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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Why is everyone interested in her behavior all of a sudden? She turned to Tysan. “Would this guy be useful to us?” She didn’t know what Tysan’s plans were after Nicrobursting, but she assumed he had some sort of a plan. She did admit that his abilities could be…useful. They seemed familiar to her somehow, though she couldn’t place her finger on why. They types of people you find in the Alleyverse can be quite…unique. @I think I am here.
  2. “What is an old man doing in a place like this?” Clotho said, amused. “Besides, what is it to you why I’m here?” Pondering the trustworthiness of what she assumed to be a con, she added, “unless you can help find what we’re looking for, of course.”
  3. Actually that’s a pretty good idea. Now I do still say what each does in my analysis portion, but your point still stands. Yeah, I certainly intended it to be a non-subtle emotional manipulation, but you are right that the wording is a hair misleading. Interesting catch! Yeah, it probably would.
  4. Clotho gasped. That hurt. When she turned, an old man had run into her. Something’s not right. Looking closer, Clotho saw desperation in the old man’s eyes. Something was off about him, but she couldn’t put her finger on what. What looked to be crooks rounded the corner, and it clicked. This was a disguise of some sort. Would she humor the man? She decided it was worth the risk. ”Tysan, put down your knives. They’re not here for us.” Clotho looked to an alleyway. “I think your culprit ran off there,” she said to the thieves, groaning slightly. It was probably nothing serious, but it hurt like Ruin. Watching the fools run in the wrong direction, she turned to the disguise artist. “Now what is all this about?” @Stormlightsong
  5. Random Twinborn Day 2: A-Brass and F-Zinc Alright, now we’re getting somewhere. These are two completely different things….almost. So Allomantic Brass allows you to soothe and dampen emotions. You don’t get to know how present those emotions are before you soothe them, but you could certainly guess. You can be quite subtle about it, manipulating actions and what they end up saying, so it is often quite nice in political settings. However, it can be utilized combat-wise, by strongly tugging on emotions, making your opponent slip up. Feruchemantic Zinc, on the other hand, stores mental speed. It can be great for pretty much any situation, whether it be academic, political, or combative. The only downside to it is that storing in any capacity can be quite detrimental, and generally makes you useless while storing. Put these two together, and what do you get? Well, I suppose you could be a masterful politician, manipulating people with tact and quick thinking. I mean, both are quite useful in many situations, so I’m sure that you would be quite a happy twinborn. Is there any unorthodox synergies between these two? Not really. But that isn’t particularly necessary, given the general usefulness of both abilities. Resonance: Honestly, I don’t really know. Perhaps being able to read others’ emotions more easily? Though I don’t really know the line between something that would naturally manifest from the abilities versus an unnatural resonance that manifests without practice. Name: How about…a Mastermind? Maybe a Silvertongue? Rating: solid 7.5 out of 10. No real special interactions between the two, but still certainly nice to have. Let me know your thoughts! Maybe there is a secret synergy that I missed. Or perhaps you have a better idea for a resonance/name!
  6. Rolling her eyes, Clotho gave some money to the cab driver. She began walking away, with Tysan close behind. ”Gold doesn’t work like that, you know. I’m stuck with these two selves for the day, and while both of them are great at talking their way out of things, neither are masters of disguise.” On to the task at hand: finding a nicroburst that’s willing to help. Actually, she knew a nicroburst. Hopefully they’re still alive in this timeline. ”I know a place. He’s not particularly nice with outsiders, especially street nobodies, but a little talking and a few boxings can go a long way. He shouldn’t be far from here.”
  7. Maybe? But those are a tad more content creation sites than socials, but they could work.
  8. 100% correct on the pfp. Cryptic with Cosmere shouldering a Koloss sword in a mistcloak. Made by the amazing Aspiring Writer, rest her chaotic soul (not dead just not on the shard anymore).
  9. Well, I didn’t really see a thread here, and it’s becoming spring here in the states, so I thought that it would be a good time to make a thread. To preface, I am a mere bug lover, not a full on entomologist. I love, love, love bugs, and actually have some pet isopods! But I’m sure there’s more of us out there. Our tiny friends are terribly misunderstood and are insanely cute! I feel like this would be a great place to post pictures, facts, or just general babble about all things insects/arachnid/other tiny critters! If there’s interest, I can post some of my isopod pictures here ;).
  10. Well, Nogo, what is YOUR least favorite way to resurrect a chull?

  11. Whell, I could, but then I would have to constantly feel remorse for the lack of F-Malatium. To avoid the tears, Malatium will not be included. I sincerely apologize to Alder and anyone else that was looking forward to the inclusion of Malatium twinborn.
  12. I would, but we have no idea what F-malatium would do. If/when we do, you know I’ll be adding it to the list.
  13. Interesting. So he’s a local, and have gotten in and out of the Alleyverse multiple times. That means he’s more of a man of the streets than she will ever be. “Whichever you think will get us what we need. You’re the local here. I know a bit, and have a self that has spent some time in the Mistwarrens, but if you think Oasis City is where we will get the best results, then we should go there.” ”And you don’t have to worry about the danger,” Clotho said with a grin. “I’m more capable than you think in a rough situation.”
  14. I’m using a random number generator, 1-17 for an allomancy pick, 1-17 for a feruchemy pick. And yeah, I know that technically era 1 atium isn’t really a thing come Era 2, but it has both allomantic and feruchemantic properties, so I’m still utilizing it. It’s fun to wonder what hypothetical twinborn would do, even if it would not really be encountered during the time of twinborn. If you really want to have a realistic scenario, just imagine that the person was spiked with the ability or something. and I’ll be honest with you, the randomization on the first one was a tad skewed. Instead of randomizing from 1-17, I randomized from 1-8, only including the base 8 metals. I mostly did this to start off with an approachable one, as starting off with A-Duralumin and F-Chromium would be a rough beginning to a series. And if it’s any consolation, I intentionally avoided anything with F-tin and a nicely synergistic allomantic ability, as this is not (yet) a post to preach F-tim from the heavens. I am also not particularly wild about A-tin, personally. Much too limited in use.
  15. Well, I’m not planning on going through all 289 twinborn types, as that is way too much. But I’ll keep going at daily twinborn combos for as long as I can! Ah, you see, those are all the obvious ones. My goal is to hit some of the much less obvious ones, so that we can get thinking about the other 200 or so combinations that are overlooked! But I’m sure I’ll run into the more obvious combinations if I go for long enough.
  16. So. There are 17 types of Allomancers, and 17 types of Feruchemists (technically 18 if you’re counting full feruchemists and Mistborn). That means there is 289 twinborn combinations. That is way too many for anyone to theorize on, but there could be a lot of cool possibilities of twinborn that you wouldn’t expect. So what I will be doing on this thread is randomly picking a twinborn, analyzing the potential of it, theorizing some potential resonances, making up a name for it, and giving it an arbitrary rating from 1-10. I kind of want to mimic the style of daily posts over on Reddit, so I’ll be picking a new twinborn every day, and see how long I can keep this up. Hopefully it’ll be fun! Well, without further ado, here’s day 1! Random Twinborn Day 1: A-Tin and F-Steel Well, this is already interesting! These two admittedly don’t have too much immediate synergy, but they are both useful in their own right. A-tin is great for detecting others in the area, and is generally used as a sentry-type person. However, it could be quite nice in a political setting as well, enabling you to hear and see things that you normally shouldn’t be witness to. Overall a really nice ability to have, but certainly more of a background role than a front lines sort of role. F-steel however is quite the combat role. You can certainly use it to evade being caught, but generally you would go on the offensive. Hitting others before you get hit, and evading other’s attacks, that sort of thing. The only limitation is storing, in which you are pretty useless while doing so. Now, with both, it would actually be quite nice! When storing speed, you can act as a sentry type, and then you can basically be the ultimate spy. It’s definitely not the type of thing where you could be using both abilities at once, as the wind speeds would probably be painful, but they can be used whenever the other isn’t. You can be snooping around, using A-Tin, but then quickly move to another location using F-Steel. Alternatively, you can act as a jack of all trades in combat, as you can listen for potential attacks when stationary, and dodge and attack quickly when moving. It would certainly take a lot of training, but it would be quite the act. Overall, this is a very solid Twinborn combination. I could definitely see this pop up in a book, and it would be very fun to see. Resonance: Well, I would think that with speed and heightened senses comes extra awareness and reaction time. Whether that would count as a resonance, I’m not sure. But the abilities definitely lend themselves to that. Name: How about…a Shade/Shadow? Always listening, but you will never find them. Rating: a solid 8/10! Not completely overpowered, but definitely not something that a non-Twinborn could easily beat. Again, let me know your thoughts! Is there something I missed? Do you have a better name? This is already off to a fun start, and I’m excited to continue this!
  17. Makabaki. That’s a…non-Cosmere race, right? Clotho had been in the Alleyverse for 5 years, but given her memory and seclusion, she might as well be new to it. Luckily, she was with a self that was quite accustomed to the intricacies of Alleycity. ”How long have you been here for?” Clotho asked, as she entered the cab. ”you certainly seem to know your way around.”
  18. Hello! What’s your least favorite way to resurrect a chull? I apologize for such a forward question, it’s just a very important thing to ask newcomers.
  19. WOOOO I won a day! And all it took was to be nice to people.

  20. Well, you would first need the vessel to manifest themselves physically. Which is completely possible, just not the type of thing they would make a habit of doing. After that, I think the main obstacle in spiking a shard would be the fact that they are about the most highly invested thing out there. And since investiture naturally resists the tampering of other investiture, as seen with metalminds being hard to pull or push, you would need to try really hard to make that work. If you somehow got through all of that? I don’t really know. It depends if you are spiking them with the intention of stealing something or spiking them with the intention of giving them something.
  21. Sometimes ”It…doesn’t work like that. While I can think their thoughts, that can’t think mine. We can’t really converse, even though we see each other. It’s more of collective judgement than conversation.” As Clotho looked around, she realized how much she had missed the air. She always had hits in the poorer areas, and never got to enjoy the world around her. She was always going between meetings with other nobles, too focused on how others viewed her actions than to take time and focus on her surroundings. She always spent her time within her manor, too caught up in the past to live in the present. It did get lonely. ”My selves keep me company, in their own way. Always another secret to crack, always something to do.” Realizing her company, Clotho said “I suppose having things to do would be nice for someone that never gets the opportunity?”
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