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About Koloss17

  • Birthday December 27

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    TheCosmerian-feel free to dm!
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  • Member Title
    F-tin overlord
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  • Location
    Northern Virginia, US (Timezone: EST)
  • Interests
    Books, insects, magic the gathering, books, cats, puns, books, Greek Mythology, books

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  1.  if you could dub any animal in the cosmere a truthwatcher, which one would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Scout_Fox


      Bagels are eternal. Everyone loves bagels, so everyone eats bagels. But a bagel cannot be destroyed, it can merely be transformed. After undergoing some minor decomposition it is reformed into a bagel. It never dies because it was never living in the first place. The infinite consciousness of the bagel lives on through generations, allowing it plenty of time to pursue the concept of truth and to study, making it the perfect Truthwatcher.

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      ... guys, I think Scout Fox might not be a fox

    4. Scout_Fox
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