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About Koloss17

  • Birthday December 27

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    TheCosmerian-feel free to dm!
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  • Member Title
    F-tin overlord
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    Northern Virginia, US (Timezone: EST)
  • Interests
    Books, insects, magic the gathering, books, cats, puns, books, Greek Mythology, books

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  1.  If you were to blast one person in the cosmere with the almighty power of the almighty and secretly hope they survive, which character would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      @Doomstick A nightblood blackhole versus a Sel, the sentient planet. Wonder who will win? (Nightblood, clearly!) 

    3. Doomstick



      Jasnah. She'd have a trouble time explaining that.

      That would be pretty easy, she knows Shards exist, so she would probably attribute it to a Shard.

    4. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Well, not exactly. She knows there are powerful beings that are considered gods in their religion, but she doesn't really know what a shard is. That would need a bit more cosmere awareness.

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