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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. The Trails books are relevant to story things generally. Almost every Trails book, at least prior to 3, is related somehow to story things or likely will relate to story things in the future. For example, the first book in the series, Carnelia, introduces both Toval and his partner Ein, well before they're actually both important. CS1 is the first time we've seen Toval in person, but he was introduced in the first book series we have. Red Moon Rose, this games book, also happens to be incredibly important.
  2. Something something won't be used by Aes Sedai
  3. Really? I thought it made sense while I was well into the first book. Way of Kings' prologue confused me more probably on my first read
  4. Well he said Cold Steel. 3rd is really the only exception because you're in a place with no NPCs the whole game.
  5. If you talk to everybody in every game, no, there is no game that cuts down on it.
  6. The joke where Rand, Mat, and Perrin all think that the others are better with girls than they are started out pretty good. Now it's starting to become a bit overused.
  7. I swear that every person who ever plays Trails has technical difficulties with one game and it never comes up ever again. For me, it was CS2 (it just didn't load in models in cutscenes for no reason until I reloaded it was so weird). I've seen people go out of bounds while using the turbo in just a single game, only one game crashing a million times (someone legit dropped one of the games because it crashed at the final boss), its such a weird phenomenon that has been so consistent
  8. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Moiraine, Lan, Egwene, Nynaeve, and maaaaaybe Tam Edit: Also Thom and Padan Fain
  9. Uh I think this is Wheel of Time not Stormlight
  10. I only did Emma's for that one despite doing every other bond event. I liked Emma the best (that's a lie I like Millium best idk why I didn't choose her) and I didnt know choosing nobody would get me Crow and I just sort of didn't want to go through them all.
  11. You know I feel like Brandon was in part inspired by the Aes Sedai when he wrote the Radiant Orders.
  12. Thats very interesting. Moiraine definitely seems like a character that is as important as the TR crew, and Elayne doesn't yet. But I mean, 14 book series. A lot can change from book 3 to book 10 I suppose.
  13. So I have a bit of a theory for the whole of Wheel of Time. I feel like each of the main characters will have a distinct group of people that is, like, their specific enemy. Like they're obviously all enemies, but it'll be more personal for specific characters. My ideas for those at the moment are:
  14. Where are you fighting enemies at? Is it the farthest you can go in the Schoolhouse?
  15. Okay firstly, Scent makes it easier for enemies to notice you so it's a lot harder to sneak up on them. Rean being put in the lead making them run away is, if I recall how CS works correctly, because he can just one shot every enemy meaning he's far more powerful than the rest. And I don't have any idea why Rean should be getting the same amount of experience as everyone else unless you have an experience boost on him. That's never been how Trails works, it's always been the case that higher level party members get less experience and vice versa. I can't really say I noticed anything like that myself
  16. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. It's not like stories don't work from one perspective, people do it all the time.
  17. He is legit the only perspective for 115 and 3/4 pages. And good, I want Elayne POVs. I like her a lot.
  18. On Chapter 9 of The Dragon Reborn. I am thus far very surprised that
  19. I think the straps and Mishy things are probably for different rewards. Just judge for yourself whether or not you want to get it by looking at what the strap thing does. And yeah later games make items like those that can be traded for stuff unmissable, by letting you go almost everywhere freely after a certain point in 2 and giving you a shop at the hub in 3 that sells rare items from places you've already visited
  20. It's not perfect, sure, but it does get the job done. I feel that the complaint you picked out has logic behind it but isn't altogether a big issue, primarily for two reasons.
  21. I'm speedrunning AoT Season 3 because Daniel Greene posted his review of it and I still have yet to watch it
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