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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. Finally finished Eye of the World after half a year.
  2. Ah you've finally met C. Also known as my favorite Cold Steel character.
  3. I'm not sure what you're referring to when you ask what arc, but its either the upcoming game Hajimari which is standalone, not part of an arc (tho CS and Crossbell are required) or CS 4 depending on what it is.
  4. I see. That makes sense. I was just thinking in a more pragmatic "Transportation is useful for Hoid" without considering the oaths
  5. Why did Hoid bond with a Cryptic beyond it being a convenient spren to get due to Elhokar's death? You'd think he's try to bond an Inkspren since he already has lightweaving (Yolish Lightweaving, yes, but still lightweaving), and being an Elsecaller would give him a convenient means to jump between Realms since, as far as I'm aware, he currently doesn't have an innate way to go between Realms so he has to rely on the Perpindicularities, and it would be far more convenient for him to have some sort of ability to let him do it himself.
  6. I disagree with Wazy for magical attacker. Wazy is the best evasion tank before Kurt, and even if its practically required to use him as magic in the Ari fight to win consistently, he's not as good at it as most of the dedicated magical attackers. Especially since Renne exists and is literally the best magical attacker in the series. I would also bring up Emma as better than Kloe in pure damage (Kloe is better overall due to how good she is as a healer but Emma does a lot more damage).
  7. Yeah I kept using Brave on Laura for CS1. But come 2, I was Tauros all the way
  8. The handicap actually gets bigger as it levels up. But, at least in CS2, the delay is so negligible that its hardly an excuse not to use it. She gets to the point where she can almost one shot random encounters by herself and on the off chance she doesn't, Rean can easily clean up with a Gale. On bosses she does so much damage with Tauros that needing to wait a few extra turns to get her to attack again haddly hurts. But thats based on CS2, I never used it in 1
  9. That is the overpowered Quartz. In CS1 its really good. In CS2 it literally breaks the game in half. Laura with Tauros in CS2 is a storming monster. She is outright the best physical attacker in the series other than maybe Richard in 3rd.
  10. Meanwhile I'm still on Eye of the World almost half a year later. Though now I'm focusing on reading it and getting through a chapter most every night. I really should sit down one of these days and just start binge reading. I need to stop buying new games :/
  11. I got it, as did my friend. The issue on my side was my using a phone, since the moment I tried it on desktop it worked. I don't know what was up with my friend though. He got the same error despite being on a computer from the start.. I ended up redeeming it for him on my computer.
  12. I actually don't think I've ever seen anybody who was surprised by that. Even my friend, who never played anything before CS, literally figured it out immediately because Alisa got her introduction and said where she was from and then Machias was like
  13. Was he in Ring of Judgement? I read that before doing Crossbell and I don't remember him in it.
  14. Uh guys? Does anybody know about the error I was talking about earlier? I kinda don't want to miss out on this, and a friend of mine who hasn't read the series is having the same trouble.
  15. Three of those people are extremely notable for appearing in or being referenced in other games. Baron Bleublanc, the blond haired man at the end, and most important of all, everyone's favorite NPC Anton, all appear in past games. Though this is the blonde haired man's first physical appearance, he is in the Carnelia books, and also talked about by Carnelia herself when she is met.
  16. Am I the only one getting an error trying to redeem WoK? Like I'm trying to sign up for the newsletter but uts giving an error message
  17. Typically balanced characters in Trails aren't great (for instance, when Estelle, the Sky main character, becomes a regular non required party member in 3rd, due to her balanced playstyle of being able to be either magic or physical, she was often overshadowed by the other choices that did one thing REALLY well.) In Trails oftentimes I find myself using the absolute most powerful at what they do. I typically have a pure magic user, an evade tank, and usually two physical damage dealers, but one of them is the main.
  18. Started FF7R, been trying to get back into Witcher 3, also bought Doom 2016 and Steamworld Dig 2, neither of which I played, and God of War 3 Remastered, Okami on Switch, and Spider-Man PS4, all three of which I've played, but I also got the DLC with Spider-Man, which I haven't played
  19. Also, if you want to know a really overpowered tactic. The Master Quartz (that you probably don't have yet) Tauros on Laura. In CS1 its strong, but in CS2 it makes her absolutely busted. Add that onto the Domination Quartz, which deals 100% extra damage for the first basic attack or Crafg, and a whole ton of regular attack Quartz, and Laura becomes just about the best party member in the series other than maybe Renne in 3rd. She literally made regular encounters trivial because all I had to do was use one Craft with her and she won.
  20. No. The slots you see are the slots you have the whole game. Don't worry, its not as restrictive as it seems. You'll need to make choices about what you want to sacrifice for something else, but you're not gonna be hurting for more options.
  21. The time limit for the dungeons is kind of meaningless, just do it as soon as you can. And you generally have enough time to hang out with everyone, especially if you make good use of the mechanics. Its not really something I would worry about. As for changes, there are quite a few. There's are two entirely new Confidants, one of whom is a new party member, one of the Confidants is heavily reworked and isn't progressed with the story like it was in the original game, there are new combat mechanics, some of the mechanics of combat were reworked, some of the Confidants have changed or entirely new abilities, and the big one: There's a whole new dungeon after the original final boss adding about two extra months to gameplay (also the new antagonist is one of the best in Persona by far). Those are the big things. There are other smaller things here and there as well.
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