks into the room with the girls, sees Egeanin, and then just starts fighting her. Absolutely wonderful.
  5. I kind of want to see life at the Seanchan homeland. Like when they find damane. On a curiosity level anyway, I want to know how people react to that. On an emotional level, I'm gonna hate it, because there is no reaction I will like. Either it will be painful or the Seanchan will be insane as they are wont to be.
  6. Endeavor is, like, one of the best characters, and the current arc (which S4 stopped in the middle of) shows that to a T. As for Vigilante's, I understand not getting into it, but I still quite heavily recommend trying anyway. Fall in love with Knuckleduster and/or Pop like I did and you'll be fine
  7. I like Bakugou a lot. As a manga reader, the manga is in high gear right now and things are absolutely crazy and I love it. On the anime side of things, if the anime reception of the next arc is anything close to what the manga reception was, people are gonna hate it. I like the next arc, it doesn't deserve the hate, but it's not gonna live up to S4. Good news, though, the second half of the season will most assuredly be taken well because it's amazing. Also, word of caution. I would recommend reading the Vigilante's manga before Season 5. There is a plot point that will be there that is set up in Vigilante's that will seem to come out of absolute nowhere if you have not read it.
  8. It'll depend on the story around the action for me. I love action scenes in general, but Dresden's hasn't really hooked me a ton (it's probably an issue of me not following along easily in audiobook format compared to actually reading). But so long as the story around it is, like, top tier, then I'll be pleased.
  9. Question. When is the best time to read the prequel?
  10. I was wondering if it was Nicodemus, because he was my favorite after Small Favor.
  11. Oh neat I got another Dresden spoiler. It probably ties in to the other spoiler I got. Idk which book this is in, but apparently
  12. I just had a thought. What if Restares is a character who is already dead, he has died but has held enough Investiture to be able to stick around in the Cognitive Realm after death? Idk, just an out there theory.
  13. First time, though I've had it stalled for a while because I decided to just go all in on Wheel of Time.
  14. Oh wow I'm surprised someone has responded since then lol. I would absolutely recommend it. It is fantastic start to end.
  15. I think Brandon said that if a Shard gives it up, they will sort of go back to how they were before but they'll never be completely normal again. The intent will have changed them fundamentally. I might be misremembering but I think he did. As for the other questions, Ati went Beyond because he just didn't want to stick around, there was nothing to say and in his final moments he didn't seem entirely lucid so he probably couldn't will himself to stay. On the other shards, Odium killed them and then Splintered the Shards, which made them impossible to be taken up. As for them staying, we don't really know in the case of Uli Da, but Honor is presumably gone (maybe related to the Stormfather?), and Aona and Skai probably didn't have a choice to leave because of how badly Sel's Cognitive Realm was messed up in the wake of their deaths.
  16. It is indeed my first time. I've heard that Changes is amazing, haven't heard anything about Turn Coat. Changes and Dead Beat are, like, the only ones I had heard anything about before going in, and I heard they were both great.
  17. I finished Small Favor. That was one of the best Dresden books so far.
  18. Its a substitute for leather, I would assume.
  19. Oh, we're seeing Logain again a lot quicker than I expected considering he escaped
  20. OH GOOD AND NOW THE AMYRLIN IS BEING OVERTHROWN BY ELAIDA! It was only a matter of time before this happened. I was heavily expecting it.
  21. Oh right, a Novice saw Min and then something bad happened to her later. I don't remember if it was by the Black Ajah or a Forsaken.
  22. Who is generally considered the best villain in Dresden?
  23. Well there's not much else it could be. She did say that Ishmael might have thought he was the Dark Lord himself, and iirc Moiraine theorized that Baalzamon was a Forsaken. Plus there was nobody else there that it could be
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