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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Well he's not holding the bird. He's alongside a bird. Two birds in fact, but when I first looked at it I only saw the one above his shoulder. The second one sadly makes me think it's just so he looks more cool Also, wow, that is a big jump in page count. From a bit over 600 pages to over 900.
  2. Starting two books today. Blood Rites and Shadow Rising. On the Dresden side of things, we seem to have a new puppy companion and I love it so much. On the WoT side, I really hope that the image of Mat with a bird on the cover actually means he gets a bird. The only thing better than a small puppy companion is an awesome bird friend.
  3. He's not really changing his voice too much for female characters, mostly just making it a tad softer with a different sort of way of speaking depending on the character, but that doesn't have much to do with it.
  4. I don't really have inherent issue with sexual things, most of the time I don't really care. But in this case its just bugging me more than normal. Maybe its because its an audio book idk
  5. Ironically despite being the one I enjoyed most, it also had the worst example so far of my least favorite aspect of the series. I'm certainly not prudish but I find how sexualized some things in the series can be is unnecessary and don't like how common it is. I was fine with it mostly before now, particularly when it comes to magical entities.
  6. Finished Death Masks, probably the one I enjoyed the most so far. Though I do need to go back and re-listen to the final battle because I didn't take it in well for some reason.
  7. You should know that Fates is regarded as one of if not the worst game in the series and most say its plot is measy
  8. Alright cool. I was just unsure if that was the book saying "Yeah this is the truth" or if it was going to have elaboration. I could have believed either.
  9. Nah your magic won't outpace your regular attack. As for attacks missing I noticed that too. It got better the later in the game I got.
  10. I am most excited for the apparent return of Johnny Marcone. He hasn't been in a book since Fool Moon and the book description talks about a mob boss so most assuredly him.
  11. Once again on the topic of Dresden. Tomorrow I start Death Masks.
  12. Was Brandon inspired by the Forsaken when he came up with the Unmade? I'm getting kind of similar vibes despite their differences
  13. Damnation, so I was late to the party. That explains everything. I might have missed when it was asked in the livestream because I was there.
  14. Ah I see. I didn't know there was more beyond what the video showed, thanks
  15. So at the ComicCon Q&A, Brandon said that Oathbringer didn't have a spren and started talking about the Honorblades afterwards. So the implication is that Oathbringer is an Honorblade. Does this make sense? I certainly can't say I can remember it being implied that Oathbringer was an Honorblade, and that would surely be figured out fairly quickly, but that's the only thing I can think of given the context.
  16. Oh right, on the topic of Dresden, I finished the audio book of Summer Knight last week.
  17. Something occurs to me. On chapter 40 of Dragon Reborn and
  18. To be fair, this stream didn't have too much notable anyway. Some talk about the Mistborn screenplay, showing off some art prints, and Monsters Don't Wear Underpants are the only things of note that I can recall
  19. More Wheel of Time thoughts. Just finished chapter 36.
  20. Makes sense to me.
  21. I read the series. For One Piece specifically that is the only right way. Pacing in the anime is so bad. I'm gonna be honest, I've actually started liking the 4Kids dub. It is terrible, don't get me wrong, but it's also wonderful. There's nothing like taking a man's dying speech about when a person truly dies and having him thank his adopted son for giving him a wonderful life and turning it into "PEOPLE, I AM A DOCTOR!" Truly inspirational.
  22. Who here likes One Piece? It's personally one of my favorite series to ever exist, even beating out the cosmere itself in terms of just how good it is.
  23. Cool, thanks. This will definitely help when I make my decision for whether I should go 10 or 50
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