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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Clotho took a brave step forward…and nearly walked into the man that just crumpled onto her doorstep. Clotho jumped back. She wanted to pull out a knife on him. She wanted to scold him for jumping up on her, and dropping onto her own private property unannounced. She wanted to run back into her manor and slam the door behind her. Instead, she said ”Oh my Harmony! Are you okay?” A million questions raced through her mind. Who is this man? What is he doing here? How dare he? Why did he fall? Was that bone? She looked around. No visible place to fall. Must be a lurcher. Upon closer inspection, a few empty vials seem to have shattered in the fall. Sadly, she lacked any real skill in medical attention today. Best she could do was make a rusty bandaging, and that doesn’t seem to be the attention this poor sod needed. Looking around, there seemed to be very few others around, and no one rushing to help. Guess that’s Alleycity for you. “Here, let’s get you up. Least I can do for you.” There’s no need to be polite, she thought. This person just crashed into being your problem without a thought towards you. Ignoring her thoughts for the time being, she hauled him into a sitting position. She often encountered such scenes, but few as sudden, and few where she is in any position to help. Flashes of steel and gunshots flooded her mind. These past few years had certainly not been what she imagined the Alleyverse to be like. Interesting. She would need to write that down. ”What’s your name sir? And what are you doing falling from the sky like that?” @I think I am here.
  2. Clotho, Mistkeep, 916 Yomen Street Clotho woke, got out of bed, downed a vial, and burned gold. Beside her were two blonde haired women. They were roughly the same height, but wearing drastically different outfits. The first was a Scadrian noblewoman. Wearing a prim yellow dress, she held herself high, proud of her station. She was growing in influence, and was making her house proud. She worked day and night, and played politics beautifully. Unfortunately, most of what she said was lies. Or at least, she rarely knew if they were truths. The other was a thief. Wearing dirty brown trousers and a grey blouse, she scanned the room accusingly, as if she expected people to be listening in on…whatever was going on here. She had been a thief for, well, as long as she could remember. This woman had gone to Alleycity to gain riches and power, things that she didn’t have before. As she looked around the deserted room, she saw that the room was surprisingly empty, even for a noble of Clotho’s status. Clotho, she realized, was writing again. Recording notes on these people, and saving it for later. She closed the journal, and got up. She had a big day ahead. As Clotho changed out of her nightgown, she noticed just how skinny she was. That probably wouldn’t make a good impression, she thought. She decided to choose a brown noblewoman’s dress, which was wrinkled from laying in the closet. Much too formal, she thought. Not formal enough, she insisted. I’m sorry, it’s the best I have. Clotho walked into her library. Sparsely stocked, there was only about 40 books in it. They were all, however, written by her. Notes upon notes on her surroundings, her daily life, her history, and her alternate selves. Clotho never really saw them as shadows; they were just as real as she was, just not properly present in this world. The halls were silent as she walked, save for her footsteps. She would need to get quieter shoes, she noted. She was unused to the silence of a manor; these places were almost always full of chatter, or at least the noise of servants bustling about. Where had all the people gone? Clotho packed her suitcase with essentials. Three separate journals, of course. They all contained useful information on herself, and were still only half filled. She had transcribed copies of them, so that if she lost these ones, she would only lose today’s notes. Too much had already been lost. In addition to her journals, Clotho packed a separate, more ordinary set of clothing, in case she needed something less restrictive. She wanted to pack perfume, but annoyingly, she couldn’t find any. She always carried perfume with her. How could there be none? Well, it is for the best. Perfume is too recognizable. She wanted to pack more, and felt there was so much she was missing. She never went out anymore, and now she was woefully unprepared. Well, at least she had pretty good selves for the job. As she approached the door, she reached for a hat that wasn’t there. Why was her manor so barren? At least she had a noble’s cane, which she could fight with if needed. It wasn’t very ladylike though. Well, it looked like she was ready. Or at least as ready as she could be, with the little supplies she had. Time to go out and get some help. And Harmony, did she need it.
  3. I couldn’t really find a list of house names for era 2, but perhaps I could make something up that sounds about right.
  4. Now they aren’t of shards, but that doesn’t mean that their investiture is not currently being held by a shard. Personally, I think it is very likely that a shard has dominion over the Aethers (probably not Dominion tho), but they didn’t necessarily make them. The spores and planet itself gives very strong Autonomy vibes, but given that they reside on the other side of the Cosmere, I’m not 100% sure that they would hold them at the moment. Maybe an avatar of some sort?
  5. Clotho: This character is….a lot, but I also think that she’s going to be quite fun to RP. I had quite the trouble figuring out merits for her, but I doubt that she is particularly powerful.
  6. So will this be like a little micro character? How would ya post it to the character thread?
  7. That’ll totally work for me! Ideally they would do the murdering on Scadrial, then move to the Alleyverse. You’re free to concoct the exact details of it. My family characters are currently quite open ended. Ideally I’d know the details so that I can weave them into the memories that I create for my alternate characters.
  8. Oh man, it would be real hard to pull off with your character. You have the purest of heart characters that I’ve encountered, so any deaths caused would have to be a very big accident. I could conjure up an NPC to kill of my character’s family, but roleplaying with oneself is quite difficult and a tad boring.
  9. Could you link me to your character sheet? I’m wondering what’s easily feasible.
  10. what extra info would you need? I can list the occupations for ya Let me know what info you need!
  11. Keep in mind: we had Hoid, who we know had a dawnshard, and 16 others. Given that Hoid was seated to take a shard, AND had a dawnshard, it wouldn’t be that much of a stretch to assume that some other folks had a dawnshard and became a vessel. We are also sort of operating on the assumption that they knew Adonalisium would split into 16 pieces from the get-go. What if they could split it up into any number of pieces? What if there was initially supposed to be 17 shards, and Hoid dipped out, leaving only 16?
  12. Alright, I’m asking if someone has a character that could kill a character in progress’s family. My WIP is a Scadrian of a rich, influential, and noble family, and I want their family dead and someone in the Alleyverse to kill them as a drive for entering. They don’t remember this fact, however, so it might be a bit before it becomes fully relevant. Anyone have a character that might fit the bill?
  13. Okay-I’m certain that there is some sort of thread here that can give me a breakdown of all the events that have occurred in the history of this RP, but I am having the most difficult time finding it. Can someone point me in the right direction?
  14. I maaay or may not have based this character idea based on your amazing shenanigans. Dang it! That’s a good point, and it makes me very tempted to name whatever character Epimetheus because of it. BUT I also want my character to be more feminine leaning, so that won’t work.
  15. What would you suggest? I think you’re on to something, but I don’t quite know what. I made this post mostly to seek a bit more theories on allomantic savants, without just going through and making 16 separate posts about it.
  16. The main questions I have are on how someone that is consistently burning gold would interact with the world. From what we have seen, which is only two instances, there was no interaction with other things. What we currently know about gold shadows is that you see two of them, and you exist through their eyes, knowing their thoughts. There doesn’t seem to be very solid evidence for or against the fact that you see through your own eyes during the experience. The bit with Vin touching herself seems to suggest that one of the personalities exist in place of your body, but it’s ambiguous. So I can’t really start with the intricacies of creating unique personalities that continue throughout conversations or fights until I know how they would affect or interact with the fight or conversation.
  17. Okay, so I have decided I want to entertain the idea of a gold savant, but I realize that the creation of a character this odd, and with a personality and history this in-depth, I will need a lot of help with crafting it. Is there some humans that might be willing to help with such an ambitious endeavor?
  18. Perses took in what Malsam said, but something seemed odd. ”A sense similar to sight? What do you mean?” These creatures seemed to shapeshift, but he didn’t actually know what they looked like. Because of course he couldn’t. The crew found a way to hold the creatures off, but it was all based off of sight. They had blocked the door with a mirror, which Perses hadn’t fully understood until the creatures pointed it out. These unknowable creatures, an enigma to everyone, could only be stopped by utilizing the one thing that Perses didn’t have. Sight. Feeling useless, a not unfamiliar feeling to Perses, he sat. Waiting for others to fix things.
  19. The music should also play during her walking on the spores. ”that’s got to be the dumbest pirate I’ve ever seen!”
  20. Okay, so this will be a silly deep dive on all stuff savantism. I will be going through all 16 metals, listing the advantages, disadvantages, and ease of savantism. Feel free to add on to this list, as I am certain that I do not know all there is to know about savantism. I just want to get folks thinking. Obviously each comes with a universal advantage and disadvantage, so I’ll get those out of the way. Of course it will be addictive, so you will feel weird when not burning it in some quantity. Additionally, you will be getting a lot more band for your buck in terms of efficiency using the metal. with that out of the way, let’s get started! Iron Advantages: Much greater control over your pulls, with potential to pull things heavier than you or identify what metal you are pulling. Perhaps being able to manipulate invested metals in some capacity? Certainly an increase in pulling range (how far away you can sense the metal). Disadvantages: Honestly, past a reliance on that extra sense, I wouldn’t really know. Ease of Acquisition: This is fairly easy to get, but you probably won’t be getting it accidentally. There’s a few times where you would want to constantly burn iron, but the cost is rarely worth it for most. Steel In terms of general effect, everything will likely be the same for steel as it will be for iron. Increased adeptness, power, and range, with it being a rare occurrence to naturally manifest. If you folks think there would be a difference, let me know! Tin We saw the advantages and disadvantages pretty clearly with Spook. Quite powerful, with some major disadvantages. Probably wouldn’t recommend. Pewter This was touched on slightly on the books, but I’ll give a brief refresher. You get real strong, but your immunity to pain can lead you to not feel pain, making you die from wounds that you didn’t know existed. It’s not an advised one, but it is unfortunately quite easy to get. Strength is one hell of a drug. Zinc Advantages: Standard rioting of extra people, likely with better extremes (rioting very subtly and outrageously noticeably). Can’t think of much else, but it sure would be interesting to see someone that constantly manipulates emotions Disadvantages: This would likely have to do with emotions, so either you become very picky about other’s emotions, and extraordinary manipulative, or you would be lacking in your own emotional capacity. It would certainly be quite the experience. Ease of Acquisition: I would think this would be relatively easy to get, as rioting is quite a useful trait. Brass I think soothing would have very similar effects to that of rioting when savanthood is achieved, with maybe minute differences. Let me know what you all think! Copper Advantages: This is quite subtle, with likely an expanded field of use, as well as increased difficulty to pierce. I’m sure that if you tried, you could make your coppercloud larger or smaller. I don’t know how you would test for that, though. Disadvantages: Apparently, savantism is very subtle, and the disadvantages are slight. Ease of Acquisition: This is quite common, and I would even say that this is probably the easiest metal to become a savant in. Bronze Advantages: With savanthood for bronze, the advantages are useful, but slight. Increased range, increased strength. That’s pretty much it. You would probably be able to detect other non-allomantic forms of active investiture a bit easier, but even a non-savant can do that. Disadvantages: Again, very minimal disadvantages. Ease of Acquisition: This is another of the really easy metals to achieve savanthood in. Easy to acquire the metal, has a long burn time, and has a lot of passive utility. Aluminum Advantages: Apparently, you can heal your spiritual self this way. Past that, I don’t know. Disadvantages: You are probably now broke. Ease of Acquisition: This one is near impossible. The metal is expensive, useless to burn, and wipes your reserves as soon as you burn it. Duralumin Advantages: Would there…be any advantages? Maybe burning it more efficiently? Disadvantages: You have wasted a lot more time and money than you probably should have. Ease of Acquisition: Not very easy. Theoretically possible, but why? What’s the value in doing so? Gold Advantages: I’m sure there’s some advantages. Unfortunately, we know sparingly little about A-gold. You would probably be keenly aware of your past, as well as the consequences of your decisions. It would be really weird, though. Disadvantages: You would probably be heavily morphed by this. I’m not sure what exactly, but it would be quite the experience. You would be quite detached from the present, and likely warped in the past. Ease of Acquisition: Gold is presumably still rare, if not seen as the currency that we on Earth have decided it would be. You could theoretically become a gold savant, but the circumstances that would allow that would be very, very odd. Electrum Advantages: This could actually be quite useful. You would be very, very hard to kill, and you would have a lot of potential. The electrum shadows would likely extend further than normal, but I don’t really know how far you could stretch it. Disadvantages: This would likely be quite warping as well. Constantly knowing what you are about to do will morph you, and instead of dwelling in the past, you would likely dwell too much in the future. Maybe you would have quite a bit of indecision. I don’t know, but it would certainly be interesting. Ease of Acquisition: Given how uncommon the metal is, this would be quite hard, but very doable. Cadmium Advantages: Manipulate bubble size, speed, and allow it to anchor to oneself. Pretty nice stuff. Disadvantages: This is a tad less clear, but my guess is that due to massive time dilation, they would feel quite disconnected from others. Ease of Acquisition: This one is very hard, but not impossible. It would require quite a lot of continuous punting, which would be both expensive and a bit boring. Bendalloy Pretty much the same as cadmium. I’m sure there’s a difference, but it would be slight. Chromium Advantages: I don’t really know about this one, but perhaps it would allow leeching at range? It’s a smidge unclear. Disadvantages: I also don’t know about this. Any idea what would work? Ease of Acquisition: Savanthood seems quite possible, just not particularly likely to encounter. A middle of the road metal on ease of acquisition. Nicrosil This seems to be the same as Chromium in terms of pretty much everything. And that’s what I have so far! If there’s stuff you think should be added, please let me know! There are a whole bunch of places that I’m not sure of, or even have no clue about.
  21. Quick question: which savants have been present in the Alleyverse? I’m entertaining the idea of an electrum or gold savant, but I would want to know if it has already been done before.
  22. Perses, taking a moment to store, cut off his lifesense, and bronzesense. Completely blind to the outside world, aside from his ears, he sat on one of the beds. Burning bronze, he stored it immediately. This won’t give him much, but it was better than nothing. It was always an awkward experience, storing. He was readying himself for the future, true, but he was also quite vulnerable in the moment. He felt as if he was truly blind again, and it made him scared. The cold, dark alleys of the outer cities. Huddled for warmth in the bitter cold. Only guessing what was around him as he cried for his lost father. Feeling powerless in a world of potential. It was oh, so cold. So lonely. Perses snapped back into reality. Mansions. Right. The creatures were at the door, but a mirror was blocking it. What good would that do? One of the creatures screamed, and Perses almost felt their anguish inside him. He shivered, despite the relatively warm room. "Behind the mirror and do not watch!" So they were intelligent. That will make things though. Hmm. ”What’s the plan?” Perses asked, voice feeling quiet in his head. “I don’t think that mirror will hold them for long.”
  23. Alright, @Treamayne. I’ll let you in on the deeper stuff. So first things first, this is obviously my first attempt at building a set. I’m trying to make these cards authentic to Magic as a whole, but I am also thinking of things off of a closed environment-I’m not really planning on mixing these cards with other sets, and my plan is to, in the end, use this for draft among a small group of Magic playing, Mistborn loving friends. I’m working with a small group of people, with one that’s actively helping design cards, and the other that’s giving suggestions on balance and magic-speak. It’s not a very large group, and all of us are stumbling our way through this. We’re all experienced Magic players, so we get how the game works-it’s the set building that is a complex mystery. My main thoughts when creating a top-down set was that I wanted to establish Allomancers first and foremost, and archetypes next. Allomancers are quite integral to the world, and I wanted every archetype to have access to them. I shied away from adding them to black, as I felt that not only are no Allomancers a really good fit for them, they could also easily be the color of inquisitors and Hemalurgy as a whole. So I went with a 2/2/3/3 system, with Allomancers focused in blue and green. While I could definitely shift the colors up, they definitely need to be relatively present across the four colors. For abilities, this is when I had the least idea on what I wanted to do with the set, so it is incredibly likely that they will change for a number of reasons. I wanted them to be relatively simple in their costs, and I also wanted to create a sort of uniformity to them. I settled on activated abilities using mana as the representation of using metals, as I thought that doing something like creating pewter or tin tokens would be a bit too tedious and messy. I wanted to have two abilities, one for burning and one for flaring. This would allow for interesting design space, as well as a flavorful representation of the difference flaring and burning can make. Keep in mind, the exact way that I express these ideas are not only subject to change, but also quite an easy change. But even with the changes, I plan on keeping the framework the same. After I had made rough ideas for Allomancers (as you see here), I moved on to archetypes. Since this is my first set, I decided to roll with a five archetype structure rather than a ten archetype structure, as that meant half as many mechanics and interactions to worry about. I ended up settling on enemy color pairings representing the four main factions in TFE (Skaa, Nobles, Obligators, and the Rebellion) as well as allomancy tribal in U/R, as I needed something to fill the slot and that seemed to be the best fit. There’s a whole other tangent I can go on about the specifics of the archetypes and my thought processes behind each of them, but to save time, I’ll gloss over that. Once I had the archetypes established, I jumped right into ideas for card design, to give me rough guides, and to just flesh out what I want to do with each archetype. While I could create a design skeleton for the entire set, I felt that it required a) way more thought into the mechanics and archetypes and b ) seemed to have a standard set design in mind, which this certainly was not. At this point I realized that by picking my first set based around a world with about 3 total races (four if you are counting the differentiation between Skaa and Nobles), very few beasts, sparingly little return from the dead type magic, and only one type of flying entity, I was diving into the deep end. This is certainly going to be a non-standard set, and with very little experience, it’s going to be a rough journey. However, it’s been fun! I am learning a lot as I go, and am really excited to bring my favorite fantasy world to life in my favorite fantasy game. I do not expect the set to be perfect, and I do not expect to get it to WOTC set standards, but I plan on doing my best. I’m sure this will go through a ton of iterations, and while I do not want to fully backpedal from what I have thus far constructed, I have prepared for that eventuality. I appreciate your suggestions, some of which I’ve already fixed, others I am working on, and others still which I had only a vague knowledge of. Some of your suggestions seem to be suggestions in restructuring the design of the set (which you don’t know much about the details of), and while I will definitely take them into account, I won’t immediately act upon them, as they would require some major backpedaling. I can share my thoughts on what I had in mind for the specific card decisions that I made, and I am more than happy to receive suggestions on how I can get what I want but in a much more streamlined and simple way. I’m quite new to this, and need all the help I can get. I would love to know your approach to building your set(s), and what you did similarly or differently than I did when you were in the early phases of set design. I’d love to hear from someone that has already gone through a similar process that could give me some insight. Sorry for the strongly worded response, I just want to fill you in on what exactly to expect and what I’m looking for. I realize now that my initial post was a bit lackluster in regards to the information it gave, and acted in a very secretive fashion. Hopefully opening the doors to my thought processes and steps that I have taken helps, and I’m glad that you gave me some detailed feedback.
  24. •I tried to read some nuts and bolts, but half of the links are broken (thanks Wizards) •I certainly don’t want to have it be activated multiple times a turn, and I want to have folks be able to use the abilities more than once per round. •I’ll be setting up the atium symbol as the set icon-it’s just a placeholder. •Just convenience. When pasting the images over, they came out really big, so I had to pair them somehow. •I have! I’ll show ya some once I find the art for some of them.
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