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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. The Whitecloaks aren't as contemptible I feel as the Seanchan. I don't like them, they're crazy and way too gung ho about accusing people of being Darkfriends for making one simple mistake, but I actually like the POV characters (other than Byar). The Bornhald's both aren't, like, the complete worst. They're at least somewhat reasonable, what with their dislike of Questioners and their methods among other things. And at least so far they don't seem too eager to jump the gun and accuse people. That might change, but most of the things they do have at least some reason for it at the moment, and they haven't killed anyone yet just because they think they're connected to someone they think is a Darkfriend. Compared to the Seanchan where every second they're on screen, I'm just hoping someone shows up out of nowhere and destroys, like, all of them. As for nobility, there has been almost no serious presence of any other than Morgase and her children, all of which seem pretty cool at the moment. There are the people at Tear but they're not really major yet. I don't like any of them, mind, but they're not completely contemptible yet, and they're easily cowed.
  2. Jordan is really good at writing contemptible pieces of human garbage. Not often do I feel such contemptuous hatred for characters like I do from Ordeith or the Seanchan.
  3. I could have probably put this in another category, thinking about it now it probably doesn't fit here. Whoops
  4. What if they are a Willshapers? As far as we know, there haven't been any recruited Willshapers at Urithiru. What if Kalak or anlother Willshaper sees the capturing of spren as an injustice because theyre not free? Maybe they have a vendetta and have turned rogue like the Skybreakers due to the humans treatment of the Parshmen? And since this is the book of our resident Willshaper Venli, it could be an interesting conflict to have her book also focus on a more rogue faction of her order.
  5. I have been exceptionally fond of Perrin from the outset and that isnt changing anytime soon, especially with her being how she is.
  6. That would be fine if not for her conflict with Perrin halfway through the book. Up to that point she was fine, after that she was just unlikable.
  7. She was fine in the last book. Its in Shadow Rising that she's started being exceptionally annoying.
  8. Oh joy. If she gets even worse thats not gonna be enjoyable. On the bright side, though, it means that I sympathize more with Perrin for having to put up with her.
  9. I've finally gotten back to where I was in Witcher 3 before losing my save data.
  10. Man thinking about it, it's always very obvious that a major character with some sort of mask or helmet is a character you already know. Like, there is no reason to specifically hide someone's face like that if you don't know who they are. I can only think of a few times where that's untrue.
  11. I got C's identity spoiled because of Persona 5, of all things. Spoilers for both below.
  12. The things I missed most in CS are running away from battles 100% of the time, that was just concenient, and being able to beat normally unbeatable bosses and get absurd experience for it
  13. We can also note that the Sleepless will play a big role in Era 4 (unsurprising) and we can assume that they don't have a big role yet in either RoW or Dawnshard, based on how he talks about being excited to write more about them.
  14. Finished Proven Guilty. Yeah that was the best one so far. No contest. Not even Dead Beat was that good if you ask me.
  15. Yeah. I like the Fates kids generally, they're a lot more memorable than a lot of the Awakening kids, but man is the reason for it terrible. It also makes literally every character a terrible parent because nothing says good parenting like Not even mentioning the fact that they're trying to convince me that in the middle of this war, everyone who gets an S Rank gets pregnant, goes through a whole pregnancy, and gives birth, which implies that the war either takes place over years which it very obviously doesn't, or they chilled in an alternate dimension for nine months and given that none of them change in appearance at all that also is obviously not the case. On top of the aforementioned fact that
  16. I have said that every single masked character is Loewe even when it's obviously not true, at least after I knew Loewe existed.
  17. >looks at pfp Hmmm I wonder who it is you're referring to.
  18. Ten bucks says the identity of C is one of those spoilers. Probably Loewe because its always Loewe.
  19. Oh yay. I was thinking I'd have to pay for the playing cards and the Wit coin too to get those. The only thing I need to actually buy past the original pledge is the WoK Prime hardcover
  20. I went with the 50 dollar pledge and just got the survey. I looked at the things being shipped and I noticed all the unlock goals. Do you get them just for backing without paying beyond the initial tier payment or is it just being weird and I still have to add on what I want? I just wanted to confirm that before I sent it in because I really want some of those things.
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