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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Remind me who Floran Gelb is. I recognize the name but I don't remember from where. I'm on chapter 38, by the way. First time in Tanchico with Egeanin
  2. Really? I swear I remember it being said. Then again I forgot that she even gave him letters until it was brought up so maybe I'm just crazy. Anyway, Elayne tsundere. It really cements her as best girl.
  3. Can someone remind me what the second letter from "Elayne" said? ngl I forgot that Rand got two different letters from her and I don't remember what the second one was though I can only assume it wasn't sent from Elayne.
  4. Only next gen game I'm super excited for atm is Miles Morales. Not to say I'm not excited for others (I very eagerly anticipate Resident Evil and Ratchet and Clank for instance), but I'm still more excited about games for systems I already have because I don't know when I'll be able to get a PS5.
  5. She is mentioned by name. Gitara Moroso. Can't say I remember when she was mentioned before. I don't even recognize the name lol. Oh well, I can wait for that reveal.
  6. If there is, I have no ideas. They said that she was a young woman who met an Aes Sedai and was told to become a Maiden, and that she left behind a son and a husband when she did, and evidently with some status given how she's described. If the hair color has any meaning, maybe she has some sort of relation to Elayne since they both have blond hair? But I'm unsure.
  7. Continuing chapter 34, since I couldn't finish last night, and we are learning about Rand's mother. Good.
  8. I'm anticipating a lot. Yakuza 7, Cold Steel 4, KH Melody of Memory, Hyrule Warriors, and 3D All Stars come to mind immediately.
  9. Reading chapter 34. I like how a lot of Moiraine's actions are always hidden. It really helps with keeping her ambiguous, unsure of what she's thinking or what her goals are. We don't know why she went into Rhuidean, or why she went into the mirror ter'angreal. I don't distrust her, and never really have, it's just interesting.
  10. Yeah I've been trying to read a chapter a day but my weekends are falling apart. I've started watching a ton of my video backlog on the weekends while playing some game or another, sometimes my friend asks to play games (since that's all on weekends now that he's started college), and I generally watch a stream on Saturday nights now, along with general hour or so long videos that release weekly.
  11. Weekends are ironically less productive to me on a reading side. I tend to not read at all on weekends. I read more on weekdays
  12. Speak of the devil and so he shall appear. White Night starts today
  13. Well it's been a long time coming. I've considered making a reaction chat here for a while, so that I can stop clogging up the "What are you reading" board, and I've finally gotten around to it. As of the creation of this board, I'm on Chapter 33 of The Shadow Rising. I hope that this type of format is fine. Also if there are questions on my opinions to things, feel free to ask Now then for a quick theory to start things off: I think that Lord Luc could possibly be the Slayer. He seems to recognize Perrin, he's a dude hanging out in Two Rivers, and he is confident enough to not be worried about a Warder.
  14. Consider that it has not taken two years to translate 4. There was a two year long period, yes, but the reason for that after CS2 is likely because of the switch to NISA. I doubt they were working on CS4 at the same time as CS3. NISA is just faster than Falcom.
  15. ReZero season 2! Very good, was very excited for.this season
  16. Uuuuuuuuuuugh I've been waiting so long for White Night. I just want to listen to mooooore.
  17. Hajimari? Hajimari is currently Japanese only. Since we're getting CS4 later this year, and we got CS3 last year, it's safe to say that we'll get Hajimari in English next year assuming that it's still NISA doing it. The only case I can see that we don't get it next year is if they do Crossbell first, which now that I think about it is very possible
  18. Presumably its because Shards have varying amounts of future sight. Preservation has very strong future sight. If he were at odds with, say, Cultivation, then their future sight might cancel each other out. But Ruin is worse at future sight, likely be a significant amount.
  19. You'll see the shipping price before you pay. Just add it to your cart and go to checkout, it'll show I think after you input your location information
  20. In the case of Damane=Aes Sedai, that's an understandable assumption. Anybody who didn't know about the Seanchan and their structure in regards to the Power would assume the same and they have had no opportunity to have the idea corrected. Everything that they think happened at Falme is based on a misunderstanding, but its logical assumptions because there was only one person who was able to actually talk about it and without context it looks very bad. If we never had any POV from anyone at Falme and just went off of what Byar saw, not knowing any characters or anything, then we would likely have the same assumption as the Whitecloaks. And the next interaction the girls had with the Whitecloaks did nothing to dissuade that assumption. All it did was make it stronger, again for good reason. Its not just the eyes or traveling with Aes Sedai (though that is part of the reason, and for them the latter would be enough). Its that they know that he killed some Whitecloaks and that he was working with wolves, which they, and a number of other people, believe are creatures of the Dark One. Iirc Perrin thought they were too for.a while. I dunno maybe I am giving them too much credit, but a part of it is just that I haven't seen them do anything that makes me think they're the worst yet. Unlike the Seanchan where we actually see them doing things that lead to why I hate them. Most of the worst stuff the Whitecloaks have done so far has been offscreen and just told to us rather than shown. This conversation is making me wonder if I could make a reaction thread in the WoT category where I just talk freely as I read along
  21. I don't really recall a time so far where they called someone a Darkfriend without reason. Granted those reasons tend to be bad, like "they did something to insult the Whitecloaks" or just saying someone is guilty by association if they know someone they've accused, but it's still a reason. Ironically, the assumptions that make me the most mad are the ones about the Aes Sedai, the assumptions that everyone agrees with. The Aes Sedai assumptions and accusations really do bug me because I don't feel that a lot of them have much basis other than Aes Sedai using Power, which is some pretty bad basis. They don't make me inherently angry yet unlike the Seanchan. Every time the Seanchan are brought up I get angry, which I don't really get with the Whitecloaks.
  22. The Seanchan are almost as bad as One Piece's Celestial Dragon's for me. Like, they'll have to do some REALLY bad stuff for them to top the Celestial Dragons, since those are the group that I despise the most out of basically anything, but man the Seanchan will definitely be close behind. Most of the Whitecloaks are terrible but I think that part of the reason I don't see them as as bad is because out of all of the named important ones that I know of and can remember, Byar is the only one who I really hate, and he is essentially just a subject. I don't really hate the three leaders I know yet. It takes the hatred out of it when most of the people are nameless mooks, and the named ones aren't the absolute worst thing in existence. Compare that to the Seanchan, who we have way more named characters and there is not a single one so far that isn't absolutely terrible, now THAT is a recipe for some disaster. Another thing might be that I don't really recall seeing the Whitecloaks do too much. Like, sure, they're generally unpleasant and assume that basically everybody against them is a Darkfriend, but as far as I can recall we haven't really seen them do much more than occupy places. We don't see the Questioners go about their work, or see them razing a village of supposed Darkfriends to the ground, while with the Seanchan we see what they do as it happens, we see through the perspective of people victimized by them, and we see the aftermath. The only times we see the Whitecloaks actually do something we know are wrong from my recollection is just when they don't have any way of knowing otherwise. Gonna go into some spoilers up to halfway through Shadow Rising. Man I need to learn when to stop typing lmao
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