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Everything posted by aneonfoxtribute

  1. It felt to me like, in spite of Hrathen being ultimately a good guy in the end, the story was still trying to portray the religion itself as evil, what with everyone but Hrathen saying it was evil. Perhaps by the end, with the "'My issue is with Wyrn, not God" line was meant to create a shift there, but it felt like it was meant to be seen as evil up to that point. I do understand what you're saying, though
  2. Is that from a WoB? I don't recall this at all Edit: The next comment answered that, alright then
  3. When I read Elantris, one of my biggest problems with it was Shu-Dereth. Sanderson wanted to portray it as a religion of evil, which would be fine, except he forgot to actually make it a religion of evil. Throughout the book, I was constantly thinking "Okay, when am I gonna get a reason to actually dislike Shu-Dereth", and it never came until the end of the book. Even Fjordell as a whole, I didn't really dislike going through the book, because I didn't see many reasons TO dislike it. Everything that it did to try and make me dislike Fjordell or Shu-Dereth just made me hate Wyrn as an individual, instead of the whole. Yes, they destroyed Duladel, but I still never saw the religion as being evil. The fact that we only see two real practitioners of Shu-Dereth (At least that I can recall), one of them being probably the most likeable and charismatic character in Elantris, and the other being noted by the former to be absolutely insane, doesn't really help that. I dunno, I just feel like he could have done more to try and make me see Shu-Dereth as evil.
  4. So I assume each world will have its own unique way to achieve immortality. We already know a few, such as having enough Breath, becoming an Elantrian, and combining Allomancy and Feruchemy. We also know that Roshar has to have something like that, since the Heralds are immortal (assuming that their immortality is unrelated to the Oathpact). I really like his systems because you can see the common threads, which makes sense because it really is just one system that just manifests differently where you are.
  5. Oh, I've recalled another scene I particularly enjoy. From The Way of Kings, the only seen to make me almost cry,
  6. Favorite scene, eh? (I don't know if spoilers are allowed here, so I'll mark them) Hmmm... I always liked the chapter in Hero of Ages where Other good scenes are, from Warbreaker, From The Final Empire From the Hero of Ages From Oathbringer From Words of Radiance And from Elantris Also, just about any scene where Kaladin says Words. They're all awesome. (Also I really wish there was a way to preview messages, I don't know how this is gonna turn out, so if it looks horrible, my apologies)
  7. Is there some element inherent in worldhopping that can make you immortal, or a way to travel through time? I've been thinking about this for a while, and upon researching stuff at Coppermind, I couldn't see any reference to it. Discounting Hoid, we see Khriss both during the time of Mistborn Era 1 and Era 2 and she doesn't seem to have aged a day, let alone died, in the three hundred years like a normal human.
  8. Hello there, I am aneonfoxtribute (people call me Neon oftentimes), and I just caught up with cosmere, finishing Oathbringer on the 6th. My favorite characters from each series are Hrathen, Sazed, Wayne (I knew I forgot something, it was Era 2) Kaladin, Lightsong, and Kenton. My favorite series are Mistborn Era 1 and Warbreaker, and my least favorite are Elantris and White Sand. My favorite power system is Allomancy and my least favorite is AonDor. Yes, I have a bias towards Mistborn. Ask me any questions you like
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