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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. So this is interesting. There’s potential for a case that Perses doesn’t really need to be corrupted to be part of the DA, but honestly I think it’s necessary if he ends up going down that path: I don’t think my guy’s ever killed anyone, past maybe self defense, and havin a hemalurgic spike quite literally implies brutal murder, so he would need to be chill with straight up murder, which I don’t think he is right now. The previous not quite Ghostbloods organization that he was a part of Cosmere-wide (where he ended up gettin his breaths) were more of a terrorist-ish organization that did bad things for a presumed good cause. While the DA is sorta like that, my vibe was that they were more a power hungry bunch top of the food chain type group, basically a mafia. I might be wrong tho. I like the idea of something finally breaking him and deciding that the only way he can be valued by others is making them respect and fear him. Currently he’s had a life of poverty, petty crime, getting wrapped in a few minor gang activity on Scadrial, and then joining some grander cause Cosmere-wide organization. From that organization, he made some somewhat friends that managed to get into the Alleyverse, and promptly disappeared from his existence due to the Forging. He’s had a lot of hardship, and the one place where Perses felt valued disappeared from his life. However, Alleycity is a kind of city of hope for him, as it is a way to fully start over. He has no loose ends anymore, nothing to lose, and nothing to go back to. There would have to be some big event that lost him something significant (something that he probably doesn’t know he still had to lose) before he would give in to the darkness. The only thing I could think of would be his feruchemy/allomancy, but that’s more likely to just make him give up rather than power hungry. But I dunno. There’s potential there.
  2. I would love to see a scenario that could possibly get breeze to get into a bad fight. It is so against what he generally stands for and wants to be seen as, that he would either have to somehow be really smashed, or it be part of one of Kelsier’s plans.
  3. Honestly, I don’t know. Currently my character is “worked for bad people, but isn’t really a bad person themselves, and just wants to belong” type character. And that’s a weird archetype to try to corrupt. My character doesn’t necessarily seek power, and really just wants to feel valued. So while there can be some exploitation there to make them a minor DA person, with a bit of lying to them, it wouldn’t necessarily justify having Perses be particularly high up, especially high up enough to give them a steel spike. So I’m in a bit of a pickle.
  4. Hello all! I’ve realized my character (Perses) has a bit of an issue. I’ve built my character to be interesting and three dimensional, but have not given him room to grow. Currently my character is only in the Wickeillow Manor RP, and it seems likely that I’ll just keep him there until that side plot concludes. Now, it’s honestly not that unlikely that my character will just get killed off during that RP, which would solve my current issue. The other alternative, if my character happens to survive, I think I would want my character to somehow get corrupted and join the DA, getting a hold of a hemalurgic A-steel spike. This would put them from pretty solid to really powerful, and that tinge of evil could keep my character interesting, potentially acting as a villain or arch enemy of a character or side plot. Now, this is a far off thing, as the Wickwillow Manor RP is likely to take a while. I just wanted to get the ball rolling as well as get some advice. What are y’all’s thoughts? I’d especially like feedback from anyone in the Wickwillow RP, so @Ashbringer, @Voidus, @ZincAboutIt, @Ookla the Nerdy, @Ookla the Quark, @Sorana, @mathiau, and @anyone else that I missed. But then again, any feedback from anyone would be much appreciated.
  5. Hello!!!!! What’s a character that you feel like would be most entertaining to have a bar fight against?
  6. Perses was handed a backpack. From the sound of it, and with a bit of feeling, it seemed to be decently supplied. Certainly not a terrible thing to have. A few days, he said. He definitely had the bronze sense for that, if he used it sparingly and took some of his vials. Taste and touch vials were very situational, so they should be fine. The hearingminds were a problem, though. He would need to have an extended storing period at some point. including backup heaingminds, Perses had about 16 hours of quality hearing. With about twice as good hearing, he could stretch that to 24 hours. That’ll be an issue to bring up at another time. ”I’m ready when everyone else is,” Perses said.
  7. “Uuuh yeah.” Perses said. “Vivacia hasn’t used any abilities of any type, but seems to be capable, and the other fellow is weird. I don’t really know what their deal is. I would ask them, but given that they seem to only communicate through writing on a board, I wouldn’t be able to properly communicate with them.”
  8. Perses smiled to himself. “Generally, no. You have to use a lot of bronzesense and be very adept with it. Given that being blind can be quite boring for my senses, and I didn’t have much to do past stay alive during my time on Scadrial, I got really good at it. So yes, I can detect that you’re storing pewter.”
  9. I did not know about this! This is exactly what I was looking for! I wished there was more, though.
  10. This group seems to be an alright bunch, Perses decided. He seemed to be getting along well enough with Malsam, Vivacia, and that other willshaper. There was a person that had been hanging out on the edge of the room for quite some time, who hadn’t spoken past a muttered curse under their breath. Vivacia seemed to be getting along all right with them, though. Perses thought that that was likely enough, but something still seemed off about them. Their lifesense was all off, and they were constantly using some kind of magic, but Perses had no clue what. They were also always writing, and seemed to be showing it to others. If only Perses knew what they had written. And then there was this newcomer, which was constantly burning cadmium. And they were strong with it. Perses went over to them. “What about you?” He said. “You seem to be Scadrian. What can you do?”
  11. Hey all! I’m trying to create a Mistborn: The Final Empire MTG set, and art for Mistborn is a hair difficult to come across for just general non-character specific art. I own Mistborn: House War, which is just full of great art that I would love to use. The issue is that the cards themselves likely cut the full art a tad, as well as not crediting the artist that made the art. I’ve been looking about, but can’t seem to find a website that can give me all of the Mistborn: House War art with the credited artists that made them. Is there a place that has that? If not, having a place to look at and use (credited of course) art from Mistborn?
  12. Perses was glad someone was intrigued by his powers. He’s always found them quite cool, but everyone else either didn’t care, or had already heard of them. There are certainly advantages to Alleycity. “I admit that I am not great at Rosharan magic. I can sense your spren, even though their actual location is a bit vague. Past that, I can sort of tell when you do your surge-whatevers, but it’s really tough, and I have to be looking for it. At the moment, given that I think I’ll be needing it, I’ll save my bronze-sense for other things.” Trust seemed to be a tad higher that Perses had assumed, which made him happy. There were much too many situations where a crew of some form were not the friendliest to each other.
  13. Perses took all this in, and was slowly realizing that he was in way over his head. He could detect two entities through lifesense following various members in the room-he assumed they were likely spren. There was a slam of a door, which was unexpected, but it sounded off. He couldn’t place his finger on it, but it did not sound like a real door slam. It could be part of the house, but it could also have something to do with the people in this room. It was clear that everyone was hiding everything from each other, and trust was nonexistent. Perses had of course been in such situations, but they were not a situation that involved solving a mind-boggling mystery. If this group was going to get anything done, they would need to know what each of them were bringing to the table. Perses decided to try to get that started. “Alright, if we want to get anything done, we need to know what we’re working with. More importantly, we need to know what everyone is capable of. I guess I’ll start, since it would be weird to prompt that without actually revealing my powers. I can store senses, which is how I’m a blind guy without a cane. I also have bronze sense, which can detect any investiture being used. In addition to those things, both of which I was born with, I have enough breaths to reach the second heightening, which I’m pretty new with. That means I hear frequencies and sounds really well and I have a fairly strong sense of any person or entity that is around me. I can also awaken stuff, but I truly don’t have the hang of that yet. I’m not sure how any of my powers will be useful here, but I can say for certain that the house is oddly quiet for a house that grows and changes when people aren’t looking.”
  14. Perses took this in. A growing house that kills people, a valued artifact, and a help wanted poster. Perses hadn’t actually gotten the ‘help wanted’ poster; he had been led this way by someone when he inquired about job opportunities. After taking this information in, one question came to mind. “why a help wanted poster? This seems to be a very specific job, with quite a mysterious nature. I feel like hiring specialists, or some sort of magical detective agency would be needed. And judging by the manor, you could surely afford hiring someone.”
  15. You know what? That would be hilarious, of not a tad impractical. Definitely going to be my joke headcanon until proven otherwise.
  16. Perses was glad that these people were social. He was absolutely horrid at formal communication. He was bad at casual conversation, too, but that can be forgiven slightly more. "And it is nice to meet you too, cousin. What's your name?" Cousin? Was this some Elendel slang that he hadn’t been aware of? No matter. “I’m Perses. It is also a pleasure to meet you, my cousin.” Perses said, hoping that he was being polite. There was another figure that entered, who was also using some sort of magic. Perses unfortunately had no clue what. Perses was, unfortunately, growing quite impatient. Where was the host? He would never say that out loud of course. It would be rude, probably. Then again, this seemed to be a more casual group, at least the ones that were socializing. “Where is our host, anyway?” He decided to inquire.
  17. Perses was glad there was someone that had interest in casual conversation. He had worried it would be all business. The smaller woman seemed to have calmed down a bit, but was still a bit on edge. So was Perses, if he was being honest. “I do not know anyone else here.” Perses said, in response to her inquiry. “Everyone I properly knew getting over here vanished in the Forgery.” Just as he said this, Perses heard the wheeled approach of the woman that entered first. "Where is that in comparison to Elendel?" she asked. "I'm Malsam, by the way." From the sound of it, Malsam was a Scadrian too. He wondered if they were a metalborn… Perses reached out with this bronze-sensemind, not really trusting anyone else enough to let them know about the full extent of his powers. As he focused in on the room, he noticed there were a few powers at play, but barely any he recognized. In front of him, Malsam seemed to be using a metalmind. Was that…pewter? He supposed it would make sense, given that if someone had a wheelchair, they could easily store strength. ”Rashekin is northeast of Elendel. It’s quite nice there, if you look past all the crime,” he said. “Did you live in Elendel?” Perses nearly forgot to give pleasantries. “Oh yeah. It’s nice to meet you, Malsam.
  18. I believe he’s hanging out with the Terris during that time, so not actually present during the book. Have you read Mistborn: Secret History?
  19. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. You burn allomancy, which gives you ability that you don’t normally have, like steel sense, and you then store it in a metalmind. I just put in a vague definition to make it apply to non-allomantic sources like (Warbreaker)
  20. There only appeared to be four others now, all keeping relative distance from each other. Vivacia, the smaller more sociable human approached and began conversation with Perses. “I've never seen that combination of greeting gestures before. Where are you from?" She seemed to be a bit on edge, but was still social. Perses wondered what that was about, but decided to carry on with the conversation. “I’m from Rashekin.” He said, quickly realizing that the human in question is probably not from Scadrial. “Scadrial.” He added quickly, hopefully naturally enough so that the person—Vivacia, she said—wouldn’t notice. “You seem to really like the food.” Was that an odd thing to ask? Perses hadn’t tried any, but it smelled decent. “Do you have any clue if there are more showing up? I thought this might be a larger gathering.” @Sorana
  21. From my understanding, he gained that through compounding, not reverse compounding. Now technically compounding also reverse compounds, but since every compounded metal does that, I chose not to include it in the list.
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