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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Do we know what the pricing for the add-ons are? Like how much an add-on WoK Prime physical edition or the card pack will be worth individually in the add-on store? Have they said how much most of those would be somewhere or do we just have to wait until the add-on store is unlocked to know?
  2. Oh boy, I am very excited. In Chapter 30 of The Dragon Reborn.
  3. Good, I hope it does. I'm enjoying the series, but man, does seeing these people make such massive mistakes for no little reason and not doing enough to bounce back from it (like Harry himself does, dude makes a lot.of mistakes but his aren't nearly as obvious and he always makes up for it) I can see getting old very quickly.
  4. Finished Grave Peril's audiobook. Can I just say that I'm really sick of every female ally either not being in the book much (pretty much all the ones introduced per book except for Murphy and Susan) or doing stupid things and not listening to Dresden at all (Murphy and Susan). The one werewolf girl from the second book is the only one that is neither. I really hope that the next books have females that actually do things that aren't really stupid and just put them in danger for no reason
  5. CS2 doesn't have school stuff, but 3 will. I think 3 is a lot more brief with all its school visits though even if you do everything and talk to everyone.
  6. What do you mean by that thing? Rean and Alisa have those because they're the two characters billed as the main male and female protagonists. They also have costumes based on Estelle and Joshua, the protagonists of the Sky games.
  7. What about You should just start it up and it'll ask if you want to transfer your data. If it doesn't work dont worry, it'll put you at a reasonable level you just won't get the bonuses
  8. And just think, you've only seen part of the CS centric story. You don't even know Ouroboros yet.
  9. And this is what I meant. Because you looked at the epilogue dragging because the game is supposed to be over instead of seeing it more as its own thing, you seem to have not been very excited about the events that happened afterwards despite them being really big and really great scenes.
  10. Even if it was exclusive, it's just Soul Blur. It's really not a big deal. There are plenty of other options.
  11. Don't worry about that if you don't want to. There are always carry overs from past games to the next one but it's not really exclusive. You can get that stuff later on, it just makes for some free stuff early on. If you're lower than level 70 you get 100 of every sepith, an Attack 1, and a Zeram Powder. 70-79 is 300 of every sepith, Soul Blur and everything else is the same, and at level 80 is 500 sepith and Saintly Force on top of everything else. It's just a question of if you want to get those for early on because you'll get them later in the game regardless. Also, Rean's level will carry over up to level 80
  12. It takes a while. You keep commenting on that but we've already said it takes a while. Don't think of the game as over yet just because you beat the final boss. That;s a good rule of thumb for Trails because it typically has really big stuff happening in its epilogue and it takes a while, especially when a game isn't the final one to an arc. When that big stuff starts happening you're going to feel more underwhelmed and like it less because of how far the game goes after the final boss which is, in your mind, the "ending". Just look at this as an extra chapter meant to set up for CS2 and not a long winded epilogue that you feel is going nowhere, and you will enjoy it a lot more.
  13. So this is something I noticed last night, but for some reason, it won't let me log in on multiple devices. If I log in on one device, it logs me out of the others. Primarily on browser based devices. I log in on my laptop and it logs me out on my desktop and vice versa, though sometimes it also logs me out on my phone. It's very strange.
  14. You're getting close. Things are gonna pick up here soon. But yeah don't expect a Trails game to end quickly after the epilogue. They take a good while to end. CS2 is especially bad about this
  15. Okay yeah, you're right near the end if I'm remembering right. I'm sure the ending will give you the desire to play CS2, because things are gonna ramp up fairly quickly.
  16. Cold Steel 1 and 2 take a long time to end. Neither of them end where you think they will, and 2 goes on for a long time after the final boss.
  17. One can also point to Bridge 4 being the worse because of the "4 Is Death" trope. Basically, in Japanese, how you say 4 is similar to how you say death, so 4 is seen as bad luck over there, and it's a fairly common trope to make something with the number 4 be very deadly.
  18. That is part of it yes. But basically everything in 2 is a reference to Azure.
  19. I should note before you go into 2. A lot of events happening in Azure, the second game of the Crossbell duology, are referenced as a result of the two games happening concurrently and they won't make much sense without playing it. If something is referenced to be going on in Crossbell, then odds are its related to those games. Also the epilogue will mean a lot less if you haven't played Crossbell.
  20. I always forget he's in Ring of Judgement. Then again I dont remember a lot about it Gambler Jack sort of got something in 3rd.
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