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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Random Twinborn Combo Day 31: A-Iron and F-Aluminum I don’t think we have explored much with F-aluminum, so let’s get into that. So F-aluminum stores spiritual identity, and it really isn’t very well understood. Spiritual identity is basically what makes you you, and most forms of healing is basically restoring your physical self to that of your spiritual self (it might be cognitive, but the point still stands). But what does it mean to have more or less identity? We…don’t really know. It probably does weird things, and my hunch is that it would make you not feel like yourself. All we really know is that with a blanked identity, one can create unkeyed metalminds and potentially use others’ metalminds. And that’s about it. Allomantic iron has been talked about a bit, and there’s not a lot I can expand on with this combo. So all I’ll say is that it is secretly pretty cool, and I feel like it was heavily underutilized in the books. Resonance: perhaps it would be easier to get inquisitor levels of ironsight? Given the whole “people are metal” thingy in Secret History? It’s a bit of a stretch, but investiture, spiritual realm, spiritual identity, people having investiture due to spiritwebs, there seems to be some connection there. Name: No clue Rating: 5/10, purely because we have no idea how aluminuminds work. Lurchers are pretty cool though.
  2. Interesting! Probably down to 7.5 or so, but yeah. Thanks for the info!
  3. Random Twinborn Combo Day 30: A-Electrum and F-Pewter This combo is actually really exciting, as I don’t believe we have hit either of these yet! Allomantic electrum is actually deceptively powerful. I think “poor man’s Atium” is a bit of a harsh name, as while it is not as overpowered as atium is, it is also still really rusting good. It also is much more accessible, so you can have it going more consistently than atium. Seeing your own actions, while initially disorienting, can make you really hard to kill. While you’re burning electrum, you can dodge any bullet, never get surprised, and dodge any physical attacks. It seems to also give the extra reaction time that atium gives, which is really nice. Overall, really strong combat metal. Now Feruchemantic pewter is also quite a good combat metal. We saw Sazed absolutely wreck with it. And even when you aren’t the hulk, being two or three times as beefy than your opponent is can be quite nice. While storing is a bit of a pain, it is nowhere near as bad as many others. Putting the two together, you have a tank that is really hard to kill and makes you wish that you too were as hard to kill. An extremely fierce fighter, and one that you would not want to mess with. Resonance: Additional agility and flexibility would probably work, and maybe, just maybe, you could have muscles build faster, though I would think that would be more of an A-pewter F-gold type of thing. Name: There’s got to be a good one, but it is eluding me at the moment. Suggestions welcome! Rating: 8.5/10, nearing 9/10. Really good for fighting, unfortunately not great for other things. Still, the absolute awesomeness in fighting gives it a few extra points.
  4. That is amazing! But slightly concerning that my F-Tin loving efforts have not spread to the masses. There is still much work to be done….
  5. Well I mean, technically speaking pain and touch are different receptors in the body. So I would think that the two could be stored separately, but it hasn’t really been spelled out. As for the headache thing, it is certainly something that could be stored, as, as far as I understand it, headaches are the same or similar nerve response that other types of pain are. Now, the question of external vs internal pain has come up, and while both can certainly be stored, the question is can they be stored separately, and that’s a bit of a question that my F-Tin senses post hasn’t really been able to have a clear answer on.
  6. For theres the idea isn’t to store while doing something dangerous-it’s to store after you’ve hurt yourself. If you know what you’re doing, and the only thing you can really do for it is wait it out, not having it be in pain can be quite nice. Should you be doing this for a broken bone or a third degree burn? NO! Those are things where you need to get it treated, and generally speaking, it can be quite useful to have that pain. But having a quick touch on that frying pan that you forgot was still hot, or making the bad decision to drink the too hot tea anyway because you really want it, and getting a first degree burn that really just needs to go away with time? That’s when you use it.
  7. Well, another day, another post gushing about F-Tin. In this installation of this overly long series, I will be covering what I think is one of F-Tin’s strong points: General improvement to day-to-day life. I will be going this down by the senses, and breaking those into storing and tapping. I’ll only stick to the base five plus pain, as those are the only real confirmed ones, and this will be one of my few posts where I don’t overspeculate. Now that we know the rules, let’s get started! Sight Tapping: So tapping sight is kind weird, as instead of improving sight in general, it basically acts as zooming in, giving you binocular vision. Great for reading small text, spotting something far away, being great at finding Waldo, and getting easy access to the menu above the counter at a fast food restaurant. Have you ever wanted to zoom in like you can on your phone in the real world? With F-Tin, you can! Additionally, for any of my fellow glasses users, one can go without em for a bit, or just push the limits of your current prescription, so you have more of an excuse to put off that eye appointment that you’ve been two years overdue for. Storing: So generally speaking, losing sight is not that great of a thing. And I will admit, there are very few cases in which this would be helpful. I would say that it is a solid excuse for “not seeing something.” “You were in the room! How did you not see the baby throwing up everywhere?” ”Oh, I was storing my sightmind!” Hearing Tapping: Increasing general heating can honestly be so nice. You can listen in on conversations, hear what someone’s shouting across the house easier, listen to the birds really well, and generally have a volume control across your whole life. Don’t want to wake up anyone when you are binging a Netflix show? Just leave it at an unreasonably low volume and use your hearingmind to adjust the volume. Forgot your earbuds for the umpteenth time? Hearingminds have you covered. Storing: Blocking out your annoying siblings has never been easier. If there are distractions, blocking them out is a breeze. For those with ADHD, I could certainly see this being a lifesaver. You can also make the excuse of not hearing people when they ask you to do something you don’t want. Touch Tapping: Honestly, this would just be plain cool. Being able to feel any texture with utmost intricacy would frankly be amazing. But if you want examples, I give you petting a cat or dog. Never will you let a softer thing. It would be heaven. Additionally, any comfy blanket just became 10x more comfy. Just a really nice ability to have. Storing: have you ever had the issue of liking the flavor of a food, but disliking the texture? This can solve that problem. Additionally, if you are handling something gross, not feeling it could be quite nice. Taste Tapping: Your favorite foods just got even tastier. That’s all I have to say. Great addition, and I want it. Storing: If you are forced to eat something gross, or just want to prank your friends, storing taste can be awesome. Additionally, eating medicine or accidentally having medicine stuck in your throat just got easier to deal with. Smell Tapping: so interestingly enough t, this would also help your sense of taste. So more tastiness did you! Additionally, being able to smell fresh cooked bread at a distance like never before is some quality stuff. Storing: Taking out trash and rotten food, unclogging toilets, and drying your dog has now become bearable. You’re welcome. Pain Tapping: This one is a bit of an oddball of the group. Generally, tapping is supposed to be the benefit, but here, it usually isn’t. However, if you are a sucker for spicy things, this could potentially help. Storing: Honestly, all I have to say is never getting headaches again, but I’ll say more. If you’re a sports player, that injury that you know is okay, but still hurts won’t be an issue. Also, burning yourself isn’t as bad as it used to be, which is nice. One of the most interesting applications, however, is not having limbs falling asleep. The pins and needles are a nerve response, so theoretically, this would cut it off. Also, would that mean physical anxiety symptoms and nerves from upcoming performances could dissipate as well? Probably. For an anxious human like myself that has really irritating physical symptoms, that would be very nice indeed. And that’s the list! If you have more to add, please do! Personally, I think F-Tin is far and away the best metal for people that aren’t politicians, warriors, or scientists. It’s useful for a myriad of smaller situations, and is just awesome. It’s six QoL superpowers in one! And if this has taken you over the edge for joining the F-Tin cult, I welcome you. More members are always welcome, and I assure you that I won’t stop gushing about its awesomeness anytime soon. A shameless plug for the uninitiated:
  8. Honestly, I don’t really know. I find it hard to ever give things a 10/10, because to me, that means that they are perfect, which leads to others contesting that claim. If you are saying 10/10 as in how sushi is a 10/10, and hoodies are 10/10 (not perfect, and not necessarily perfect for every scenario, but pretty darn close), then this combo, along with A-Iron F-Tin, and maybe, depending on whether me or Alder is right about the whole A-gold debate, A-Gold F-Tin, is where I would give a 10/10.
  9. Random Twinborn Combo Day 29: A-Steel and F-Tin Alright folks, this, at least for a while, was my favorite Twinborn combo. I might be slightly preferential to A-Iron and F-Tin, but this one has the generic awesomeness that I love. Forst off, you have Allomantic Steel, which is just really fun. Deflecting bullets, turning things into bullets, and shooting into the sky like a bullet. All the high speed combat action you need. And from a domestic’s perspective, getting from place to place quickly without the need for a car is mighty nice. You could also close doors at a distance, which can certainly be nice. Additionally, while burning it, you can see every source of metal around the place, and have 360 degree vision. So good luck to anyone sneaking up on ya. And then there’s F-Tin. My sweet, sweet F-Tin. I have gushed on it plenty, so I won’t hush more here, but I will send you all over to my revived F-Tin cult where I highlight why F-Tin is my favorite Feruchemantic metal, and why it should be yours too: Now that you all have been briefed with the two separately, and have hopefully joined my cult of loyal followers of the one supreme metallic truth, let’s put the two together. You would have a character that can move all around the place, can deflect most conventional weapons (swords, guns, etc.), can see and hear pretty much anyone and everything in their vicinity, can be immune to pain when necessary, can turn simple objects into deadly weapons, and improve their quality of life significantly (tasty things are tastier, laziness has never been easier, petting dogs and cats has never been nicer, any bad smells or sounds hardly exist), you can see why I like them. And on top of the two just being really nice own their own, you can also reverse compound with them, storing steel sight for temporary bursts of being able to paint an intricate picture of everything around you when needed. Additionally, given the weirdness of reverse compounding, I would argue that you would at least become a steelsightmind savant, given that you are tapping attributes that you don’t normally have. @alder24, I know I’m going to get flak for this, but if you can reach savantism through compounding or using unkeyed metalminds, you have to be able to make it work through reverse compounding as well. I doubt you would get to be a full F-Tin savant, but at least for the steelsight portion. Anyway, I just love this combination. Resonance: External pushing metal plus internal sense-enhancing metal, eh? Well, I think something like a more acute sense of sight or hearing would be in order, but I doubt that would come in the form of a simple better hearing and eyesight. Perhaps improved color recognition and pitch recognition? Or, if you want to stretch it a bit, perhaps the ability to tune out certain noises and amplify others through hearingminds? Name: Gargoyle is quite a good one. Sitting up high in a tower, overseeing the bustle down below… Rating: 9.5/10. For me, it doesn’t get much better than this. Complexity, power, coolness, it’s all there. But I don’t have it in myself to give it a perfect rating…
  10. Nono, you’re right. Second time I’ve made this mistake!
  11. I know, I know. Here’s the post. Random Twinborn Combo Day 28: A-Bendalloy and F-Electrum Well given that one creates a bubble where you can do more in less time, and the other allows you to keep going at something over a large amount of time, I would say the synergy is quite straightforward. Get 5 degrees in the span of three years! The ultimate workaholic or over-studious Twinborn combo. Not much more to say than that, but still, it could be quite nice for sure. Resonance: I would say that they would naturally be a quick learner, and pick up on topics faster than most. Name: Quickstudy, hands down Rating: 7.5/10. Cool, but not too cool. As a side note, I’m not loving how much I’m pushing the time on these posts. There’s a chance, at some point soon-ish, but we’ll see, that I will need someone to sub in for about a week to enable some recharging time for myself. This isn’t a particularly difficult task, and it is one that I enjoy, but commitments are commitments, and when you kinda have to do something every day, burning out, at least for a little bit, is generally inevitable. We’ll see tho. It looks like I’m approaching that point, but haven’t gotten there yet. I’ll keep y’all posted!
  12. Had I not been the lord of F-Tin, I would be the lord of puns.
  13. Wow, I’m posting these later and later. Perhaps I should do something about that… Random Twinborn Combo Day 27: A-Aluminum and F-Bendalloy So Allomantic aluminum (and to some degree, duralumin) are mostly useless Allomantic abilities. There are theoretical uses (primer cubes, for example), but for this series, I will likely be focusing on the resonances they can create rather than the potential improbable use of them. With that said, let’s get to F-Bendalloy. Feruchemantic Bendalloy stores calories, as in the energy bodies need to keep functioning over extended periods of time. So basically, while storing, unless there is a constant supply of food that you’re munching down, it will cause starvation. But when tapping, you can go without having to eat for extended periods of time. Overall, if managed correctly, storing of this could be quite easy to do. Not the most powerful of Feruchemantic abilities, but it could certainly still be a useful one. I mean, you could always be in shape, with losing weight being insanely easy. Resonance: Perhaps greater control over fat distribution around the body? So you would be able to form your body to better match your ideal self? Name: Not A Clue. Rating: 6/10. Not bad, but it’s just a slightly better Subsumer.
  14. That makes me wonder…are babies, potentially even toddlers, immune to emotional allomancy?
  15. So here’s the question: since this is about emotional manipulation through use of Allomancy, is it the intelligence or emotional capacity of the being that defines whether or not it affects them?
  16. Well, without getting into the whole emotional capacity of animals and do they have souls debate, I will point out that cats have near-human sapience, with the only real difference being that we were trained from birth to severely expand our capacity for understanding of each other and the outside world.
  17. Clotho, Spiritual Realm Clotho, witnessing such an inhuman monster, did what any sensible person would do: she screamed. She knew little about her true self, but she was no fighter. The creature reached for her, but she squirmed away, bounding over the fallen doorway, turning the corner, searching for the girl to get her out of here. Turning the corner, she nearly ran into the older her. How did she get here? With a kindly face, she said “This is not your past.” The woman held up a hand, and the world faded. As everything went black, Clotho heard the tortured screams of a girl desperately trying to escape her fate. Clotho closed her eyes, shuddering. “Brightness, you need to get out of the way.” Slowly opening her eyes, and shielding them from the sun, Clotho glanced at the speaker. The man was a worker, by the looks of it. He had hazel eyes, and work-worn hands. He was carrying what appeared to be a bundle of clothes, each dress having intricate details and made of colorful fabric. “Sorry, sorry!” Clotho moved out of the way, stepping back out of the road. looking around, she saw a landscape she could never have imagined. Arid land, almost prairie-like, had it not been for the lack of any grass. Instead, small buds poked out of the ground sporadically. There were gigantic creatures roaming this landscape, with hard shells and plated claws. Somehow, despite their fearsome appearance, the looked…docile. In the distance, she saw a man, quickly approaching what appeared to be her caravan of servants and soldiers. This was the life she must have been used to, if on a different planet. Within a few minutes, the man arrived the now stationary procession. ”who is the woman known as lady Clotho?” He boomed, atop his strangely large horse. “I have a message from her master”. There was a murmuring throughout the group, until one man pointed in her direction. Clotho wished that she could wilt into the ground and hide, but she couldn’t. She had to play an act, which was something that she should be used to by now. However, without her shadows, she felt…useless. ”I am here” she said, with less confidence than she would have liked. “What have you brought me?” “Iyatil sends their regards. You nearly had him fooled, had you made your dealings with the Shin better concealed.” Getting down from his horse, the man approached her. ”You had everything you needed. Why did you betray our trust?” Clotho stuttered. “I-I can Explain-“ The man shook his head gravely. “Unfortunately, you won’t have to.” Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted from her chest. She looked down, and saw a gigantic sword protruding from her chest. It was easily six feet in length, but she didn’t see the man holding it before. The pain grew, and her vision began to blur. He pulled the sword out of her chest, taking it out as of her as if her body didn’t exist. As she crumpled to the ground, chaos erupted. People fleeing, soldiers drawing their swords. Clotho’s vision went dark. “Neither is this your past” Clotho heard whispered into her ear.
  18. I’ll fix it, I’ll fix it. I posted it riiiight before I went to sleep for the day. talk about a mippick…
  19. Harmony, I didn’t make a post today. Well, here ya go. Random Twinborn Combo Day 26: A-Pewter and F-Chromium Do I think these synergize all that much? Not really. But I still think the combo has merit. Getting lucky in a fight is quite nice, and having every hit you give hit like a truck is extra nice. I wonder if it would make savantism less of a problem, as you might be lucky enough to not get that injured? Anyway, cool, and in my opinion straightforward, combo. Resonance: I would say extra agility would be a nice resonance. Name: Boxer is a pretty nice one honestly. Rating: 7/10. Pretty decent, nothing special. Could still be an interesting character though!
  20. Well, yeah. Of course!! I’m just saying that it probably would not equate to being a chimera. I would certainly think it would bend things more than just allomantic spikes, but I don’t think it would be as extreme as koloss or chimeras.
  21. An incredibly important announcement to any of my followers who may still be on the Shard: 


    The F-Tin cult has been reborn! If any are willing to give the thread a look, and are willing to have their opinion swayed, I invite you to head over to the Social Groups and Guilds forum, where any and all followers are welcome.

    Let F-Tin reign supreme!!

  22. Your Overlord has returned!!!! The F-Tin cult has returned to power after a 2-year hiatus. The goal is, of course, the same, and that is to convince the masses of the raw, unstoppable power of F-Tin. All are welcome, and though dissenters are permitted to contest any of the points that I and others have made, they must be willing to convert if a strong enough argument is made. From the ashes of silence, may this cult be reborn!!
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