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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I think that would certainly help! Obviously people have lives, and spending time to formulate a character for a random forum roleplay is not the highest on their list of priorities, but if a few of us have characters chosen, we can start formulating a plot that the stragglers can fit into.
  2. Well, I can certainly get my Perses updated (no clue how I would formalize that) within a few days. Probably having the weekend to forge characters would be beneficial.
  3. I feel like to make a plot, we need characters. And to make sure the characters are fun enough to roleplay that they’ll stick around. I certainly have some updating to do on Perses, but I think knowing what pieces we’re playing with can help give direction to a plot.
  4. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 9: F-Chromium oookay. We’re getting into the spicy stuff. So. F-Chromium. When storing, you will be “unlucky”. When tapping, you will be more “lucky”. I’m putting those in quotes, because we know that Fortune in the Cosmere is more than just luck. It’s a small form of seeing the future, and it’s powerful. How powerful? We don’t really know. For the average Ferring, however, luck should do. I think this one is relatively harmless to store and very powerful to tap. How useful is it? I don’t know. I don’t really understand how this version of Fortune works, to be honest. Rating: 8/10. I don’t know what it does, but I know that it is good.
  5. Mmm good points. however, I think the last part of that WoB seems to imply that Brandon envisioned it giving you a good night’s rest. Now, he might have since changed it, but this seems to give credit to my interpretation. However, your other points still stand. What does 300% wakefulness work? That’s certainly something to think about.
  6. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 8: F-Bronze Aaaand now we’re back to less exciting. It helps ya sleep, it helps ya stay awake. From what I understand, it’s pretty cut and dry. Is it useful? Of course! Is it powerful? Eh, not really. It’s the only metalmind you can fill in your sleep, so it is objectively the easiest metalmind to store. I’ll give it that. Rating: 6/10. Nice, but not fantabulous. It’s above a 5 because it is the best at storing, and that is pretty cool. Plus, I think everyone would be more than happy to have the abilities of F-bronze at any given time.
  7. So I have this character called Perses who is an A-Bronze F-Tin Twinborn. He’s fully blind, so is not used to sight, and so has become (along with the help of reverse compounding) a bit of an F-Tin savant. He’s had a bit of experience carrying around breaths, so there’s that too. I think it would be pretty cool if in some time skip (doesn’t need to be much more than like 3 months) he became a villain-type and gained both an A-Iron and A-steel spike, as well as maybe reaching fifth heightening. He could act as a somewhat big bad, with the main intent of gaining a foothold in the Alleyverse underground, while being untethered to a guild.
  8. Holy hell! I didn’t even consider being able to reread and rewatch things! And then you could compare your thoughts on each reread, which would be a cool indicator of how you’ve grown.
  9. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 7: F-Copper Well, this is well regarded to be one of the best Feruchemantic metals. And frankly, I think it’s for good reason. Immediate memory recall is really handy. Now admittedly, it isn’t constant memory recall, as you still have to access it, but it’s still really solid. It won’t make you good at everything, as a lot of skills are improved by constant use, but has there not been F-Tin, I would say this is the most versatile feruchemantic metal. Rating: 8.5/10. Really good. It doesn’t increase your physical capabilities, but it enhances your mental capabilities so much that it more than makes up for that. I mean, as huge nerds that crave lore, we’re all pretty biased towards this one
  10. You propose an interesting idea. However, as the head of the F-Tin cult, I have some questions. As a believer of health and goodness, how does the cult reconcile the fact that to obtain proper resistance to disease and injury, you must first be more susceptible to disease and illness? And how would you recommend to your members on the best places and times to store health? I will be keeping a close eye on the development of this organization. I will keep careful watch, and see whether you are to be an ally or a rival. For the time being, I have no reason to oppose your cult, as we appear to have different goals in mind.
  11. Join the social guilds! That’s where mine is located.
  12. Mmm. Now I’m looking forward to F-Cadmium day!
  13. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 6: F-Brass Tgis one is actually pretty cool. Obviously being able to artificially regulate your own temperature is very nice for daily life, but is also great for first responders. Either in the dead of winter or against the greatest of fires, you are there to help. Also, the idea of a super heated or super cooled hand to hand fight also seems quite fun. Is it as powerful as F-Pewter or F-Zinc? I don’t know. However, it seems to be a lot more fun, so I’ll put it just above em for now. Rating: 7.5/10 and I do apologize for the very short and snappy posts, but for the last few posts I’ve basically rushed to get em down last moment. And frankly, at least for these ones, the analysis is pretty low. I mean, how much can ya really do with regulating body temp besides the obvious? Not too much. At least I don’t think so….
  14. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 5: F-Zinc Honestly, I like mental speed a lot more than physical speed. Perhaps that’s because I’m a massive nerd, but it seems a lot cooler. However, it does have the same drawbacks as F-steel, maybe even worse. Actually, which is worse? Thinking slower than your body can move or moving slower than you can think? Rating: For now I’ll give it the same rating as steel. It’s great when tapping, a nightmare when storing. 7/10.
  15. Yeah, I think a Brute is going to be very reliant on people not knowing they are a Brute. Once the jig is up, they are a lot less effective. But that’s not to say that they aren’t a threat!
  16. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 4: F-Pewter Admittedly, this one is a bit limited. Don’t get me wrong, it is cool as Trell, but I frankly think there’s limited returns. You can be extra strong, but other than lifting heavy things and being intimidating, strength only does so much in a world of coinshots. However, that is not one of the hardest to store, as often just sitting down doesn’t require much in the way of muscle mass. Overall, unless there’s a secret use past beating bodybuilding competitions, I feel that it’s a fairly middle of the road metal. Better than A-Pewter, probably, but not by a whole lot. Rating: 7/10. Not bad, just not the greatest.
  17. Hey hey! I’m finally back on the Shard and am up for some roleplay as well. I could also do some dming if that’s what we need. No idea how good I am at at, but I’d certainly be open to giving it a try.
  18. Well, only a little bit . Mostly I want to give more thought and attention to the power of Feruchemy, which just so happens to include F-Tin.
  19. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 3: F-Tin Alrighty folks, we’re hitting it early. For those of you that don’t know, I am an outspoken speaker of F-Tin, and even have My own cult dedicated to it. I’d recommend giving it a look, as I have made all of my arguments for why F-Tin is great in the past. So I will not regale you with the glory of F-Tin, just ask that you look back to my previous posts. Now, do I think it is the best Feruchemantic metal? Maybe. It is the best generalist metal, meaning that just about everyone can get good use out of it. It is great for all walks of life, and is fairly easy to store, and sometimes even convenient, which is awesome. I think there are better metals for certain situations, like I think Skimmers are better fighters than Windwhisperers are, but all in all, F-Tin is great. Rating: 9/10. Excellent metal, great for so many things, but there are certainly things you can’t do with it.
  20. Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 2: F-Steel Another banger of an ability. Nearly everything is better when done quickly, at least when it comes down to non-recreational activities. Only downside is that it is really annoying to store speed. Even moving 3/4 as fast as you’re used to sounds so very annoying. My only thought of when it would be fine to store is when you are completely stationary, like watching a movie. Even then, you’ll want to eat something probably, which will be annoyingly slow. So basically it’s something that is really nice and very powerful, but you can only use it sparingly because it is an absolute pain to store. So really, it’s usability is limited. You want to get somewhere fast? You better really want it, because you will need to spend a while being painstakingly slow to make up for what you’ve used. Rating: 7/10. However annoying it might be to store, it is still very nice, which is why this isn’t a 5/10.
  21. So basically my end plan is to create a thread at the end of it all making a ranking of all the feruchemantic metals. I don’t have a super defined ranking system. It’s mostly just how useful it would be to have that Ferring, be it in daily life, military use, or even government use. Whatever could be considered a benefit or a drawback. We’re mostly going to be thinking about Scadrial, as otherwise this would be in Cosmere discussion. However, the Cosmere is becoming more and more connected, so we shall see.
  22. This might be just the thread to ask this question, or this might be yet another tangent. Dumbing things down for the people at home, and also keeping in mind that I’m a biology student, not a physics student, what happens to your movement when storing? I would think you get some amount faster due to muscles needing to push less than usual, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if the magic be weirder than that.
  23. Also quick question: I think this is still kind of in flux as the site changes, but why can’t I see someone’s post count and reputation title on their posts? I’m on mobile, and I did like seeing those
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