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About Koloss17

  • Birthday December 27

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    TheCosmerian-feel free to dm!
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  • Member Title
    F-tin overlord
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  • Location
    Northern Virginia, US (Timezone: EST)
  • Interests
    Books, insects, magic the gathering, books, cats, puns, books, Greek Mythology, books

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  1. Second one!

    If a character lost its memory and it got replaced with another character’s memories, which two characters do you want to swap memories?

    1. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      okay, two answers. First, Vin and Daliner, because I want to see VIN leading the radients, and I'm sure Daliner will kick chull in Vin's body.

      Other suggestion is Elend and Daliner, who are similar enough that I don't think any problems would arise and we'd get to see them adapt to their situation. Elend and the stormfather would get along nicely, and Daliner will still kick chull and love being dictator.

    2. Scout_Fox


      Ooh good answers @Aspiring Writer! I'll add just for the memes that a Jasnah, Kaladin swap would be kinda hilarious too. Jasnah as a scruffy, brawny, bridgeman leading Bridge 4 would be terrifying and a moody, angry, and unruly Kaladin as a very proper Lady would be sight to behold!

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Dude, they would try and kill each other once they find out what happened. 

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