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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Ah, gotcha. That makes sense. Thanks for the clarification!
  2. Wait, so it’s just a piece of code that you just can’t figure out? That wild!
  3. Aw, thanks! It’s been fun, but my only concern is that new folks aren’t easily able to respond to older daily combos.
  4. Random Twinborn Combo Day 13: A-Zinc and F-Steel Now this is an interesting combo. Is there any amount of synergy between these two? Well, Rioters are nice, as they can subtly (or not so subtly) manipulate emotions. I recently made a post inquiring the differences between soothing and rioting, and the general consensus is that they can do pretty much the same thing, but some actions are easier done by one compared to the other. Still a nice ability, but I don’t think I can distinguish if one is better than another. F-Steel, as previously established, is a really good ability. It makes a lot of things a lot easier, and can be useful in many a situation. It also makes allomantic metals burn faster, and likely make their affects more powerful. Certainly an interesting way to boost the power of metals! Put these two together, and you have a character something like this. You expect them to just be some average rioter, but when you go to fight them, they zoom towards you and mess you up. Then, you’re so busy fighting that you forget that they are also a rioter, and they hit you with a super enhanced pull of your emotions, stunning you for just enough time for them to stab you at Mach 2. Could be quite the Twinborn to see in action, and I would certainly like to witness it in a book. Resonance: Physical speed+enflaming emotions, eh? Sounds like someone that would be a real douche. They probably wouldn’t need to figure out a way to riot their own emotions, as they are already egotistical and overconfident. Do I think that could be a resonance? Maybe! We really don’t know how they work, so a naturally inflated ego could certainly be a resonance. Name: Hmmm. I actually can’t find a good name. Suggestions would be appreciated! Rating: could lead to a funky character, and for that, it gets a solid 7.5/10.
  5. Looking about, Clotho noticed nothing unexpected. A few things have changed, but Delben’s style hadn’t. “I’m here to do business, and I know you’re the man that I need. You’re a Nicro, and a good one. Cheap, but experienced. And with the job I’ll be needing, it’s just an easy way to get some coin.” The Delben she knew would be intrigued enough to hear her out. Now, this wasn’t going to be the gig he was used to, but money was money to him. She knew he doesn’t take kindly to demands, but with some support by the disguise artist, she could make it work. Assuming she…they…knew what to do. ”So do you want to hear the gig, or should I find another, more cooperative person to give my boxings to?” @Stormlightsong @I think I am here.
  6. Yeah, heat of the sun was most definitely a hyperbole. But yeah. You can get h o t.
  7. So…are you arguing that Mistwraith pets are still on the menu?
  8. Another double day! Random Twinborn Combo Day 11.5: A-Brass and F-Brass Well, this compounder is pretty funky. Obviously A-brass is not so bad of a combo, and could be used to good effect, but folks mostly look at the compounded metal. So F-Brass is pretty funky, as you get to raise or lower your body temperature to inhuman degrees without feeling it. This can be nice for every-day life, but as this is a compounder, of course we’ll be looking at it from a combat sense. A normal Brass Ferring could certainly use their ability in combat, but it would take quite a lot to pull off. For a compounder, however, they could heat their body to roughly the heat of the sun with little problem. The main concern is that there is such thing as too hot, and that is generally the heat it would take to catch your clothes on fire. And if they have either fire-resistant clothing or no dignity, then they would have to worry about the melting point of the ground they’re walking on. Either way, they’ll have to be relatively scientifically inclined. Resonance: Soothing emotions and internal heat…don’t know! Theories anyone? Name: Inferno or Wildfire would be an apt description, but something like Embertongue would summarize their twinborn-ness. Rating: Pretty cool for a compounder, and it seems quite fun! 8/10 Random Twinborn Combo Day 12: A-Aluminum and F-Gold So this is going to be an interesting one. A-aluminum does nothing much on its own, but because it’s a twinborn, it creates a resonance. Now, technically Aluminum can cleans spiritual damage if used tactfully and excessively, which does actually combo quite nicely with F-gold. I won’t go too long on what F-Gold does, as you all know at this point. Resonance: Well, A-aluminum CAN cleanse the spiritual realm, and F-Gold heals the physical realm according to cognitive identity, so I would thing that it would be naturally hard to corrupt their identity or spirit web. My thought is that a Twinborn of this type would be able to handle an unusual amount of spikes without too much trouble. Name: Puresoul? Rating: basically a Bloodmaker but with a slight resonance. 4/10.
  9. Sadly, it’s often like that. Non-Cosmere works don’t get a lot of love, often due to lack of fans and lack of theories.
  10. To preface, I apologize for absolutely swarming the Mistborn forum with my own posts! I just really like Scadrial . So I was in initially going to make a post about the potential to have a pet Mistwraith and selective body part building of Mistwraiths to turn them into a cute cat or something. But it turns out that there’s already a wob on it. And getting to the end of it, there’s this: Now, this is 2012, and things could have most definitely changed, but Oh My Preservation and Ruin above. Now, 2012 Brandon was not all that specific, and I don’t know if he meant like-someone on the Autism spectrum, or someone with Down Syndrome, or someone with really severe Dementia, but (pretty much) no matter what, these little blobby fellas are human. They are complex individuals that have been shunned from society, and are reduced to eating corpses their whole immortal life. That is really messed up, if you ask me. I mean, wow. Does that mean we might get a Mistwraith POV in the future?
  11. Some additional ideas: Temporary Life Extender: With the power of F-Cadmium, someone could resist dying from getting shot in the lung for a short amount of time. I suppose you could also survive bleeding out as well. Would be quite handy to have on-hand in a hospital. And obviously F-gold can be might helpful too. There’s also a very cool interaction possible between those that have trouble falling asleep (like insomniacs) and night guards. Basically have a few unsealed bronzeminds in rotation, so that some folks can get a good night’s sleep, and then give it to someone else.
  12. FYI, you can hide posts in the options tab
  13. You know, the fact that Autonomy’s soldiers are on Lumar gives me even more ammunition for my theory that the Aethers are currently under Autonomy’s control.
  14. Now, this could certainly be me imagining things (and if there’s some sort of verification that anyone could give me, that would be great), but I could have sworn that I had one at least one day, namely from my whole Sharders’ Legacy post. However, it seems that the banner thingy has gone away from my profile, and it shows that I haven’t won any days. Maybe I was blind, maybe it’s a bug, and maybe I just don’t know how Winning the Day works. Speaking of, how does the system work?
  15. While I was making today’s random twinborn combination, I realized that I haven’t really explored the difference between rioting and soothing, and kind of equated them as different methods of getting the same effect. But that isn’t really true, is it? I mean…is it? Say you want to sneak past guards that are guarding a very important keepsake of a noble. Soothing away their alertness or their sense of fervor might get them to be less ready to stop you if you were to sneak past them. Rioting their sense of tiredness would also do a similar thing, and get pretty much the same result. But would one be more effective than the other? Is there a scenario where one would work where the other would fail? I’m nearly certain there is, yet I can’t quite find a clear scenario where one is clearly better than the other. I suppose if you’re manipulating someone that has extreme emotions already (if they’re really angry or scared, for example), then soothing would be the way to go. But would rioting still do the trick? Well, at what point is calmness not another emotion you can riot, as it is just the more neutral variant of being in fight or flight mode?
  16. Welcome to the Shard! Yeah, the general consensus is that Tress is better, but they both have a very distinct writing style and plot. I still very much enjoyed TFWHFSME, as there was a lot of really fun and exciting moments in it, but I was a sucker for Tress.
  17. Welcome to the Shard! I am the self proclaimed F-Tin Overlord of the Shard, so for me, it would probably be F-Tin. Ideally, I would be a twinborn, but regular F-Tin can still be quite nice.
  18. Is this an unposted thread? I’m not seeing it about. I mean, you do you! I doubt you’ll be competition more than a helper to it, and if it’s you spamming shorter summaries, I think that could certainly offer a different sort of content than mine. And, I mean, the whole point is that this thread is supposed to inspire folks to think about Twinborn combinations that are less obvious, so you go for it! Side note: did you just spam me with rep as a form of apology?
  19. I agree on the Secretkeeper part. Sounds cool, but has in world troubles. And thanks! I thought it would be a fun idea, and it seems many folks agree!
  20. I’m almost tempted to hold of on today’s combo, as this conversation is the most active this thread has been in a bit! But perhaps I could fudge the rules a little bit… Random* Twinborn Combo Day 11: A-Brass and F-Copper So today I may have fudged the randomness a tad, in keeping with the current thread tangent. The Allomantic metal is completely random, but I made the Feruchemantic metal copper. Anyway, here we go. Allomantic Brass, as previously established, is not that shabby of an Allomantic metal. Giving subtle manipulations of someone’s mind can definitely be useful, and if you are less subtle with it, it could even be nice in a fight. It’s not the most deadly of metals, but it gets the job done, and is quite versatile. F-Copper is the more ambiguous one. With it, you can store events or facts away, allowing immediate recall of them in times of need, but with the disadvantage of losing those memories until you take them out of the coppermind. Once you have the memory though, it degrades just like any other. Quite the interesting dilemma, if you ask me. That is certainly useful, but the real controversy comes from if you can actually get more than just memories and facts from it. Theoretically, if you spent hours watching Chess games and reading up on strategy, could you tap that in the moment to become an accomplished Chess player, without ever playing a game beforehand? And, putting it in a more Brass relevant scenario, could studying politics without experience make you good at smooth talking a political rival? My guess is that it could help a preexisting skill, but even with perfect memory, nothing can quite make up for having physical experience with a skill. Having both A-Brass and F-Copper could be quite the combo, as it would allow you to conjure up memories of whoever you are talking to (so long as you went digging beforehand), and know exactly where to soothe to get the effect you desire. I’m sure most soothers would kill for something like that. Resonance: Well, Allomantic Brass almost taps into the mind of others, and F-Copper basically taps into your own mind. So…perhaps something like an increased sense of self awareness, or the ability to read the room? Name: Informant or Secretkeeper Rating: basically a super soother, so pretty nice. 8/10.
  21. Sorry for the late post today! Random Twinborn Combo Day 10: A-Steel and F-Electrum Y’know, I’m starting to think the F-Electrum isn’t the most useful of metals. Dare I say-the worst Feruchemantic metal? Maybe there’s something big about it that I’m missing. Maybe I am seriously undervaluing the power of determination (I’m sorry Frisk, but it ain’t what you make it to be). But to me, it seems to be quite the niche ability. Let me know what you think! Alright back to the task at hand. A-Steel is great, as you get to fly and stab people, so what’s not to like? You also get a funky 360 degree investiture sensing sight, which is also cool as heck. Paired with F-Electrum, I’m not seeing much. To me, this combo just seems to be a slight upgrade from a coinshot, but that’s it. Maybe I’m wrong though! Resonance: Maybe a lack of fears? Basically mixing the crazy height and stunts you get from A-steel with determination. Name: if I were to give a hardly in-world name, it would be a Flightleader. But in world, something like Stuntman. Rating: Better than just a ferring or an Allomancer of each type, but that’s a given. Don’t quite know otherwise. 3/10.
  22. I mean, that is why I said that it would be more like an 8/10. Personally though, not from a power standpoint, but from a “that’s actually a really cool twinborn!” Standpoint, I’d give it a 9/10.
  23. Perses nodded. Making sure the mirror was as secure as he could detect on his own, he tapped his balancemind. It was a tinmind he rarely used, as the use was only really needed in small amounts here and there. However, it often gave him an edge in a fight. Carefully climbing the rope, keeping track of the others, he easily made it up the rope. Then, near the edge of his lifesense, he realized something. “We’re missing two people. Where did they go?” Now, Perses began to worry. Though he could figure out who was missing from careful use of Lifesense, he still worried. Weren’t there multiple copperclouds in this group? Perses could scan the surrounding area, but with the distance needed and the extra energy to break a coppercloud, his stores couldn’t handle it. Rusts. @Voidus
  24. Random Twinborn Combo Day 9: A-Bronze and F-Zinc (detecting Allomancers and storing mental speed) Oh I’m actually really excited for this one! Alright first thing’s first: bronze. Bronze technically doesn’t just detect Allomancy. It detects any sort of kinetic investiture, i.e. any investiture that is actively being used in some way, and isn’t just sitting around. While that has a load of fun consequences for Worldhoppers, it also means feruchemy can be detected. Now, it is detected in a different way than just pulses, so you would need to be looking for it (or be very clever) to notice it. Now this is where F-Zinc comes in. Mental speed would almost certainly enable you to figure out what to look for, and spot it much easier. I’m addition, it’s just really nice. Put the two together, and you have someone who can know exactly which metal is being burned, and which metal is being tapped/stored pretty easily. Of course any Seeker could theoretically learn that, but it is super easy for a twinborn like this. Resonance: I would think that it would be an increased ability to notice small details, even when not using F-Zinc. A heightened astuteness, basically. Name: Either Hunter, which I personally prefer, or Detective. Your call. Rating: A fun combo, that seems both useful and powerful. I would personally put this as a 9/10, but could hear the argument for an 8/10.
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