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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. So to kick of Pride Month, I noticed that there was quite a few queer ships that appear in SA, and while teeeechnically there’s only one canon one, that can’t stop me from dreaming! So: what’s your favorite ship out there? My personal fave:
  2. Perses turned to Cobalt and the others. “Well, we have creatures from damnation chasing us, and we just lost two members of the group. What do we do now?” Perses was beginning to feel the dread set in. A group of mismatched strangers, all trying to make their way through a shapeshifting room towards and object that no one actually knows what it looks like or what it does in a room than no one has been able to reach. All the while, being chased by unkillable creatures. To make things worse, they were now a split party. why did I decide to join in on this mess? @ZincAboutIt + everyone else
  3. Welcome to the Shard! If anyone on here says that they haven’t don’t this approximately every other time they try to reference those books, they’re lying ! Anyway, time for the important newbie Sharder questions that might just shape your entire presence on the Shard. If you were to befriend one of Taldain’s sandlings, how would you manage it?
  4. Wooooo it’s that time of year again! I get to be extra queer with little to no questions asked!!!
  5. Honestly, I think that you, @Underwater_Worldhopper, and @therunner deserve your own thread that is literally just you guys bantering over how the entirety of the Cosmere’s inner workings function. I’m ready to see it get up to the highest page count of any thread on the Shard. I’m not saying this because I’m bitter that my threads are being hijacked—I’m just noticing a trend with y’all
  6. OMG I LOVE YOUR PFP!!! Also if the June swag box isn’t just countless pictures of Renarin and Rlain holding hands, I’m going to be sad.
  7. Back to one of my OG profile pics we go. It’s honestly one of my favorites, made by the wonderful @Scout_Fox, who has since long left the Shard.

    And happy Pride Month y’all!

    1. Koloss17


      Honestly, it feels so weird to be back on the Shard after all this time. I used to be really active here for quite some time, and then everything kind of crashed down when Covid hit. Now I’m back, and all of my pals have kind of…vanished. I feel bigger than I ever was before, but I feel like I have so few real buds on the Shard. 

      I suppose I’m building a new face on the Shard, aren’t I? I’m almost beginning anew, in a way. It’s interesting, for sure. 

    2. Medium


      i kind of did that

      when i first joined i was a lurker, occasionally commenting in the SA forums.

      i got bored, and went inactive. came back, discovered the community forums…

      and well, the rest is history. i’m now one of the most well known sharders out there.

  9. Random Twinborn Combo Day 37: A-Copper and F-Aluminum Well isn’t this an interesting combo. A support metal with a we-don’t-know-what Feruchemical metal (Honestly, Feruchemical sounds ridiculous and rolls way worse off the tongue than Feruchemantic IMO). Could there be something interesting here? Certainly! …if we can figure out how the heck storing identity would work. We sorta know how other things can interact with it, but there ain’t much for what it really does. What would having less or more Identity even do? I have lovely theories on how it would affect A-Gold, for example, but I really don’t know what it could do on its own. Resonance: This would be a good one for the spike-holding resistance, honestly. Name: Truesoul sounds good, but seems like a mixture of Trueself and Firesoul. Rating: 6/10, but who knows! If Identity was less of a mystery to me, it might bump up that rating. …I know I did this resonance idea before, but I can’t seem to easily find it in the thread. Please tell me this isn’t the first accidental repeat combo?
  10. Hey @Underwater_Worldhopper, be wary of spoilers for Sormlight. While it isn’t plot, I still think speaking of the shards on Roshar and their nature still fits under spoilers for it.
  11. I agree with @alder24’s point on intent matters, and the scene with the BoM is pretty solid evidence. However, what of Elend within the WoA? He burned lerasium without knowing what it was, and then subconsciously burned pewter. Now, you can explain away the burned pewter with the whole “subconscious intent” thing that Brandon mentioned here. Could that apply to Elend burning Lerasium? Maybe?? But I feel that if that was the case, Wax should be able use the bands from subconscious intent.
  12. Random Twinborn Combo Day 36: A-Bronze and F-Nicrosil Again, we don’t really know much about F-Nicrosil, but maybe it gives temporary metallic strength? Not sure. If it does, this combo could pierce copperclouds, which is something. But we don’t know for sure! Anyway, potentially interesting combo, but we don’t really know. Cant really determine name or resonance without knowing what half of the combo does, so yeh. 7/10 if it works the way @alder24 thinks it might, 6/10 if it doesn’t.
  13. Destineye is the best name someone could think of! And I like the idea of reflexes! We gots ourselves a cohesive Twinborn!
  14. I love your new pfp! It suits you!

  15. Basically being unlucky would mean being more likely to run into bad people, getting into unfortunate situations, or running into more potholes than you really should. Tapping luck gets you in the right place at the right time, and so storing would be being in the wrong place at the wrong time. While tapping A-tin, you are more aware, more capable of noticing the unfortunate things before they happen. Ergo, compensating.
  16. Well, I can’t be too upset, given the pact I made with them years ago. But I’ll keep trying to win you and the masses over, I assure you!
  17. Me? A cult? About the best feruchemantic metal? I would never.
  18. Alright, who in Harmony’s name just spammed me with rep? 

    I mean, I ain’t complaining, I just feel like I can’t take it without scolding/promoting someone.

  19. Random Twinborn Combo Day 35: A-Tin and F-Chromium Hey!! It’s a combination where both parts are useful! So previously, I said that the batter you store at managing fortune, the better your other ability would be. For this combination, I’m not too sure. Perhaps you could more easily instinctually burn tin at the right times, but that’s about it. However, I still think this combo is pretty cool. While storing Fortune, one could totally burn tin to compensate a tad. I also think the mixture of getting more information and just being lucky could be really nice. Resonance: Honestly, I don’t have one. This feels like something that you could come up with a resonance for though! Name: Again, my brain is currently empty of ideas, but perhaps others’ are not? Rating: 7/10; good, nothing crazy, but there’s certainly merit to it.
  20. Yeah, my take is that the most valuable part of a twinborn combo is the Twinborn aspect of it. If you just have two powers that just operate independently, it’s a lot less fun.
  21. Good, good….. There are too few who see the divine truth of F-Tin supremacy.
  22. Welcome to the Shard! You’ll see me around the Mistborn forums too! For your newbie question: what are your opinions on Feruchemical Tin?
  23. Don’t you worry. I’ll stop when I need to stop. Right now I can chug a tad more, but recently I’ve been rolling a few that are really weird (Anything with A-aluminum or A-Duralumin and F-Nicrosil or F-Aluminum are going to do that). It makes it tough to theorize about, given that they’re really only half Twinborn until we truly figure out those four, which probably needs some Brando assistance. But I appreciate the concern!
  24. Random Twinborn Combo Day 34: A-Bendalloy and F-Nicrosil Honestly, we don’t really know how F-Nicrosil works. From what I understand, it works more like a Coppermind than a zincmind, meaning that you can never really get more investiture than you had before without compounding. However, it is crucial to making unsealed metalminds, so there’s that. For those unaware, F-Nicrosil stores innate investiture, and not kinetic investiture. So it stores the ability to burn a metal, not the effect of the burnt metal. It’s a weird metal with a lot of theoretical potential, but it is (as far as I know) kind of useless on its own. But because it is such a black hole to me nowadays, I can’t really give this combo a resonance or name. Rating: As I understand it, this is basically a slider but with extra weirdness. 3/10, as it ain’t really much of a twinborn.
  25. Yippeeee! There’s another human! Welcome to the Shard! Which Cosmere character do you think would get along best with Yoshi?
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