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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. The problem here is we haven't seen very much of many of the shards. We've only really had any significant amount of screentime with Ruin, Odium, and Harmony. Honor's got a couple of scenes, but not much (though if you count the Stormfather as Honor, then there's a lot more to work with there), Preservation has the problem that we never see him when he's lucid, because in Secret History we only see him when he's dying so he's not exactly stable personality wise, we had one scene of Cultivation, and any others we've only seen through letters and descriptions by Khriss and WoB. To answer the question, it's Harmony easily just because he was a main character in Era 1. Though I will say I have immense intrigue in Autonomy.
  2. Yeah, it's just foreshadowing. Oathbringer has something similar, where there's subtle foreshadowing that an epigraph is not written by who we assume
  3. I'm sure most of you know about the Kaladin soundtrack by The Black Piper. I was wondering if we knew if there was gonna be a soundtrack like that for Words of Radiance or Oathbringer in the future.
  4. I wonder if all of the fourth Oaths will end up being acknowledgement of their weaknesses? Like, if the Windrunner's is an acknowledgement of being unable to save everyone, I wonder if they're all going to be similar in that regard and be a "weakness"
  5. I think the Edgedancer Fourth Ideal can be worded better as "I will protect those that nobody else is willing to". "Protecting those in need" is the Windrunner thing. Protecting those that nobody else will is an Edgedancer thing, considering their oaths are all about helping people that nobody else will. Funny, I don't remember any Willshapers in Oathbringer
  6. I knew that was there, I just don't really know any tags and I didn't want to search through a million of them for a question that may not have even been asked yet. Thanks for the response though
  7. Aluminum is very much an anti-Investiture metal, considering that no Allomancy can affect it and Nightblood can't cut through it (since his sheath is made of the stuff). So theoretically, if you wore a suit of aluminum, would it negate a Blade strike like how Shardplate would?
  8. I mean, isn't Cultivation better at future sight than Odium? It's entirely possible that he could believe the Diagram is the path to his own victory, not knowing that Cultivation has planted her own designs in there.
  9. It's not too big of an assumption. She can see the future well, she's meddled before with her designs on Dalinar, it does make sense.
  10. I honestly think it's one of the most fascinating things in Stormlight. I can't even begin to consider where it'll end up going. I keep thinking "What if this is part of the plan, is this actually a deviation or was it planned all along", it's great. Could Cultivation have had a part in Taravangian creating the Diagram? Is Taravangian working with Odium a major part that will lead to Odium's downfall? Is the Diagram even finding a path to stopping Odium? Is it a path towards Odium's victory? This is why I shouldn't think about complicated things at two in the morning.
  11. Yeah, I browse those when I think of something, but it doesn't always have an answer, at which point I pose questions here
  12. As the others said, these answers are given at a later point in time.
  13. I would guess that the time right before the Recreance, there was only one, since the Stormfather and Nightwatcher aren't dead (assuming they work the same as other spren), and the Stormfather seems very protective of the third one. If the third spren was dead, or almost died but lost his Bondsmith right before (like what happened with Syl), I could believe that he would be so protective that he wouldn't even tell Dalinar who it is.
  14. I always loved Kelsier, tbh. Even after TFE, he was always a strong contender for my favorite character, with Sazed being the only one to overtake him basically the whole time. As of now, I don't really know where I'd rank him, Vin, and Elend (they would be the next three after Sazed, I just don't know where they would rank compared to one another).
  15. How could I forget about the scene in Secret History where That scene was so good and I completely neglected to mention it.
  16. What about Rashek? Wasn't he nigh-on immortal due to compounding Gold? Or is Resonance different from Compounding?
  17. In Words of Radience, after Eshonai becomes Stormform, many Parshendi who did not want to take on Stormform ended up fleeing into the Shattered Plains. Did we ever get any information on what happened to them, either from a WoB or in the books themselves? I know Eshonai said that they would likely die in a Highstorm before actually doing anything, but a Chekhov's Gun like that is just begging to be fired.
  18. Poor Szeth. Yeah, I figured that the Oathpact was the reason, at least, why they didn't bond any spren despite the fact that they would be stronger and more cost-effective with their Stormlight and why Honor created the Honorblades for them.
  19. I see. I considered Szeth a Windrunner in WoR, even after learning that his powers came from the Honorblade rather than a spren, and I attributed that to the Heralds as well (particularly considering that they led the Orders before they left, so it would be a good assumption that they would be considered a part of their respective Orders). I suppose I was just mistaken in that assumption.
  20. But would they not still be considered Bondsmiths, even if they weren't properly bonded to a spren? I guess it could mean only proper Bondsmiths, but I would personally still consider someone holding Ishar's Honorblade as a Bondsmith. But at that point, it's just fussing over details
  21. I actually reported both of them already after looking around a bit for a button to delete the topic
  22. Oh no why did it triple post how do I delete these
  23. So, there can only be three Bondsmiths, bonded to the Stomfather, the Nightwatcher, and one other related to them. Makes sense, until you consider the Honorblades. There should be an Honorblade for Bondsmith as well, so why did they say there can only ever be three in existence when there can, in fact, be four?
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