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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Important extra note pertaining to my recent Tin-nanigains- Folks could store connection to Koloss when they are under their thrall, so that’s pretty cool!
  2. Well, yeah, but still a sense that can be stored! Well, I honestly slightly doubt that. If it were the same way, it would be easily utilized by seekers. Now, you could argue it’s a matter of intent, but I think it’s more a matter of looking for the right thing. Yeahh, I guess you’re right. But I can’t complain about getting more reverse-compoundable things for other metals! So I would tend to disagree on this. I think it is highly dependent on what you are stealing from an animal. Is it their intelligence? Their strength? Their eyes? Their memories? I think all of these would lead to a different outcome, and only some would warp your mind. and as to @alder24’s points, Well, I certainly agree that fortune is an aspect of both electrum and atium, and maybe even gold. However, since there is some sort of “visual” component that doesn’t use your eyes (see: inquisitors), I think there is also some sense component to it. Well, that’s a fair point. Still, improves F-tin storing, so I count it as a win! Yep, this is certainly true. Which just gives more possibility for sense storing! Although, it would probably be easier to get breaths than a dawnshard…
  3. Oh cool! That makes sense. And yeah, it feels like that’s somehow obtainable.
  4. Hmmmmm interesting, interesting. No, you’re totally right. Gold compounding may be more interesting than I originally thought…
  5. Aw man, did I already miss something important? What do you mean by this?
  6. Well, @Trusk'our, you get half of your wish. Random Twinborn Combo Day 25: A-Bendalloy and F-Brass So this one is actually quite interesting! You have the almighty power of heat plus the almighty power of speed. Now, had this been physical speed, it would create heat. Since it’s temporal speed, while moving about would generate more heat over time for those outside the bubble, inside the bubble, where it counts, it would feel the same. Still, it’s a pretty cool duo. Now here’s a question: does a speed bubble give some form of resistance from external temperature? Obviously if a bomb were to explode, sending a heat wave your way, putting up a speed bubble would spare you from the heat. But what if regular temperatures? I suppose it would have some odd effects with wind, but it probably wouldn’t mess with infrared light, eh? What of rain or snow? I would assume the time bubble would mess with that in interesting ways. What I’m trying to say is that this Twinborn could not only have their own temperature resistance, they could probably be able to pass a bit of that on to others with clever use of speed bubbles. They would be the ultimate mountain climbing buddy! Keeping you warm and getting the climb done quickly. Honestly, that would be quite nice. Resonance: perhaps an increase in body heat spread? So you could feel their warmth (or coolness) from farther away. Name: Past Climber or Campfire, I don’t have any really cool names (just hot ones). Rating: 8.5/10. Had I not be so addicted to F-tin, this would be the ultimate comfort Twinborn combo for me. I could move from place to place quickly, get things done fast, and never have to worry about the weather. Slam dunk of a comfort Twinborn.
  7. So it is by now no secret that I am a bit of an F-Tin addict. I’ve made probably too many posts about it, and have overthought it’s capabilities about five too many times. How much could one more hurt? Brandon Sanderson has a whole lot of different magic systems in the Cosmere, and a surprising amount have to do with senses in some form. Knowing this, I want to try to locate all of the possible supernatural senses that could be stored, as well as the possible preexisting senses that could be supernaturally given a boost through magical assistance. I’ll be going by planet, and seeing what is possible in each one. Scadrial Ah, home sweet home. I believe I’ve made a thread on this already, so I’ll try to keep it relatively brief. We have Allomantic steel and iron, where you could store that juicy 360 degree vision with Investiture detection abilities, which could be quite nice. You wouldn’t be able to affect any metals, but it would still be cool. I also doubt you could separate the metal detection from the 360 degree vision, but it would be cool if you could. Allomantic bronze works in much the same way, but I do wonder: would you be able to store sensing of Allomantic Investiture and something like sensing Feruchemantic investiture? The Sandlord has said that they are detected differently, but depending on how they are detected differently, maybe they could be separate senses? It’s a long shot, but I’ll take what I can get. Allomantic gold, electrum, and Atium Prime are odd ones. They give their own sense, yes, but they also do something else. Either tapping into Identity or Fortune, they end up messing with the Spiritual Realm. So I feel like they could be stored, but I doubt all of it could be stored. Gold Shadows could store the additional human+ maybe seeing out of their eyes as well, but with Atium and Electrum, if you aren’t storing Fortune, would storing the shadow do anything? Moving on from that weirdness, we have Allomantic tin and pewter. Neither give new sense, but they enhance preexisting ones. Tin enhances, well, all of em, and pewter enhances your sense of balance to match the increase in strength. Both can certainly be useful, and with A-Tin, you could compound, which would be pretty crazy. Now I come to a recent addition that I’m trying out. What of Koloss Sense? Powerful Soothers/Rioters have the ability to sense the koloss, and likely other Hemalurgic constructs they control, from a distance. Now, it’s been a while since I’ve read the original trilogy, and Coppermind is being not so accommodating, but I believe that they were able to detect the emotional state of the koloss, as well as the position that they were at. While one could argue that this is more of a telepathic link of sorts than it’s own sense, I would argue that it is a distinct way of taking in information about your surroundings, so therefore is a sense of sorts. This is a bit of a reach, but I have high hopes. Speaking of Hemalurgy, let’s talk about it. H-Tin steals senses, so that will certainly help give extra senses. Although, I would argue that, if you find the right bind points, you could steal an animal’s senses, such as the ability to see UV light, or infrared Vision. Maybe you could steal the enhanced night vision of an owl for example, but I’m not too sure if you could store that. Still, it would be quite interesting to see (pun intended). I’ll briefly go over some potential with Feruchemy, but there isn’t that much that I can see. Perhaps F-pewter would adjust proprioception, but I doubt it would really increase it. Past that, there really isn’t much that I can see that would add or increase senses. Nalthis: Nalthis, sweet Nalthis. Land of color and many different shenanigans. Let’s get the most obvious one out of the way. Lifesense. It’s what allows Nalthinians to have a faint idea about living beings around them, and with more breaths, that can be perfected. However, with the power of F-Tin, it can go even further! Storability is quite nice, and very possible. Now, there’s been controversy over the store-ability of perfect pitch and perfect color recognition. It’s an augmentation to a preexisting sense, but it doesn’t really seem different enough to be stored separately. But I feel like it has to do something for F-tin, right? I don’t know, maybe it’s me getting my hopes up, but I feel like there has to be some interaction. Sel: I don’t think there’s anything in Sel that could directly help, past maybe soulstamping, but at the same time we really don’t know much about the magic systems there. Threnody and Taldain I’m lumping these together, as we really don’t know much about either magic system. Maybe there’s something that could help Worldhopping Windwhisperers, but we just don’t know at the moment. First of The Sun Now we don’t know a lot about this funky little planet, but from what we have right now, we know that there is at least one aviar that can give you a new sense of sorts. I would interpret Sak’s visions as similar to electrum shadows in their storability. Roshar I’ve been avoiding this one, for a few reasons, but mostly due to the fact that I really don’t know that much about Roshar’s intricacies, and the lack of full exploration of all of the magic systems in the books certainly isn’t helping. But I’ll give it a try. The surge of gravitation theoretically gives at the very least a more honed sense of gravitational direction, from flying/falling about everywhere. Does it actually supernaturally increase that sense? Probably not, but it will at least improve it through use. The surge of transportation allows peeking into the Cognitive by Truthwatchers, but I doubt that’s really it’s own sense. I think it’s very likely that the Purelake spren sight works in much the same way, so I won’t be counting those. I also don’t think Dalinar or even Renarin’s visions really count, as they seem to be more of a cognitive thing playing with preexisting senses than a unique sense. But again, a more SA-nerdy fando might be able to give more insight. Now, Old Magic is a bit of a cheat, as you can get any extra sense or augmentation of senses, but it is also a bit of a bait, as unless you are really close with Cultivation, you don’t really get to choose what you get. We don’t really know how Old Magic works, but however it works, Cultivation calls the shots. Anyway, that’s all I can think of for Stormlight’s magic systems. There are many wild things you can do with em, but gaining new senses does not seem to be one of them. That just about wraps this megatheory up! If you have any new points to make, or if you contest some points that I have made, feel free to contribute! I am far from an expert in the Cosmere, just an F-Tin addict.
  8. We’ll get to the boring ones when we get to the boring ones, okay? It’s RANDOM Twinborn combos >:(
  9. You know, I used to have my own F-Tin cult…but then it died out. I’ve been needing an excuse to necromance it, but I’ve needed a good reason. I’ve created enough posts now that it might be possible…. Maybe be prepared for the reigniting of F-Tin Cult Reborn?
  10. Random Twinborn Combo Day 24: A-Nicrosil and F-Tin You know, it sure is a shame that we aren’t getting anything where F-tin can reverse compound. Well, A-Nicrosil is pretty cool. Theoretically, one could Nicroburst a metalmind, but I don’t really know how that would work: could you Nicroburst your own metalminds? Probably, but would that do anything that you couldn’t do anyway? Probably not. F-tin is my favorite feruchemantic metal (believe it or not), and I really like it’s versatility. That being said, I’m not seeing a lot of synergy here. Nicrobursts are kind of front line-support folks, and like being in the thick of things and, while Windwhisperers could be in the thick of things, they generally would be acting as watchmen or something of the like. Still, I suppose it could be quite nice for a duo of sorts, with one being a heavy hitter, and the other being an enabler and agile attack dodger. With this Twinborn kinda acting as the Wayne-type. Resonance: perhaps fine control of storing, enabling easy going from deaf to acutely hearing? Name: Keenburst sounds weird, but I don’t have many other ideas. Rating: 7/10, but I could see that this would have a high complexity cap in the right environment.
  11. Clotho braced herself. Delben touched her, with a firm grip. He always had a firm grip… Everything went dark. —————————————————— Waking up, Clotho realized she was not in the same room as she was before. Where was she? And why was it so quiet? In front of her was a woman. She was…Clotho. But…older. Lines creased her face, and she held a walking cane in front of her. How can there be an older self? ”You shouldn’t have come here.” The woman said. “For your own sanity, you should leave.” Clotho wasn’t going to give up so easily. “I need to know who I am! Who am I?” Before the woman could reply, everything faded to white. —————————————————— Clotho was in a room. Wooden flooring, unpainted walls. Shelves were broken in two, with papers and broken objects strewn across the floor. The ground was charred from a fire that had since died out. And in the center of a room, there was a girl. She wore a ragged dress, with soot lining the hem. Her hands were blackened, and her face was coated in a light layer of ash. Her eyes were green, like Clotho’s. The girl was crying. “Wh-who are you?” The girl whimpered. ”What…happened here?” This can’t be her past…could it? No. This was a self’s life. Not hers. “H-he took them. He took them.” ”Who? Where?” Clotho was no fighter, but she could likely get a self that could. She turned to see which selves she had- and there were none. She tried burning gold, and found…nothing. Her stores weren’t empty—they weren’t there. Before she could fully process this, her vision blurred. She found herself in front of a door, with the doorframe off its hinges. The girl was behind her, cowering with fear. This girl needs me. I won’t let her down. Cautiously stepping over the door, Clotho entered the remains of the room. Blood oozed toward her feet. Bodies, dismembered, laid around the room, all in pieces. Limbs were detached from bodies, and a soulless head looked glassily at Clotho. Before she could scream, A figure in the center of the room spoke. “Hello there missy” The man wore a devilish smile, with intricate tattoos lining his shaved head. Where his eyes should be were two gigantic metal spikes, stabbed straight through his eye sockets. His body was covered in blood, and gore dropped from a massive axe that he held with one hand. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
  12. Random Twinborn Combo Day 23: A-Chromium and F-Brass So I believe I’ve said what I need to say about A-chromium-better than nothing, but often a stab in the gut is better than a touch on metallic wiping. However, it is a good point that with time, it can wipe investiture from a metalmind, which can indeed be pretty cool. F-Brass is useful for being a sweaterlord all day every day, as well as becoming the human torch if need be. A nice ability, but not insane exactly. However, I do like that a twinborn like this could weaponize their hands, making them burn things to the touch, and also leech using Chromium. Makes both better, in a way. I could certainly imagine a monk-like character fighting people with their bare hands, and it working out really well. Resonance: Honestly don’t know. Name: Poisonfist would be quite the superhero name, so I’ll roll with that one. Rating: 7/10. Not great, but pretty cool nonetheless.
  13. You know, I wish I could add to this theory in some way, but it’s just so good. Props to you, @cometaryorbit. Just a fantastic theory that I 100% buy.
  14. Random Twinborn Combo Day 22: A-Zinc and F-Tin This one is actually not that bad! Obviously it’s not one that allows reverse compounding, but you can get some cool stuff with it. using F-tin, you can hear folks’ heartbeat, see them in extra detail, and pick up on subtle physical cues. You could end up being quite the skillful rioter, honestly. Resonance: I would say having a baseline understanding of how people work. Psychological understanding and all that. Name: Hawk would probably work quite well! Rating: 7/10. I hate to give anything with F-Tin anything below an 8, but I must be (relatively) objective with my ratings.
  15. There’s been a recent uptick of bot spans, for some reason, appearing mostly around the Introduce Yourself forums. They have long names, that to the unfocused eye, could be quite similar in structure to your username. But anyways, welcome to the land of the posting! If you were to gain the ability to semi-shift into any of the Cosmere’s magical creatures (basically half transforming into a humanoid-looking variant of them), which would you choose (and why)?
  16. Welcome to the Shard! Glad to have another fanatic. If you were to have one magic system, smuggle it into Roshar, kill a chasmfiend, and get out, which magic system would you use for the job, and how would you pull it off?
  17. This is actually a really good thought! I honestly think that if not for many feruchemists growing up and around other Elendel folks, and assimilating into the culture, the Enclave would probably find more respect amongst the Malwish than with Elendel folks.
  18. You know, I am no realizing how much of a thing this has become. Three weeks in, and we already have 170 replies and a seven page post. I have to say thank you all for your wonderous insights, and I am very glad that you all are enjoying this series! Random Twinborn Combo Day 21: A-Iron and F-Chromium Back to Fortune theorizing we go! So Fortune, as a few of you have wisely pointed out, doesn’t necessarily have to be seeing the future. I would say the Fortune that is generally stored in a Chromiummind likely allows a subconscious, and maybe even conscious if you’re skilled enough, sense of being where you need to be when you need to be there. Certainly a very useful trait! Storing it wouldn’t be too bad, and is more of an irritable than a chore, like F-cadmium. I’m sure it could get to your head, but it’s not as bad as many others can be. Combined with A-Iron, I would say this does a lot of nice things, but if we’re talking synergistically, it can allow you to expertly position yourself in just the right way to pull off some crazy iron-pulls. A talented Lurcher could certainly achieve the same thing (like @I think I am here.’s current Alleyverse character), but being able to do that off the bat is really nice. The great thing about F-Chromium is that, when you train to get a better understanding and management of your Chromium, all of your other skills improve. Cool stuff! Resonance: Luck and Pulling Metals, eh? Perhaps additional luck in encountering physical items? I’m not very sure about a good resonance, so suggestions are, as always, very much appreciated. Name: Acrobat would be a nice one, or given that they’re lucky with fast metals being shot at them, Daredevil? Rating: 8/10. F-Chromium just makes everything better, so I doubt you will encounter any F-Chromium Twinborn below an 8.
  19. This is certainly true, and I have assumed that you could certainly gain Feruchemantic savantism through reverse compounding (in which feruchemy is powering allomancy). I even made a whole other thread talking about which Twinborn combos would allow that!
  20. You’re completely right about that point! Something I hadn’t really thought of, but that is certainly true.
  21. Ah, that’s the what I failed to connect. Thanks for the clarification!
  22. Honestly, I feel like it would be drastically stronger than just a simple vision, as you are burning everything at once, not just flaring it. How would it be stronger? That I do not know. But it would need to be stronger.
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