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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Random Twinborn Combo Day 20: A-Bendalloy and F-Cadmium So Allomantic Bendalloy, as previously stated, ain’t bad. It is useful in everyday life, it can be used to zoom around the place if you are good enough with it, and you can use it to buy yourself some extra time in many situations. Overall, really nice. F-Cadmium is a really interesting one. This one stores breath, so while tapping it, your body gets all the oxygen it needs to keep going. While this is called a Gasper Ferring, it is so much more than being able to swim underwater for a long time. I would say that besides F-gold, this is the best Feruchemantic metal at keeping you alive. Your body needs oxygen to survive. It gains said oxygen through the lungs, which it then spreads through the rest of your body through blood. The Ars Arcanum says that Oxygen is dispersed through your bloodstream, so we’ll go with that. If you are, say, bleeding out, getting oxygen into your bloodstream could be quite nice. Of course, that can only help so much, as you’re kind of losing your bloodstream pretty quickly. But from Asphyxiation to heart attacks, this can be really nice. The main downside is that storing is an absolute nightmare, as you have to hyperventilate while storing, which is a pain. Together, you get a Twinborn with offensive and defensive power. It’s like a slightly worse Wayne. Resonance: perhaps a better metabolism? Having it work faster than most, so recourses can be nicely distributed throughout the body quickly? Name: other than Wayne At Home, I don’t have much. Rating: 6/10, purely because we’ve already seen a better version of this in action.
  2. Clotho looked at him apprehensively. “Are you a rusting idiot? In the eventuality that I’m going to pass out, you want me to be standing up?” Clotho knew that Delben wasn’t the most empathetic person out there, but she thought he at least had some common sense. Sitting down, Clotho motioned to him. “Now, you better not be searching my body for coin when I’m out” she said, gravely. “Because of you are, I won’t be the only one that’s been knocked cold today.” Downing a vial and reaching out her hand, Clotho readied herself. @I think I am here.
  3. That’s a good point! I’m certain A-gold is very closely tied to Identity, but you are certainly right that it is pretty much the only allomantic metal to really do that.
  4. Honestly, that’s my thought too. Something that would enable a weird dream-state where you have access to hundreds of alternate selves for a short, unconscious, amount of time.
  5. So we sort of get how Nicro-boosting works on a lot of metals. Pewter, you get super strong, steel you launch everything into the abyss, iron and tin, you just die, and so on. What of the weirder ones? Obviously aluminum and duralumin wouldn’t have too much affect, and chromium and nicrosil would be similar, but what of the forbidden four? The temporal metals? For cadmium, I could see something like instantaneous time travel into the future. Bendalloy—doing a thousand things in the span of half a second? Gold and Electrum is where things get really weird, as they’re weird metals in general. Would they be like Atium, where they just poke a hole in the spirit realm and wild things happen? Atium was predicated on Fortune, and getting a blast of the future, so would Electrum be similar? I suppose given that “Atium” was an electrum alloy, that would make sense. So that just leaves gold. Gold is a weird Allomantic metal, so I have no idea what happens with that one. It doesn’t really tap into fortune, but messes with the Spiritual Realm somehow. I don’t know. Ideas, anyone?
  6. Alright! Today’s post is late yet again, but tomorrow will be an early one, so be prepared. Random Twinborn Combo Day 19: A-Zinc and F-Chromium That’s right folks, we’re diving into chromium. So Chromium stores Fortune. Arcanum says that for Scadrians, that is synonymous with luck, but all we’ve seen of capital F Fortune in the Cosmere has been about seeing the future. For example, that’s how shards can see into the future a bit. And a bit of how Atium does what Atium do. With that in mind, what happens when you store Fortune? Scadrians would say the person would be less lucky, but what actually happens? I…don’t really know. But what happens when it’s tapped? Well, the user would be able to know where they need to be when they need to be, and is more likely for good things, or things that they want, to happen. So pretty good, and a tad weird. Mix that with Zinc, and you can be much more accurate with which emotions to riot. Also, you would be one heck of a gambler. You would likely be the best Rioter around while tapping it, and easily go from zero to hero. It would honestly be quite dangerous. I’m sure one could easily become quite addicted to things going your way. That would honestly lead to quite the interesting character! Resonance: Perhaps naturally charismatic, or have that “can easily be your friend” face/voice, with Fortune being tied to the spiritual realm and all that. Name: Gambler is a pretty good one, honestly. Rating: The elusive 9/10, as it is both very powerful and very interesting. I would love to see one of these folks in action!
  7. The big hesitance there is that Twinborn Resonances were said to be significantly weaker than other magic system’s, which makes me hesitant to add something that basically makes the Resonance the whole thing of the Twinborn. But I don’t know. Perhaps that could work!
  8. Ahoy @Just_a_Fan_YT! Welcome to the Shard! Nice to have ya here. What do you think would be the tastiest fantasy creature that Brando Sando made?
  9. “I assure you, she can do what she pleases. I fear the man that tries to stop her.” Clotho felt that this was probably not too far from the truth. “What happened to the Oracle?” Clotho said as they entered the room. Oracles we’re close to Augurs…right? Looking upon Delben, Clotho saw many of the same features. Yet, this man was certainly different than how her self had known him. More successful. More…arrogant. But still just as desperate for boxings. @I think I am here.
  10. I am terribly sorry about the lateness of my posting. Perhaps some of you may have the mercy to forgive me. Random Twinborn Combo Day 18: A-Nicrosil and F-Gold So these don’t have that much synergy with each other, but that doesn’t mean they’re bad. They’re both definitely within the top three best metals of their magic system, and they each have their own uses. Imagine shooting the Nicro, expecting them to die, ending the sonic speed coinshot bursts, only to see them heal it up. You would be hyper boned. This would be really nice for the Elendel military, honestly. Resonance: Perhaps a slower burn of Nicrosil or something? I don’t have a very good one for it honestly. Name: Don’t really know, sorry! Rating: 8/10, purely because both are such banger abilities
  11. Rusts, you’re right. Well, rating goes down to a 4/10 I guess.
  12. Sorry for the late posting today! Random Twinborn Combo Day 17: A-Nicrosil and F-Aluminum So this is a funky little combination. Allomantic Nicrosil can be quite powerful, as you can burst a target’s allomantic reserves, which is useful in many a circumstance, so long as there’s others with you. F-Aluminum is the odd one. It stores Identity, which isn’t fully understood, but in the end it can allow stuff like stealing and using others’ metalminds. It seems to have downsides to storing your identity though, but we haven’t really seen all that much about it. Together, you got someone that is the ultimate tag team of another twinborn. They can use their metalminds and boost their Allomancy. Pretty cool stuff! Resonsnce: External Enhancement plus Internal Erasing, eh? Perhaps it could lead to having a sense of others’ cognitive selves? Name: well, Sidekick is a bit boring, and Tag Team is a bit off. I’m not so sure about this one, honestly. Rating: 7/10, as it kind of needs others to do anything.
  13. Clotho, realizing herself, took a mental step back. She needed to act more wisely. “Look, the gig is simple. I need a Nicro-enhanced boost of my own Allomantic Gold. So long as I’m not irreparably mentally damaged by the experience, I can give you some boxings and be out of here.” Keeping wary eyes on the other company in the room with her gold shadows, something which her selves seemed to do on instinct, she walked closer. ”You ever dealt with an Augur before?”
  14. Random Twinborn Combo Day 16: You know what? It’s day 16! There has to be something special for it! First ever triple perhaps? Yeah, let’s do that! Random Twinborn Combo Day 16.1 A-Steel and F-Zinc (pushing metal and storing mental [speed]) At this point, we know what these two can do. One lets ya kill things and fly, the other lets ya think fast. Put em together, and you get someone that could do some really nice tricks, with ricochet and perfect pushing. It would be quite the deadly combo, honestly. Resonance: Cognition and external pushing, eh? I would say an intrinsic understanding of arc trajectories, but that’s less a resonance than something that comes with the trade. Perhaps being surprisingly charismatic? Combining the external pushing nature of Steel with the cognitive aspect of Zinc? Name: Trickshot, for sure. Rating: 7/10. Pretty fun gimmick, but they kinda have the one thing. Random Twinborn Combo Day 16.2: A-Copper and F-Tin So you all know how much I love F-Tin, or at least I hope you know (I really need to revive that F-Tin Cult). F-Tin can allow a Twinborn to gain extra senses from their Allomancy using 8 of the 17 possible Twinborn combinations. Sadly, copper is not one of them. Allomantic copper is nice and all, don’t get me wrong. The Allomantic protection is quite nice, and being able to be invisible to a Seeker certainly has its perks. F-Tin, I could go on and on about. Storing pain, sense of temperature, balance, and of course the five senses can be useful for any manner of situations. There’s theoretically a whole bunch more, but it depends how much you’re willing to stretch what counts as a sense. I made a whole other thread for it, and there was varying opinions on it. Now, theoretically, F-Tin would have the most distinct outputs for a Seeker to sense, as a truly talented Seeker could determine the exact sense that is being stored or tapped. It would be quite the advantage against a Windwhirsperer Ferring, but it’s likely a tad too niche to worry about. Resonance: Cloaking and Senses, eh? Well, if resonances could be bad, having a general numbness to senses would be fitting, but I’m not sure resonances can be negative. This is a pretty good one to pitch out to y’all, because there’s certainly something there, I just can’t find it. Name: Another one to pitch out? I don’t love not having names for things, but there’s been some fantastic name suggestions recently. Rating: 6/10 overall, but to an F-Tin snob like me, it’s a 4/10. Random Twinborn Combo Day 16.3: A-Bendalloy and F-Atium Hey, this is the first time we’ve seen Atium! F-Atium stores age, which is kind of weird, and I have mixed thoughts on it. It could Reuther be physically aging the current state of the body forwards or backwards, which has a lot of weird ramifications, like what happens to your muscles? And what counts as “aging”? Another option is that it shifts the body forward or backward in time, which would lead to some really weird stuff, such as potential manifestations of tattoos and such through use. I’m personally preferential to the latter interpretation, but if you want to go on a tangent about that, I have yet another thread about that. Allomantic Bendalloy is funky, and could interact interestingly with aging. Since you are creating a personal speed bubble, where you are moving through time much faster than the rest of the world, how would that affect F-Atium? I honestly don’t really know. I don’t think it would reverse compound, but someone smarter than I can determine that. Overall, really cool stuff. Resonance: Perhaps an intrinsic understanding of the aging of your own body, like an uncanny knowledge of it. “My body is exactly 30 years, 50 days, and 12 hours old” for example. Name: Well, I would certainly like Time Wizard as a name, but it doesn’t really fit as an in-world name. Maybe Time Sifter? Rating: 8/10, purely due to how interesting it is. I would say that it would be closer to a 6/10 in practicality though.
  15. So the only thing that makes me hesitant that Hoid is trying to reform Adonalisium is that he refused to take up a shard. Maybe that’s due to him not wanting to be limited by the shard’s intent, which I don’t know if they would even know that was a thing at the time of the shattering, or maybe that’s due to a change of heart. But as Hoid hasn’t seemed to have changed much over the course of thousands of years, he doesn’t seem like the type to easily have a change of heart. Honestly, I think he knows something that we don’t, and that it is something that will be revealed to us at a later point. I feel like @StormDad is onto something with the connecting to every shard thing. I have know clue why he would want to do that, but it seems more plausible than reforging Adonalisium in my eyes.
  16. Mostly because someone could torture you for information, force you to take information from your metalminds and tell them. Same reason why many a spy could have a cyanide pill.
  17. Man, you’re totally right! I slightly doubt being able to wipe other’s memories, but certainly your own. Which is still pretty good, as it could allow for a really solid spy-type person. Sneaking up, wiping reserves, recording your findings, and wiping them if things get rough. Congrats folks! We found a use!
  18. Random Twinborn Combo Day 15: A-Chromium and F-Copper So A-chromium is pretty cool, but I often feel that if you are close enough to touch someone, you could have shot or stabbed them. Would love to know others’ thoughts on it, though! F-Copper is really cool, and has many uses, but I can’t find something that would synergize nicely with A-chromium. This is one of the few combinations where I really don’t have much to say, as there’s really not much going for it. Resonance: Another case of the nothings. Sorry! Name: Until I can actually understand what the heck this convo does, I won’t be able to come up with a name. This Twinborn is basically a blank slate, so please, jump in and theorize!
  19. I could never have it in my heart to give any twinborn combo a 0, but that would be getting it quite close.
  20. “So far” is the key word there. I can certainly think of more useless combos. But as chance has it, we haven’t run into the those yet!
  21. I really like making music (I play four instruments thus far). There’s just something about not only consuming music, but also being able to contribute to the magic of a piece that is just so cool. Past that, I have recently been getting into poems, of which I have had a lot of fun reimagining Greek Myths in funky ways. Greek Mythology is such an awesome form of storytelling, and there is so much to explore!
  22. Random Twinborn Combo Day 14: A-Gold and F-Iron Interesting, interesting… Allomantic Gold is quite the funky metal, as it can do quite a lot. Very few folks actually explore the capabilities, as using it is really weird. You basically get one alternate version of yourself, who you can think thoughts of and see through the eyes of. This allowes for an extra consciousness and pair of eyes, with the ability to see things in a different light. Now, you don’t really get to choose who you get, as it is sort of chosen for you, but it is almost always relevant. Now theoretically, this could allow you to adopt mannerisms and instincts that you wouldn’t normally have, which is pretty cool. The main downside, of course, is that it’s really weird. Then there’s F-Iron. We saw a lot of it in the books, but it was mostly used in context of A-Steel. Now, it seems to be quite the easy metal to store, as being lighter is not much of an issue. My main thought of the usefulness of it is in a fight, where your comparative weight matters. I’m certain there are other uses to it, but that’s the most obvious one. Together, you don’t get much synergy. You have a funky Allomantic power that most folks are scared to touch, and a useful, but kind of situational Feruchemantic ability. Interesting, but not wildly good. Resonance: Yet another combination that I have no clue about the Resonance of. Ideas much appreciated! Rating: 3/10. Better than the individual parts, but that’s it (unless I missed something).
  23. So the general idea is that Riino’s soldiers, with gold armor and red eyes, are the same as Trell’s soldiers of red and gold.
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