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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. CS is actually the least liked in the fanbase in general. People point to the large cast size not giving certain individual members a chance to shine, the harem shenanigans, the poor modeling compared to the spritework, stuff like that. Its not bad by any stretch, it has some of the best games in the seires, but Sky and Crossbell are both liked so much more. And yeah CS2 is slightly more open world but not much. You get the ability to go wherever around the explorable parts of the kingdom at a certain point, but there's little reason to not go where the plot wants you in most cases.
  2. I doubt the protagonist of Calvard will be an Eight Leaves user. We just got Rean.
  3. I think 100 is max but you're not gonna get there unless you grind. You end the game at a far lower level. And if you want to start CS2 bad now....
  4. Yeah so many Heralds being there is what made me think "You know, this is a big deal, there are a lot of importsnt people here, why not Hoid"
  5. This is true for other series but it fits a lot less in Stormlight I think, especially if we consider the times he isn't onscreen. He does those things from time to time in Stormlight but he's not doing that all the time on Roshar even when he's onscreen. Since he's Wit, he's spending a decent amount of time sitting around and insulting people instead of collecting things or telling stories. Though I suppose that six years ago is different and I shouldn't really apply the actions of Hoid as Wit to a time before he was Wit.
  6. Another that I've thought of for a while is that our main ten will take over for the Heralds and make a new Oathpact and that will cause the timeskip, though in the case of Taln and Ash obviously they would just be keeping their roles
  7. But has Hoid said he is actively avoiding Odium seeing him? I believe that he would do that, but has Hoid ever said that he is actively avoiding his presence being known by Odium? Especially since he is in his most conspicuous role as Wit, which means he's on the Shattered Plains for a lot of the war even if not in battle.
  8. Have we had any word or hints that Hoid is at Gavilar's assassination? I feel like that would be something he would be just chilling at.
  9. Considering his friends are all powerful gods now who are currently killing each other, going crazy, being killed and/or are already dead, or are otherwise out of general reach....... Safe to say he isn't exactly going out having drinks with Tanavast anymore.
  10. Why is this on the Stormlight board? Why isn't it on the Cosmere general board? Surely discussion will be more interesting that way
  11. Going through The Great Hunt, currently on chapter 17, and wow. If I'm right about this thought I have, this twist is insanely obvious.
  12. Like I said, all the Sky games are on Steam and you have to play the Crossbell games on PC regardless since they are yet to be released in English officially. If you're worried that your PC isn't strong enough, it probably is. I think they're really low intensity due to the artstyle, since it's sprites instead of models.
  13. The titles are Trails in the Sky FC, SC, and Third, Trails from Zero, and Trails to Azure. The Sky games are all on Steam, the Crossbell games, Zero and Azure, are not localized but there are fan translations for them. Needless to say those are PC. As for it going back to the old Nintendo days, the Trails series in specific does not. The Legend of Heroes games before they were given the Trails moniker are, but the Trails games have never been on a Nintendo console until Cold Steel 3 on Switch. Until the Switch, they were released exclusively on PC and Playstation.
  14. Also you should know, Cold Steel 2 goes deep with references to events in the Crossbell games, and CS3 and 4 are full of characters and references to both Sky and Crossbell. So that's fun.
  15. They're around the same time. Other than CS1/2 and Zero/Azure, none of thrm take place concurrently, but they're never more than a year or two apart from the next game. We don't know anything about the world outside of Zemuria. All games take place in Zemuria, with Sky taking place in Liberl and Crossbell taking place in..... well, Crossbell. Zemuria is pretty big, though we have never seen farther than a tiny part of Calvard, and Erebonia is at the edge of the continent. There is a lot beyond Calvard. None set in the dark ages, FC is the first game in the continuity and its only a few years before CS happens.
  16. Another fun fact: That scene at the castle is related to a character that appears in an earlier entry of the series.
  17. I think it's because we're trying not to discuss too much to prevent us from spoiling you.
  18. Something you should know. Cassius Bright id actually from the Sky series. He is the father of the main character Estelle.
  19. I can't say I remember focusing too much on speed ever, except on some characters that I made dodge tanks just because the two had a lot of overlap
  20. I was in a conversation on Discord. We were talking about seriee about superheroes that weren't in the usual formats (mostly anime), and I brought up Steelheart. Someone else there asked if I had read any more of his works, and I said that I hadn't but was meaning to. Then he started talking about the cosmere and I got intrigued. I knew that Stormlight Archive was a thing for a few years and was planning on reading it some day, but I didn't know it was part of something that big. Then we started talking in private, he gave me a recommended reading order, and a few weeks later, I picked up Mistborn.
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