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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Yeah! You could beat basically all of the typical Allomancer tricks, past maybe nicrosil enhanced stuff.
  2. Well, I have officially returned to the Shard, and I’ve decided to revive an old flame. While I think the Random Twinborn Combos thread has run its course, I still think there are unanswered questions to still address. Namely: what metals and abilities are the best? So this will be a daily thread regarding the feruchemy side of things, aka the more interesting side of the question. We’ll be going by the feruchemy table, so that means starting with F-Iron and working our way down. For simplicity’s and relevance’s sake, I’ll be assuming the person in question is a Ferring, and not a twinborn, feruchemist, or hemalurgist. As always, I welcome and actively request your thoughts. At the end of it all, I will create a ranking that we can pick apart. So without further ado, let’s get started! Daily Feruchemy Analysis Day 1: F-Iron wow we are starting off with a banger. This is probably the most documented metal we have, with a whole four books of pov to go off of. It also happens to be really rusting powerful. Obviously this has nice effects with many allomantic metals, but that’s not what this is about. What can this do on its own? well, a lot of things really. While storing, you can make yourself very light, which means you can survive any fall and, presumably, move faster in general, as your muscles are moving a lower body weight than it’s used to. Now, I don’t think you’ll be crazy fast, but probably faster than normal. Plus, storing weight is almost certainly going to be the initial basis of space travel. So there’s that too. Oh, and the possibility of being a decent investiture to energy machine. Tapping weight gets interesting. As we’ve seen from Wax, it makes you a pseudo-pewterarm. Strategically tapping to tank hits and to deliver power hits. Great stuff. Frankly, I don’t think there needs to be much more analysis on this. Relatively straightforward metal, with both martial and common uses. Certainly crazy scientific uses. Overall just a really good metal to have, and certainly very strong. Rating: 8.5/10. Awesome stuff.
  3. Yeah, I know, but before you just clicked the Shard logo and went right up to forums. So that’s more steps than there was before. But it’s a slight nitpick.
  4. Overall I’m quite a fan of the format, but I just wish there was an easy shortcut to the forums and not directly to the news. It’s a small convenience thing, but it would make my constant bouncing from forum to forum a lot nicer.
  5. From what I understand, Zellion mentioned that FTL travel, and space travel, for that matter, was a relatively recent thing. Now, we don’t know for sure how long he’s lived, so recently could mean dozens of years, but probably means at least a century or two. This is definitely much further ahead than we have seen before, other than maybe Sixth of Dusk, which seems to be taking place around the same time as this book. so my guess would be that Cantacle certainly wasn’t established much more than a thousand years ago, but likely something between 500 and 700 years ago. now that does beg the question: how old is Zellion at this point?
  6. Well, it pleases me to inform you all that I am beginning my triumphant return to the Shard! My day to day commitments have dwindled significantly, and after reading SP4 and the White Sand Omnibus, I have my theory senses churning once more.

  7. Hello to the one person that might remember or care about these (that one person is me)! Here’s my latest brew. The Mouth of Hades
  8. Sorry, are you trying to answer the question “would human and Koloss romance short story be lore accurate?” Or the less wholesome “Are Scadrian monsterfrickers in luck?” If so, this is the exact type of thing that I expect from Sanderfans. Vast intellectual theorizing on the scope of the Cosmere on one end, and sharddildos on the other.
  9. Alright so I still have a few weeks to go at least before I can get away with hanging out on the Shard again, but I’m reading through SP4, so there’s sure to be some theorizing to come.


    My return is not yet upon us, but it shall come! I have not forgotten about all my little internet nerds!

  10. And by the way, at this point, the thread is open to all to contribute a combo if they want. I’d advise against repeating combos, and I’d encourage you to make the combo random, but in the end, it is all your call. The point of this thread is to make people think about Twinborn combos that don’t get enough attention, and so if that’s what you end up doing, go right on ahead!
  11. Okay, two questions:


    1: am I able to do a little mini chapter to chapter reaction of SP4? Obviously it would be spoiler tagged and clearly marked as to avoid the reads of those that have not read it. But is that sort of thing too Reddit-core for the Shard? 

    2: would that be something any of y’all would be interested in? Obviously if I’m just out here spewing words on the page with nobody to read it, it isn’t really a worthwhile endeavor. 

    SP4 seems to be a wild ride of confusion and lore, from what I can gather after reading the first chapter, and it might be fun to share my journey and thinking as I read along.

  12. I appear to have been summoned. ooh Hemalurgy! I’m a big fan of the possible shenanigans, especially when it has to do with non-metallic arts related transfers. Like—H-Chromium theoretically steals destiny??? There was a post way back when about theoretical hemalugic constricts like Koloss, but with different spikes, and that idea always appears in my head whenever I think of the potential of Hemalurgy.
  13. Oh no worries at all! This question is still very much relevant in the Shard, and so long as it’s relevant, I’m happy to see more interaction with it. I like to see my titles go up, but I mostly care more about people that I’ve seen around the Shard that seem to really care about this. Now, generally, that leads to them getting a higher rank, but not always. However, I can’t help but look upon someone like Voidus with quiet awe at their majesty. as to the contributor or winning the day, I’d honestly love to know how that system works, as even some of the Shards admins have no clue how it’s decided. It makes me happy when I see it, and that’s good enough for me.
  14. Well, don’t count me beck just yet! I am still a busy bee, and haven’t quite regained my spark for theorizing. Expect me to maybe be around, but more like once a week than thrice a day. I should be back in full near the end of the year and onwards, though!
  15. Hmmmmmm. This is an interesting question. I think their spiritual aspect would have to be significantly altered through using the two to create a resonance. So if they became a savant, and used both quite a bit, then I think a resonance could be formed.
  16. Of course!! Abs it’s only inactive til we post on it! I haven’t been posting that much because I have sadly had too few gay stories to tell as of late :(.
  17. Honestly same. Idk why, but seeing funny number go up, WITH nerdy titles? I just can’t resist.
  18. Now, I’m late to actually theorizing on Yumi, so this might have already been addressed. If it was, please let me know! So Masaka, the wonderful sleepless that she is, feels incredibly trans coded. She honestly tries harder to be human than any other sleepless we’ve seen, even going so far as to have a preferred name. And to be more specific to it, she vibes very transfemme to me. She says this; Which with both this and the fact that she’s always wearing a sweater (all praise the dysphoria/euphoria hoodie), I relate to her on a spiritual level. She cares a lot about “passing”, and absolutely adores Yumi’s comment on beating a very cute girl. I mean, that’s about the most clear representation that I’ve seen in a not explicitly queer form of media. My only wondering is how Brandon got the characterization across so well. Like-this is representation I would expect from another queer writer, not from a cis guy. Frankly, I think this is the best bit of queer representation (past maybe Shallan’s bi-ness) in the Cosmere at the moment. Do we have anything on how Brandon got to making Masaka’s character?
  19. I do apologize for not being on the shard that much as of late. It’s been a busy few weeks for me, and I haven’t mustered the mental motivation to shift back into Sanderson mode, even with Yumi coming out. 

    However I will say this: I’m a full feruchemist!!!! Woooo! Mayhaps when I get the inspiration, I can get into how absolutely overpowered a full feruchemist can really be, perhaps even with a feruchemy tier list too.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Koloss17


      Right now it’s the good busy!

    3. Experience


      Well thats always awesome!

      Hopefully it stays that way *fingers crossed*

    4. Trusk'our


      I totally understand burnout. Take your time if you need it. Congrats on the Full Feruchemist title though! :D

  20. So I actually have an Alleyverse character that currently has this Twinborn combo. One of the greatest things with this that you can do is that you aren’t restricted to burning or flaring, and can instead create insane blasts of practically duralumin-enhanced bronze. That means easy piercing of copperclouds, and given how much optimization you can have with bronze, I would be that one of these Twinborn would get really good at detecting things with Bronzesense. So knowing specific emotions that are being soothed or rioted, and, with the right training, being able to sense feruchemy. Now it has been noted to be possible, just difficult. It uses something different than normal pulses, so I would assume it would take some getting used to to detect. However, if anyone would be able to do it, it would be an F-tin savant that can store bronze. overall, an amazing combination, and while not deadly, can be extraordinarily helpful at knowing when, and what, and probably how much, someone is using any sort of active investiture.
  21. Hey, I’m all for passing the torch! As you might have seen, I’m not even on the shard all that often at the moment, so I’m A-Okay with you takin over! @Underwater_Worldhopper
  22. Frankly, that’s possible! My only slight wonder ace then is that of the biochromatic aura, as Dawnshard seemed to suggest that was also a thing, unless I’m reading too much into it.
  23. Yet what’s slipping me up is that Dawnshards have that effect. Which is…odd, to say the least. Why Dawnshards and not Elantrians?
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