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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Well, I’ve taken a week’s break, but I’m back (at least for now)! I can’t guarantee that there will be another combo tomorrow, but I can guarantee one today! Random Twinborn Combo Day 38: A-Steel and F-Duralumin Wasn’t there something about connection manipulation to adjust where on the body you are pushing from? Or was that something else? Anyway, if that’s the case, then that could be fairly interesting. Is it groundbreaking with steel? Not really. Best you could do is make it so that something in front of you goes in an unexpected direction because the center of push is on your hand, not your chest. Something like that that’s a neat party trick, but not much else. I suppose you could consistently beat someone in a push-off though. Also, have we gotten confirmation on whether duralumin could strengthen your connection with your own metals? Your connection with Harmony? Not sure if we have, but if that’s the case, it could also mean that this Twinborn could best other coinshots. Basically what I’m getting at is that this particular Twinborn could probably decimate other coinshots, one way or another. I can’t say too much about Connection, given that I don’t really know exactly how many things you can Connect with. However, if someone, like Alder, for instance, has any insight into the potential here, that would be great. Resonance: Honestly no idea. Name: given that I do not yet fully understand the capabilities, it might be a good idea to hold on to the name for now. Rating: 7.5/10 as of how I understand it, but consider the rating in flux right now.
  2. The world deserves more dapper ducks! If anyone disagrees, they’re wrong!
  3. Welllll, @Channelknight Fadran had a little school going, but it has long since withered away. Perhaps a revival is in order?
  4. Absolutely brilliant answer!
  5. Fadrian, you are a gift unto the world. Just felt like reminding ya.

    1. Channelknight Fadran
    2. Koloss17


      Alright listen here—

  6. Ah, the nips! Notting the knowing of know! Thaaaaaank you!!
  7. Welcome welcome! I’d be wary of spoilers, as while there are specific forums to have things happen without other books, Sharders tend to get a tad carried away in the moment. Whats your favorite creature of the books thus far?
  8. Welcome to the Shard! I’m sorry that ya haven’t been welcomed earlier! If you were to plan a heist on a single item or attract in the Cosmere, which item would you steal, and how would you do it? (Make sure you spoiler your response with the correct books and stuff so that the kids don’t get mad) Sorry for the oddly specific ask. Generally we’re supposed to ask newbies some sort of question, and I like asking odd ones
  9. Issing the wanting of making the bright. Not the wanting of having the wind having the only of shine. Hasing the crowning of wind, but needing the having of subjects. Having the joy of you, but not the needing the have of stop. Issing of Having the love of shine notting of wind is yes of you. Issing the wanting of spreading the bright, not of having the more. Winding is high, but notting the just. Translation
  10. Let me just put this here….. All I really put down for Gold was pewter, but F-Tin might also help. Now, it would require you to either be a full feruchemist or use Hemalurgy, so it isn’t the easiest way to cheat F-gold. I do think you’re onto something with the breaths stuff. Another way to achieve F-Gold savantism….
  11. Ah, no. It needs something as extra as the Coppermind, with tidbits of information from all over, with tiny little details all compiled into one place.
  12. Yeah I looked at it, and it is much more thorough than other wikis out there, and it certainly gives folks a briefing on what is going on, but it’s missing the key details that folks are unsure of, and the stuff that isn’t agreed upon in the community. Still a good source tho!
  13. Currently, I am continuing down my trek to over-analyze The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. I have at this point close to a 100 page document of notes, and am only half way through Harrow the Ninth. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. It is super fun, and has the lore and thoroughness of the Cosmere, and with so many more secrets. It badly needs something akin to the Coppermind, but it don’t. Which is kind of what I aspire to do, and I will eventually release it, once I find a way to make the naming system of Google Docs anonymous.
  14. Only you get to choose when to come out. If you’re not comfortable coming out, you ain’t comfortable coming out. That being said, Pride Month is a pretty good time to come out. But only you can choose when you’re ready.
  15. Honestly, the thing that has surprised me the most about this post, aside from the one person that promptly voted for Moaladin, is that Kadolin is getting much more traction than Shakadolin. I would have thought that the polycule would have been much more popular than it is, but perhaps that’s my own bias showing a tad .
  16. Welcome to the shard @Grant04W! The Brando pipeline is strong. First you read one, then you can’t read anything else until you’ve read everything. Then you find the Coppermind, and it’s all downhill from there. Welcome to the Shard!
  17. Weeeellll, if the polyamory isn’t doing it for y’all, I suppose I could add Kadolin…
  18. So this is something that I have wondered recently, as I’ve been more active on the Shard. There’s quite a few here who change their profiles a lot, and quite a few others who just have one profile picture that they keep through the ages. There’s also the thing of changing profile picture for special events, such as the recent green pfps for stress awareness. This post will serve two purposes: one, to gather data on Sharders’ profile shifting habits (anonymously), and two, to ask a few more in-depth questions. One habit that I have found myself in is associating the Sharder with their profile picture. Now, this isn’t that surprising of a thing, but where it goes sideways is when communicating with Sharders that have the base picture. While it can just be someone that is literally a blank slate, as in a 12 post newbie on the Shard, it could also be someone like @cometaryorbit or @therunner, who are certainly not a blank slate in influence and reputation on the Shard. Is this a common experience? And for those that have a profile picture, what does it mean to you?
  19. Hmmmmmm. I would say that Jasnah doesn’t love herself thaaaaat much, but that I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I headcannoned Jasnah as the closest she could get to emo in a royal society. She sure ain’t self-deprecating, but she has the “sick of the Almighty’s crem” feel down. Howrver, I could put Gavilar and Gavilar up there if ya want!
  20. Hey, if ya want me to add it to the poll, I certainly can.
  21. Y’all are playing a daaaangerous game with spoilers here. And I don’t mind the takeover, I really don’t. It’s fun to see all the banter, and I certainly think it can be useful to help get us closer to understanding all o these complexities. However, if you want to be taking up my thread space, which I am more than happy to give, I demand a price. Consider me a landlord of sorts, where rent must be paid to occupy their space. Or I suppose a land…Overlord. The contract shall be sent to you all shortly. Accept or reject, the terms will be set.
  22. Where hath the almighty @Stormtide_Leviathan gone to? It seems like ages since I’ve seen em.
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