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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. We should implement the Boule.

    Fadran, what the heck is that?

    The Athenian Council of 500, of course.

    ...Yes. And that is?


    Oh gods -

    Athens was among the first societies to use a democratic structure for their government. It was early and flawed, of course (i.e. only men could vote/hold power), but a number of their systems still hold up today. For example:

    The Ekklesia: Athens was a city-state, so most of the people were condensed within the walls of the city. To make decisions about war stuff and electing magistrates, any citizen* could just show up to where everyone was meeting a cast a vote.

    That system is literally just an election: we all know how those work. Show up and get a say. We've basically kept and repurposed that system for modern-day things (such as the fact that - gasp - women and black people are human beings too).

    They also had:

    A Jury System: Also pretty simple! When someone did a naughty, the city would randomly select one hundred people to act as the jury. The defendant would state their case (there weren't any attourneys back then) and the jurors would all vote either to condemn or to free.

    Also how our jury system works nowadays, though with several noticeable differences (only twelve people serving as jurors, legal requirement for a lawyer, etc.)

    Nice, nice. Can you explain what this Boule thing is now?

    The Boule consisted of five hundred citizens serving a one-year term, who each had one vote in day-to-day issues and decisions. There were fifty citizens from each of Athens' ten tribes, who would determine the agendas to pass by the Ekklesia in addition to investigating officials and even other council members. Eventually the members were even paid for their service in order to expand the powers to the poorer classes.

    But what makes this system so unique is that every single member was selected at random.

    Dear gosh, that sounds like a terrible idea. And you want to bring it back?

    Just think about it for a second! I know I'm probably not supposed to talk much about politics here, but I think I speak for all of us when I say our current government is a complete mess on both and all sides. The design to allow people to change their circumstances by work and perseverance has ultimately backfired, giving power only to people who can afford to spend millions on campaigns or take charge of massive megacorporations. We've very efficiently engineered a society where a whole bunch of old, white men make decisions for what is supposed to be the most diverse nation in the world.

    Most people are good people. Most folks just keep to themselves and don't stick their noses into other peoples' business. Most of the people you know and love are just normal, with a normal perspective of the world and a normal set of opinions. So to make a normal society for normal people, it makes sense that what you need are normal decisions made by normal human beings. I guarantee you that five hundred average joes can make better decisions than ten exorbitantly rich politicians with corporate backing and skeletons in the closet.

    Yeah, okay, but won't that still mostly just give power to white people?

    That's the thing though. The Boule selected fifty members each from the ten tribes, so why don't we do the same? Select a set amount of people from various demographics (white, black, mexican, asian-american, etc.) to represent each equally?

    That sounds like you're giving minorities more of a - - - okay, nevermind, yeah, that makes sense.

    Glad I convinced you, totally real person typing in italics.

    'Til next time, this has been 

    Fadran With a Lot of Opinions




    (And, uhh... apologies to the non-americans here, hehe).

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    2. danex



      I never said that the five hundred average joes were all politically informed, but they're not all going to be idiots.

      Yeah I think they definitely should be politically informed =P

      it sorta removes the whole idea of democracy too. I’d much rather have voted for someone to represent me than have some random guy in my neighborhood represent me. 

      wait isn’t this just the house of representatives but without voting

      (also 500 people is way too small of a number to get an accurate representation of the american populace’s interests if your randomly selecting them, but go too much higher and it becomes too cumbersome to actually do any legislating.)

      if we maybe had different boules at different levels of government…but then again that’s still just a house of representatives minus the democracy

      i think boules could be really successful at like, local level government. like medium sized cities. like the original greek city states. any higher and i doubt it would work well. like, the population of ancient athens was only around 200k people. 

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran


      I wasn't talking about Athens. What decides which demographic groups get representatives and which don't?

      Hmm... I suppose the lineage of kings wouldn't work here.

      Sounds like a problem for the Census Bureau, honestly.


      Yeah I think they definitely should be politically informed =P

      it sorta removes the whole idea of democracy too. I’d much rather have voted for someone to represent me than have some random guy in my neighborhood represent me. 

      wait isn’t this just the house of representatives but without voting

      (also 500 people is way too small of a number to get an accurate representation of the american populace’s interests if your randomly selecting them, but go too much higher and it becomes too cumbersome to actually do any legislating.)

      if we maybe had different boules at different levels of government…but then again that’s still just a house of representatives minus the democracy

      i think boules could be really successful at like, local level government. like medium sized cities. like the original greek city states. any higher and i doubt it would work well. like, the population of ancient athens was only around 200k people. 

      See, you'd think the people wouldn't be informed at all, but here we are summoning random folks to do jury duty. Normal people are capable of making good decisions.

      (500 people is kinda small. We can change that)

      I still think it's a good idea. We can agree to disagree here.

    4. Telrao


      America in the 1700's: Let's make an experimental system of Government and see how it works out!
      America 300 years later: Gosh wow wonder why our government is so messed up!

      Ah, we love politics!

      Maybe there could be special Baby Boules for each State, then the Grand Boule for the whole of America! *cough* I use exclamation marks too much.

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