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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Yeah don't worry C is very hard. I think I had trouble with it too and I've played five games before this and beat the hardest boss in the series.
  2. He has a ton of truths and is fsr more composed than Shallan. He could just talk about Adonalsium and the Shards and he'd be fine
  3. Wait was the running away not being guaranteed in Crossbell? I thought it was just CS? Also I think I might have actually lowered the difficulty for the C fight.
  4. Yeah, it was so cool and one of my favorite things that the past games did. That and running away from battles 100% of the time no questions asked were absolutely brilliant decisions and the best things I've ever seen in a JRPG. Then CS came along and ruined both of them. Now instead of running from all battles if I was weak and needed to heal or just didn't feel like fighting at the time, I had to try and spam through encounters I ran into and had to use an item to get rid of it. Instead of challenging myself on hard boss fights that I'm not supposed to win (and giving up after the seventh attempt unless your name is Arianrhod), I just had to let myself die because even if I got them down low enough they would just remain at 1 HP and use an instant kill S-Craft immediately. I don't even know why they changed those. They didn't hurt anything
  5. I really hate how CS took away your ability to beat normally unwinnable fights. Like, in Sky and Crossbell, you can beat characters like Lorence and Arianrhod who you're meant to lose against if you know what you're doing and you get a ton of experience for it and often unique dialogue, but starting in CS, all unwinnable fights just can't be beat no matter how hard you try and it sucks. CS gameplay regresses in a lot of ways compared to Sky and Crossbell
  6. I thought the C fight was an unbeatable fight. You can't beat him I don't think.
  7. Don't see why it can't be both. Its not like we have another Willshaper at the moment, and Navani isn't exactly a prime candidate.
  8. I've been playing Raging Loop recently. If you know what Werewolf is, it's that but in a visual novel format and with a time loop. Our main character gets lost in the mountain and comes upon a remote village that is soon after beset by fog. The next morning they wake up to find people dead and he learns that when the fog falls, it starts essentially a game of Werewolf, with some people with special roles working with the normal people hunting down the set number of wolves in their ranks while the wolves kill at night. Its also really smart. The main character, contrary to usual visual novel protagonist norms, is rather intelligent.
  9. The more I think about it the less I feel that the atium change will actually work. If he keeps it in I'll have to see the payoff but it'll have to be really good for me to not think it's a mistake
  10. Last month there was a story trailer for it. I think there was aa reveal trailer before then
  11. NISA already announced that they would be doing it this year even before this
  12. Yeah I was thinking about it being an AU cosmere. It makes sense to me but it still feels like such a massive change. Though I don't suppose I know how it would pay off yet so maybe I should give the benefit of the doubt
  13. Yeah I'm not sure I like that. Its a nice idea on paper, yes, but based on the story we know, it doesn't work. It would completely kill the Atium Allomancer twist in HoA and would make battles with regular Allomancers far more difficult than can really be justified. It just has too many wide sweeping implications and would change far too much I think for it to actually work. That's a massive change.
  14. The thing I find most odd is the bit about the atium stash. Does it refer to the ACTUAL ayium stash or some fake stash? Because if it was the real thing it wouldn't make sense. Other things I find odd is that I thought that Vin seeing and confronting Shan when she was about to kill Elend was her acting on her own to try and save him because she just happened to learn of her plans, rather than it seemingly being a part of the plan.
  15. I just finished The Great Hunt. That was incredible.
  16. Yeah I plan to keep reading. Though whether I finish tonight or tomorrow depends on if I can escape conversations in Discord.
  17. The Great Hunt is making me feel things I'm on chapter 40 and this is not OK I am in hurt.
  18. The Kickstarter isn't up yet so you can't right now.
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