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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Now, I respect the Magic reference, but if you’re gonna do it, don’t be a coward about it. C’mon, assign me a color identity!
  2. “Other than some notes on this conversation, I think I have everything I need.” Clotho, scribbling some notes and grabbing some carry-able journals, picked up her dueling cane and began striding to the door. He seems to respond better to the thief shadow. I should be utilizing that one more for this trip anyway. This will either prove to be a very profitable change of events, or be quite the mess.
  3. You’re telling me that you, DramaQueen, are being dramatic?
  4. Oh, I am nearly certain that I have encountered you out of context constantly. But given that your interest list on your pfp is “Acting, singing, reading, writing, RPing, home decor, animals, Miraculous Ladybug, dinosaurs, flowers, hats, fairies, mermaids, seashells, art (sketching and painting, mostly), makeup, fashion, plants, stars, space, swimming, the ocean, rivers, lakes, pretty much any bodies of water, stickers (even though I never know where I should put my stickers...it's just such a commitment...), stuffed animals, blankets, yoga, and trees.” …I’m not 100% sure anymore. but then again, I could be totally wrong! Does anyone have another, perhaps just a hair more accurate evaluation on the one and only?
  5. Shall I amend your mark on the Shard to “@DramaQueen: the resident gargoyle that throws pastries at you when you excitedly talk about your favorite animal”?
  6. Actually, I have two more to add. @Treamayne and @alder24: the tag team of proving ya wrong. The sad fact of the matter is, they really do know what they’re talking about, and are right 95% of the time. The other 5% is when they accidentally made a typo.
  7. I’m certain you do, I just don’t think I personally interact with you enough. Someone! Get this man a legacy!
  8. Okay, okay I concede. It would be far more realistic for you to host a collaborative storytelling thread about each of the members’ favorite dinosaur set in a Zootopia-esque metropolis. (honestly that sounds like an idea that, if pulled off right, could be a fun little adventure)
  9. This is certainly true, but that seems to be right up your alley for a five page thread that you could proctor.
  10. Dude, you have nearly 7,000 posts on this site. You deserve to be on the list.
  11. Interesting. Perhaps a weakness to exploit? Or secrets to uncover, just like me. “So long as this person knows what they’re doing, I would be open to it. And keep this in mind-you are under my employment, I’m not working alongside you. Would a crew leader take the mouth you’re giving me?” Tysan needed to be kept in check. At least while these selves were active. The only leverage Clotho currently has over him is money and information, and only one of those will keep him from turning on her. She had to be careful.
  12. Clotho shuddered. Nicrobursting was dangerous, and was explosive. Who knows what would happen? ”Do you know a Nicroburst? I would want to know the risks involved, but at this point, it seems to be one of our only leads.”
  13. …well, so long is that topic is about the intricacies of cup stacking, sure!
  14. “Well, Mr. Tysan, can you track someone down without knowing who they are or what they did? I highly doubt it. And while yes, I probably had an expert of the cognitive realm, I can’t just summon them into existence. Gold shadows are mostly random, and I certainly can’t pick and choose which ones I want at any given moment.” Theoretically, Clotho could continually change selves, but that was both disorienting and a waste of shadows. ” What do you propose we do?”
  15. Yeah, I keep forgetting this WoB exists. Well, F-Duralumin involves connection. Honestly? I got no clue. I’m certain there’s been older posts about where it factors in.
  16. No problem! There’s a lot of Sharders that have built up a name for themselves and deserve to be recognized for it!
  17. Yeah, honestly I only think Hemalurgy because Excisors seem to be a device, not a person. But your idea would certainly work! and it would fit with Kelsier’s newfound love of Hemalurgy in Era 2
  18. Honestly, this is how I think unsealed metalminds work. You rig a device that spikes someone with F-aluminum, both A and F-Nicrosil, and a metalborn ability of choice. You black identity, compound nicrosil, getting two or three people’s worth of metal, and then donating that to a metalmind.
  19. Oh, I know. My savant character has severe memory issues, and it screws with them bad. They definitely have some cool quirks though!
  20. Well, with a savant, anything is possible. I would say that if you are used to burning A-gold, you could probably integrate some instincts of your shadow, which could actually help in a fight.
  21. With the 17th Shard being a relatively small site that has been around for quite a while, there have been people that have been quite active for quite some time. And with that comes then forming a bit of a reputation for themselves. So with this post, I plan to commend folks for their accolades! Keep in mind, while this site is relatively small, there’s no way one person can keep track of everything that happens here, so please, please, please add and ping your own Sharders that have legacies of their own. With that said, here’s the legacies I would like to share: @Channelknight Fadran: the chill dad of the shard. Always calming to be around, and is a beacon of positivity. If he stabbed my best friend (which he would never do), I couldn’t stay mad at him for more than a few hours. @DramaQueen: If Fadrian’s the chill dad, Dramaqueen is the eccentric cousin. Very high energy, you will be hard pressed to find her on topic. Fun to have tea and chat with though! @AonEne: One of us (civilian folk) that became one of them (supreme overlords of the shard). Just really chill, and will think four times before banning you out of existence. @Chaos: the one and only! A wise ruler of the shard, and just a chill person overall. @Voidus: I mean-he’s the God Beyond. That’s pretty much all I have to say. He’s surprisingly active in the community, and is also somehow feared more than Chaos. @Frustration: When Frustration comments on your post, he’s either going to be giving evidence for your theory that might as well make it canon, or he’s going to cite something that stomps your theory to the ground. He knows what he’s talking about, and I have never seen a Sharder more thorough and researched in their theories. @Matrim's Dice: I rarely see them around, but when I do, they always contribute something important to the post. Always offering a new perspective to a scene, or giving a new bit of evidence for a theory. A silent support ninja of the Shard. Oh! How could I forget @Argent! The almighty loregiver. The messenger of the heralds, giving us WoBs that can single-handedly shape how we see the Cosmere. Brandon may hate his secret wiggling abilities, but we love him for it! I’m certain that I will be adding on to this list, and again, please add your own! I’m not particularly interconnected within the Shard, and only observe what others do, and by no means see everything. Also feel free to refute or add on to any of the legacies that I’ve listed!
  22. Darn it, you are totally right! I had my whole RP character built upon seeing two at once! Curses!
  23. My 1000 post milestone is coming up, and I feel like I need to do something special? With my close to 1000 posts made on the shard, what impacts have I had on it?

    1. Koloss17


      I doubt I’m that significant in the grand scheme of the Shard, but I’ve got to have something to my name at this point, yeah? Maybe my obsession with F-tin? But I have no clue what I could do for a post about that.



  24. Now actually, economists/geologists correct me if I’m wrong, gold is really expensive due to the fake worth we give it as currency. In Scadrial, I don’t think there’s that type of association, so while it might be expensive from people not needing it, it wouldn’t cost a fortune.
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