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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. I mean, to be fair, nothing can be as epic as someone falling full force into the ground, getting up, dusting themselves off, and continuing on like nothing happened.
  2. Good to know! It’s good to know that some things are still intact when it comes to savantism.
  3. Okay, well my honest thought is that one of the main characters needs to die. I feel like it can’t be Dalinar or Lift, as they are seeded by Cultivation to be future vessels, and even if their plan doesn’t work, something has got to happen with all that. It can’t be Kaladin, as he is kind of Honor’s champion, and he needs to get over his trauma. Technically, he could die, but I doubt Brandon wants his big depressed character’s arc to end with them dying. It can’t be Shallan, as she both has a lot of character growth to still do, as well as also Brando not wanting to screw up the one piece of DID rep he got. It could be Szeth, but since he’s already died a few times, I doubt his arc is going to end by finally dying already. My bet is on two characters, and those two are Syl and Adolin. Syl because her real arc was being the rebel, and after that, she had just kind of acted as a support and sane person to Kaladin’s Big Sad. Adolin because while his big arc is to totally bond Maya, he could definitely do that and then die. I’m leaning more on the side of Syl than Adolin, as I want our golden retriever boy to be happily married and to cheer on another generation of maybe war criminals. But if it’s done well enough, I’m sure it can be a wild ride. Past that scalding take, I think Kelsier and his gang will be more active during this book. Maybe they’ll step in to fight the fused, maybe a few members will break loose. Either way, we’ll be having more Ghostbloods. I also hope that we get more Lift, as she hit hard in RoW, and I feel that her character arc is just getting started.
  4. Though we don’t really know how canon that is at the moment, as while the text certainly does say it, Brando seems to want to up the cost of savantism.
  5. Hey hey! Welcome to the Shard! You’ll find plenty of absolutely unhinged theorists here (myself included), so don’t worry, you’re in good company. What is your favorite aluminumfoil hat theory?
  6. Honestly, I would read it after mostly everything else. That being said, it is a good stand-alone story in its own right, and was made with the intention of being able to be read without spoiling any other books. There are a lot of tie-ins however, and many are integral to the plot. I would certainly love the opinion of someone who read Tress before reading all of the Cosmere, and see how their experience differs. In the end, do what you wish. However, since I presume you ain’t stopping Era 2 halfway through, you might as well read the two other stand-alone novels (Warbreaker and Elantris) to finish off the main Cosmere. But you do you!
  7. Ah, well you would think that, but I would probably semi-shift into a funky little Larkin person
  8. Random Twinborn Combo Day 33: A-Aluminum and F-Pewter I think I talked about these two in enough depth in previous combos, so this is just the two of them combined. Resonance: Perhaps an easier time building muscle mass? Name: Strongsoul? I’m not wild about this one honestly. Rating: 4/10. Depending on how good the resonance is, it could be better than just a Brute Ferring, but it doesn’t really feel Twinborn-ish And how about another one, as I missed yesterday’s post? Random Twinborn Combo day 33.5: A-Atium and F-Bendalloy So, these two don’t seem to be that synergistic at all, one is pretty much exclusively combat focused, and one is pretty much exclusively casual life focused. I am not seeing a lot that can be done with them. Resonance: Not A Clue, honestly. Name: Not much here either Rating: 3/10. An underwhelming ability paired with a really hard to get metal. Not great, not great.
  9. Actually, I need some specific examples here. I think there’s theoretical merits, I just haven’t thought about it yet. What chill activity would be the prime time for you to be storing mental speed?
  10. I…don’t think that’s how it works. You would still think those thoughts, just slower. I would honestly just feel more anxious, because I can’t catch up with the information I need to take in.
  11. Honestly my biggest problem with F-Zinc is that it is a nightmare to store. Knowing you can think faster, and you’re thinking at the speed of mud? That would be infuriating as all damnation. I mean tapping it is great, but is it worth storing it?
  12. Huh. I don’t think I really put that together, but it sure does make sense. Nice catch!
  13. Yeah, honestly I have no clue on the proper wordage when it comes to Feruchemists. Feruchemantic, Feruchemical, Feruchemy, Feruchemancy? No idea.
  14. Of course! Hemalurgy is welcome! Once the plot that they’re currently in is wrapped up, my plan is to try to corrupt them and give them steelsight, making them quite a bit more powerful.
  15. Alllllrighty folks! It’s time for the ultimate challenge. Of the 16 (17 if you’re feeling funky) Feruchemantic abilities, which one is the best? I’m not talking about anything in particular, just…which one is objectively better than the rest? While teeeechnically they each have their own important and valuable uses, each of which being the best at one specific thing, there has to be one that is better than the rest. If any of you have been on the Mistborn forum for any amount of substantial time, you would know that my vote is on F-Tin. It’s easy to get metalminds of, it stores a variety of attributes that can be used in a variety of situations, it synergizes awesomely with many other magic systems, and can be useful in just about any situation. I’d you want a full briefing, my F-Tin cult is awaiting new acolytes. What metallic hill are you willing to die on?
  16. Hmmmmmmmm. This seems suspicious, but as there is a lack of Pro F-Zinc organizations, I’m not particularly worried. Welcome to the Cult! Power in numbers (of storable attributes) has always been our strong suit! For joining, you get some spicy ramen to enjoy! And yeah, hard agree. One of my Alleyverse characters are an A-Bronze F-Tin Twinborn with 400 or so breaths, who also happens to be completely blind. There’s a lot of fun interactions with breaths, and I feel that it is criminally under-explored!
  17. Welcome to the shard!! What is your favorite species of crustacean? (having a favorite IRL crustacean is a legal requirement for reading the Stormlight Archives, BTW).
  18. That Atium counts as a sense…though perhaps you mind has changed? Welll, depending on how good being an F-zinc savant would be, and how much is needed to become one, it could be worthwhile. Let me elaborate: they wouldn’t be able to be accurate at guessing a lottery winner, they would just be good at intuiting where politics or certain houses are going. Basically by picking up on certain actions or emotions of nobles, and subconsciously intuiting that their house is close to bankruptcy or something of the like. Supernatural intuition, not supernatural luck.
  19. My main wondering is because they wouldn’t have a cognitive aspect.
  20. No, your idea of the Cognitive aspect needing to be present is a really good one. Just how Kelsier can “see” other people’s cognitive aspects in the form of Investiture, cognition and Invested-ness seems to be linked. Also the CR really only exists when there is sapient life present around it, so you probably can only soothe or riot those that are present in the Cognitive Realm. Actually, what does that mean for a puppy/baby going into the Cognitive Realm via perpendicularity?
  21. Alllllrighty! Time for day 32! Random Twinborn Combo Day 32: A-Atium F-Zinc Okay so this combo is actually awesome. It’s also the first time I’ve rolled A-Atium, so let’s talk about it. Now, disclaimer, this is old atium, and technically the current semi-canon states that it is an alloy of electrum and atium, instated by Preservation in some funky way. And technically, all atium mistings are really electrum mistings. Buuuuut I’m going to save past that for the time being, as it is a whole different set of abilities, so we’ll just imagine that it’s its own thing. That said, A-Atium is really interesting. It taps into the Spiritual Realm to give the user access to fortune, allowing them to see the immediate future, for a small amount of time. And, because it is very nice, it also gives an increase in mental speed, allowing the burner to make use of this overwhelming power that they hold. So for me, which Alder vehemently rejects, A-Atium is broken into three parts: the Fortune, the mental speed, and the extra sense allowing you to make use of the Fortune. Conveniently enough, these are all things that can be reverse-compounded in some capacity. For this combo, we’ll be sticking to the mental speed. So using A-Atium, one can store extra mental speed, leaving a very difficult to manage god state at the cost of eventually becoming an F-Zinc savant. Conversely, one could just tap mental speed while burning Atium, leading to Super God Mode. Both are viable options. Resonance: Perhaps being a surprisingly good predictor of where current events will lead to? Name: Time Bender is a cool one, but it doesn’t really feel like a Mistborn-fitting name. Rating: 8/10 if they have access to Atium, 4/10 if they don’t.
  22. Clotho, Spiritual Realm ”Ah, there you are.” A voice said. Turning towards the voice, Clotho looked. What horrors was she in for this time? Heart racing, She asked “Who are you? Where am I?” The voice, a younger man in a prim suit answered “Clotho? Are you okay? Is this one of your memory episodes?” He went to sit her down. “Let me go find your journal,” he said. Clotho, now alone, looked about her surroundings. This appeared to be an office of sorts, the type you would find on Scadrial. Was she on Scadrial? This seemed familiar, in a way. It appeared to be a laboratory of sorts, with items safely in cases around the room. “Doctor Clotho, the dating came back!” A perky voice said. This one belonged to a younger woman, wearing a lab coat and rounded glasses. Her eyes were a nice shade of hazel. “The artifacts from last week’s dig seems to have come from early Final Empire. Your guesses were correct!” Clotho was barely paying attention. Where even was she? Looking around, she inspected the glass cases closer. There were swords, damaged pottery, and ancient cloth. However, there was one that caught her eye. A gigantic metal spike, like the one she saw in that creature. Clotho shivered. ”Uuh…doctor? Are you…okay?” The girl had noticed that Clotho wasn’t listening, and seemed concerned. “Are you having one of your…episodes? How can I help?” The girl seemed to genuinely care for clitho. Who was this girl, and what was her relationship with Clotho? She seemed to be an assistant of sorts, but Clotho and her seemed…close, in a way. Suddenly, a piercing buzz filled Clotho’s ears. Sinking to the floor, she clasped her hands over her ears. The ringing didn’t get quieter. “Clotho! What is happening?” Clotho looked up, and a face came into view. The old woman from before. “You are not long for this realm. You must get out, before it is too late.” Gritting her teeth, Clotho muttered “Not before I get what I came here for.” “Clotho? What are you talking about? Someone! Help! Doctor Clotho is injured!” The ringing only got louder. She slipped, falling on her side, and all she saw was light. ——————————————————
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