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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Ohhhh, Ishmael is Baalzamon. I forgot that happened.
  2. Yes I know that, she said as much. But I don't remember there being a second one. Probably just me being a dumb and forgetting something because I've been on this book a long time
  3. Oh boy, and now Elayne and Nynaeve are meeting a Forsaken. But it's not Lanfear. This is interesting. Though she says that there are two Forsaken in relation to Tear, but I don't remember there being a second.
  4. I wonder if it's going to be possible to exit Tel'aran'rhiod at a different spot from where you entered. Like if Egwene learned how to sleep at the Aiel Waste, travel to Tanchico in the dream world, and then kind of teleport to Tanchico. That would be cool
  5. And now he's letting Whitecloaks into Emond's Field. That is certainly a..... decision. Can't wait to see what comes of it.
  6. Perrin is learning how to be a leader, this is so nice. I like this
  7. Sort of disappointed that Marsters changed his voice for Kincaid. I liked the more gruff voice he had.
  8. I always thought that Divide from the RWBY soundtrack fit Ruin fairly well.
  9. Yeah the Whitecloaks said he was dead. And maybe the wolves said that he might be dead? I don't remmeber
  10. Yeah that's why I'm not too bothered by it, because I imagine most people assume he's still alive because no body TM despite the characters telling us he is dead and the plot acting like it.
  11. Yes it is a spoiler, because the plot clearly wants us to think he's dead. But I don't care too much about that because I already figured it. But please be more careful in the future, people generally don't like spoilers and if that wasn't something I was already dead certain about I would be a lot more upset.
  12. I'm surprised we've gone three books without Elyas coming back. There is zero chance he's dead.
  13. Man why does Perrin have to go through all the suffering. He's just a good boy who wants to be a blacksmith, why does literally every member of his family have to die
  14. Pretty good. I didn't find it to be anything too special personally. Not my favorite, but I didn't dislike it or thought it had any really big flaws.
  15. We could probably call The Lord Ruler Twinborn since he has both Allomancy and Feruchemy
  16. Do you guys ever have days where you want to read but you just can't focus on it? Because I've got that a lot for some reason recently.
  17. Huh. Thats interesting because they made a note about him avoiding Domon, for obvious reasons. I'd think that something would come of that
  18. Generally I try not to worry about it and hope that I'll be told at some point, but if I can ask who it is then I'll be happy to do so. For example (spoilers for the Dawnsbard prologue preview)
  19. OH! The Nine Moons is a Seanchan thing. So Mat is going to marry a Seanchan? Maybe one not entirely insane?
  20. Oh hey, it's Bors. How do I remember you but not remember Floran Gelb.
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