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About Koloss17

  • Birthday December 27

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    TheCosmerian-feel free to dm!
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  • Member Title
    F-tin overlord
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  • Location
    Northern Virginia, US (Timezone: EST)
  • Interests
    Books, insects, magic the gathering, books, cats, puns, books, Greek Mythology, books

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  1. First question!

    if you were to face Adolin riding on a chasmfiend with malicious intent, what would you do to defeat him?

    you can use any sort of obscure use of a cosmere object or strange use of a magic system to defeat him, but otherwise, just use your Hands.

    SA spoilers that will help, but is not necessary for your verdict.


    You are not allowed to make him crap himself, for he is in full sharplate, and you don’t want to make it a fourth time, do you?


    1. Scout_Fox


      Take a spare sphere, roll it right in front of the chasmfiend as they charge, cause it to trip (yes it was just the right angle don't worry about it just being crushed :P), watch Adolin get pinned under it's weight, sit down next to him and eat a ham sandwich in victory :D

    2. Koloss17


      Nice one! My brother thought of this one:

      use a shard bullet (spren turned into bullet) to kill the chasmfiend, then get some instant noodles and give it to Shallan. She will of course want Adolin’s opinions on the noodles, and will force Adolin to stop the fight to try some.

      I don’t know which one I like more, frankly.

    3. Scout_Fox


      Lol I'ma go with that one just for the instant noodles! 11/10 creativity right there :P

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