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About Koloss17

  • Birthday December 27

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    TheCosmerian-feel free to dm!
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  • Member Title
    F-tin overlord
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  • Location
    Northern Virginia, US (Timezone: EST)
  • Interests
    Books, insects, magic the gathering, books, cats, puns, books, Greek Mythology, books

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  1. if you were to launch a cow to the moon using the metallic arts, how would you do it?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      No, it was in an F-Tin thread. I believe whether or not you could Store perfect pitch 

    3. Koloss17


      Ah. A good place to begin in my epic saga. You should’ve seen my F-nicrosil obsession when I first joined. I had to know how it works. Now it seems, there are still people looking. I’ve kinda given up. I’ve learned stuff and I think it is all there is to learn. Will that happen with F-tin? Prolly not. There is a lot more you can do with it.

    4. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      have a feeling both will be interested in application.

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