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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. hmmmmm. What role do you want this character to do? What are they doing here in the Alleyverse? What revenge does he seek? Additionally, I feel that you can explore their merits a bit more. Of course they have their main magics as things they are good at, but what else?
  2. Perses, The Mistwarrens, Coppercloud Inn. After a few hours at the Inn, Perses had learned a great deal. This was certainly a gang owned territory, with various transactions happening at any given time. There were currently 30 people in the building, with at least ten metalborn present, one of which being a twinborn. There also appeared to be some other magic user, but Perses didn't know of what. They weren't a radiant, but that was all he knew. The safe itself did not seem to be guarded. In fact, Perses suspected that he was the only one in the building that knew about it. He supposed that it wouldn't need to be guarded if nobody knew it was there. Now all he needed to do was wait. The irritating buzz of the streetlamps had not yet begun, but once they do, he will begin his heist. Though he doesn't care, others tend to find it quite a bit more difficult to find a criminal at night.
  3. Imo, you’re good. However, folks appreciate not reanimating dead threads, but I don’t know how that stands with this thread.
  4. You might want to put this in the collaboration thread if you’re looking to RP with someone. I’d advise giving them some idea of your character and what they would be interested in. If there’s someone else that wants to converse with you, you folks can coordinate how that will go down.
  5. Ohhhhh gotcha. He’s just good at fashioning stamps, but isn’t pushing the boundaries on the theory. Gotcha gotcha. Thatnks for the clarification!
  6. Also, @Ookla the Prehistoric, that is some powerful soul stamping you got there. Are those universal soul stamps? How powerful is your forger?
  7. @Ookla of Ravens reminder to put name, general location, and exact location on your first post or so, just so folks have an idea where you are.
  8. Hmmmmmmm. It is certainly an interesting theory! I’m not sure there’s a whole lot of evidence for it, but it would make some degree of sense! I mean, Duralumin stores Connection, and Aluminum stores Identity, so I don’t see why there can’t be a metalmind that stores Intent. However, it would be a bit odd that it would be in a different section than those two. Though, I suppose Intent is a bit more of a cognitive thing. However, F-Electrum is a hybrid metal. Now admittedly, we don’t really know what exactly constitutes a hybrid metal, past being a mix of two realms. So it’s certainly not out of the question!
  9. I’m not exactly sure what you mean by that, but as long as your character is interesting and complex, you won’t be hearing complaints from me. Putting care and detail into your character is really the foundation of what makes the Alleyverse tick. Given that there is rarely a central goal or guided plot for the characters to maneuver, a whole lot of the roleplaying comes from character interactions. And if there is a cookie cutter boring character, it will be hard to have a good experience. Best of luck! If you are wondering how to join in on the fun, feel free to ask in the chat thread or collaboration thread.
  10. Hmmmmmm. Well, how about this? This character doesn’t look to be particularly problematic in any sense, so all in all, I don’t have much to worry about when it comes to power level. It seems you are persistent, and quite set on this character. My only concern is that if you don’t have a very fleshed out character, you are more likely to give up on it. Which isn’t the worst thing, but it does get awkward if you are RPing with someone, and all of a sudden, you stop using that character. However, you said that you came from Sanderson Elimination RPGs, yeah? If that’s the case, I trust that you have the roleplaying experience to make it work. Sonyr is approved, with the stipulation that I want to see them be more than just a personality, and actually get some complexity in there when you get down to roleplaying. This seems a whole heck of a lot more detailed than it was before. However, I still wonder about how they got to bond a spren, and how they seemed to fit the spren’s ideals. What is the spren like? And what happened to their brother? Now, some of these might be an intentional mystery, and I totally get that. However, a bit of detail can go a long way. I just need you to get thinking about this character and what they are like. They seem to be quite a wreck of emotions, and are likely holding on to a whole lot of trauma, about a whole lot of various things. How do you plan on factoring that into playing your character? Will those emotional scars hinder their relationships with others, and to what extent? Does his spren lessen or accentuate those problems? Once you give me a little bio on their spren, with name, history, personality, and how they met and bonded your character (none of these things need to be particularly long), I will almost certainly approve it.
  11. Perses, Coppercloud inn, the mistwarrens. Perses walked into the inn, wearing his blinder’s glasses. He wore a standard coat, not his mistcoat. He had been told this one was brown. The inn smelled…cheap. Like something his younger self would have roomed in. It smelled of cigarette smoke, grease, and a faint scent of mold. However, the most obvious scent was that of the desk clerk’s perfume. The woman seemed nice. She had a friendly disposition, wearing what sounded to be a soft velvety coat. She seemed almost too nice for this place. Something seemed off… Perses tapped his bronze-sensemind. The woman had a distinct pulse radiating from her. Of course, Perses thought. A soother. Carefully scanning the area, he searched for other magic at play. Dimming his tapping, the woman stopped pulsing. Turns out the inn lived up to its name. One of the things few seekers get to recognize is copper’s pulse. Contrary to what most think, it does exist. Perses felt it gently pulsing over him as he pushed his senses further, searching for its source. The source appeared to be a man, a floor up. There was a real possibility of other Allomancers in this building. Perses needed to be careful. ”Hello, sir. Would you like a room?” It seemed Perses had zoned off again. Great. Well, it seemed clear that this wasn’t going to be an easy trip if he didn’t want to cause another scene. And given that his visit to the ironworks used up more of his tinminds than he had expected, he wanted this to be a fairly bloodless job. “I would love to. Do you have one available?”
  12. Perses, The Corridor, Perses' flat. Perses woke up, and tapped tin. Nobody near. Perses began to move. Storing his senses, Perses got dressed. His touchmind was rarely used nowadays, but it was invaluable for getting dressed. He was no stylist, but he certainly didn't want to stand out. Downing his vials, Perses began to plot. Coppercloud Inn, eh? Shouldn't be too difficult. He just hoped things wouldn't get out of hand.
  13. And to not scare you folks off: it does not have to be a long post by any means. Just think of it in more of a book writing sense than a play writing sense, and you will be most of the way there. There really doesn’t have to be all that much. If you give a bit of description to what you deem necessary, and bit of inner dialogue, and you’ll be just fine. At times, only a single paragraph will suffice. The thing that’s fun, for me at least, is to test your inner author, and to clash and blend with others’ inner author. However, in the end, it boils down to what is the most fun way for you to roleplay, while still keeping it interesting for whoever you are RPing with.
  14. @Ookla the Prehistoric and @Ookla the Believer, a quick note: we often try to discourage such a brief message in era threads, as it leads to an oversaturation of posts. I completely understand the need for a conversation to be held between characters, but it is often useful to add more than just a single line of dialogue to your post. Give some inner monologue of your character, or what they see as they interact with this character. Additionally, unlike regular conversation, you can easily ask multiple questions or lines of dialogue before the other person responds. An excellent example is me and Ookla of Whimsy’s conversation, where we tackled a lot in a single exchange. I dove into my character’s current mood, a bit of characterization, a hint of their madness, and how they interact with the world, on top of their initial thoughts on Asylum. @Ookla of whimsy, on the other hand, dove heavily into their character’s backstory, along with giving a taste of what their character is like, so that the rest of us know what to expect when interacting with them. Keep in mind: as @Ookla the Glossy said, this is much more like collaborative fan fiction than a standard TTRPG. Though a simple back and forth conversation would be quite normal in a game like Dungeons & Dragons, or even the Mistborn RPG, things are different here. There is not dungeon master to give a taste for the scenery or ambiance; that’s our collective mission. We form the story together, without a clear leader. That’s the core of what makes the Alleyverse so cool. It’s a challenge for sure, but I think it is a fun one. You two haven’t done anything per se, it’s just not the norm for this type of Roleplay. If you want more than just me and Ookla of Whimsy’s conversation, go check out the Era 6 threads. There are absolutely shining examples there, made by so many Sharders. best of luck, and most importantly, have fun!
  15. This is certainly a start! You certainly have an idea going. However, for me to approve it, it would need to be much more in depth. As is, I have no concept of this character’s personality, history, description, goals, or what makes him special. To me, all of this could fit under the concept bullet point. What was their childhood like? Why are they the way they are now? What are they like in general? Who was part of their crew, and why was that crew formed? How did they join their crew? How did they end up bonding their spren? What is their spren like? Does their spren have a name? There are so many questions that I have about this character, and that comes with just fleshing your character out. The character discussion thread is a great way to help with ideas, and in addition to that, you are free to PM me if you are looking for guidance on character creation. This is an interesting idea, though! Keep at it!
  16. This person truly was peculiar. Then again, Perses was the one with spikes in their eyes. “I have recently made some, in fact. Unfortunately, it is a one man job. With any luck, I’ll find what I’ve been looking for.” Perses, finally coming to himself, began to think. He has likely been causing quite a ruckus recently, but hadn’t spent the time to find out. “Actually,” Perses said to Asylum,” I have a job for you. Could you see if I have made waves in the city yet? And report back on who’s tracking my actions.” Though that was his goal, Perses needed to be cautious. He wanted attention, but not from the wrong people. There were forces in this city that Perses did not want to anger.
  17. Perses sighed. "How?-- you know what? Don't worry about it." Asylum had the reputation of appearing out of nowhere. Perses barely even saw them coming. They smelled distinctly of garlic and salt, and had what appeared to be a small horseshoe in their back pocket. They were strange, but for good reason. As Asylum explained, they were superstitious, and any omen they witness becomes manifest. They were a valuable person to have around, but Perses gave them quite a bit of leeway, as he frankly wanted to deal with Smedry as little as possible. "Well, I'm certain these folk won't be using their money any time soon. I have no use for the coins they possess." Previously, Perses might have checked their pockets. However, with iron, acquiring coins has hardly been an issue. And given that he was about to get quite the windfall, he wouldn't be needing the change. "and if you're lucky, there might even be a...horseshoe or two around this place." Perses came to his senses, the adrenaline dying down. What a mess. "Or...what's left of it, I guess." @Ookla of whimsy
  18. Let me or ene know! I have been temporarily promoted to a character approver (I’m still very happy about that).
  19. Actually, we were just wondering how an investigation into Perses’ actions could be initiated! And frankly, TUBA would be an excellent way to kick that off! Obviously there can be some lone wolves, but many of the characters seem to want some sort of group to be in. Not necessarily a guild, but something where there would be some leading figure. However, depending on how TUBA works nowadays, @Ookla thePresentParticiple’s character might actually be interesting in joining TUBA…
  20. Perses, The Mistwarrens, Pewter Ironworks. The previous night. The heat of the flames. Cries in the distance. The pounding of feet. Soot entering and exiting the lungs. The slow beating of a heart as it is soon to die. The pulses of the undercity, the crunch of small critters as they are crushed underfoot. The stench of blood, slowly oozing out of its soft prison. Perses tapped steelsight. lines shot from his chest, pointing to various objects. He tapped more, with lines wildly bursting all around him. As he pushed, the world became clear to him. Sight, at last. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Perses burned steel, and pushed the ingot further onto the man’s hip. ”where is he hiding it?” The stench of sweat was almost unbearable. The constant thrumming of the man’s heartbeat was becoming irritating. “I-I don’t know where it is! Please believe me!” Perses felt his face muscles stretch into a smile, ignoring the loudness of the man’s plea. “The funny thing about having heightened senses” Perses said, “Is that I’m very good at knowing when someone is lying” Perses flared steel, hearing the satisfying crunch as a bone snapped in the man’s hip. The man’s scream was cut short as Perses cut off his sense of hearing, wincing. He hated when people screamed. As the world began to buzz anew, Perses tuned in to the man whimpering pitifully. “-viver save me, Survivor save me,-“ “The vault! Where is it?” The man stopped, their lifeforce wavering. The man took a defeated breath. “At Coppercloud Inn. At the bottom of the elevator hatch, there is an aluminum trapdoor.” The man took a liquidy cough, with the smell of bile and blood wafting to Perses. “Open that, and the atium beads will be under the false bottom.” Clever. A place no one would look, and surrounded by metal, so a coinshot wouldn’t detect a void in their senses. Perses had what he needed. you are done here. Kill him. Perses obliged, dropping a coin onto the man’s throat. With a simple push, the throat ruptured, with the man’s brief cry being stifled by a soft gurgling. As the lackey’s lifeforce died out, Perses listened. In the smoky air of them cool night, he stood in a comfortable silence. To Coppercloud Inn.
  21. It’s Ookla season already? Guess I need to change my name.

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