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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. There weren’t many people that had shown up thus far. There were only three, including Perses, when another person walked in. This person was different from the rest. For one, they were much lighter and shorter than the others. They also smelled much poorer. “hello. My name is Vivi--Vivacia, I mean. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” They sounded like a child. They had the height of a child. They had the rough weight and strength of a child. Given what city this is and that this meeting is presumably on the more violent side, that meant that they were definitely not a child. ”Hello. My name is Perses,” Perses said. Was this the type of thing where he should wave, shake hands, or do nothing? Perses made motions that indicated that he was planning on doing all three.
  2. Perses heard a door open to his left. To him, this sure seemed to be the spot. He’d heard this was a good place to get a job, especially something more his style. There seemed to be a few people around, given by the rustle and clacking of feet, as well as what could be the roll of a cart. He’d kept his senses on low, as he’d been waiting here for a few minutes already, and wasn’t even sure if this was even the right place. Perses dialed his senses up. Clarity returned to him, including the welcoming feel of other people moving around him. Man, was he glad he acquired lifesense. There were evidently quite a few people around, but few of them had responded to the invitation to enter the manor. Yet, there was still a good few that noticed and began making motions to head in. One of which, interestingly enough, was moving in on a wheelchair. This has got to be the place. Perses got up from his awkward lean on the side of the manor and began strutting towards the door, making sure to let someone else enter first. Too many times had he guessed the height or width of a door and been embarrassingly off. Luckily, this was a nice and wide door, as the woman in the wheelchair quite easily got in. Perses followed behind, taking in the smell of the manor and the people within, making sure to thank the door opener.
  3. Well, I think he’s totally be up to it. How much do we want to RP? (And also since I’m new here, where?)
  4. If the crew could use the utility that he could provide, Perses would be open to the prospect. He is not thrilled about crime without a more pure goal in mind, but is used to that lifestyle. If there is potential allies to gain and reputation to earn, Perses could be interested.
  5. If you’re talking in the literal sense, not really. He’s lived his life blind, and he’s made do. While I’m sure it would make things easier for him, it’s not what he came here for. metaphorically speaking, he’s open to it. While he is by no means a scholar, he’s well aware that knowledge is valuable, and that those with the most of it end up on top.
  6. Hey folks! I just got started here, and my character is looking for work. The forgery kind of wrote out all of the people that he came here with, and he’s in need of work. My character is a A-bronze F-steel twinborn that has a few breaths on them. He’s not a fantastic fighter, but is a decent shot. All he’s known is a fighting and thieving life, but is interested in being a part of something greater. He’s slightly familiar with Alleycity, but not severely. What’s a place where he would go to get something going? A guild perhaps? A crew of some sort?
  7. So here’s the deal. House war is actually quite fun, and can be played with people that haven’t necessarily read the books. It’s a tad expensive, and the gameplay isn’t revolutionary, but it is quite fun and great if you likely playing politics at the game table. The Mistborn RPG is also quite good. It has a lot of expansions that seem quite cool. It is an RPG like D&D though, so you need a group of Cosmere fanatics to play it with you. Other than that limitation, it’s fun! Call to Adventure also had a Stormlight Archive expansion, which is really spot on and very fun. If you are interested in non-Cosmere games, there is also The Reckoners board game, which recently got an expansion. It’s a tad complex, but extremely fun to play.
  8. Alright time to join in on the fun!!!
  9. Thank you so much! I think I have an idea for a starting character. Once I create and submit my character for approval, and once it’s approved, what do newcomers generally do/go to?
  10. This the thread for inquiring about how to join the fun? I have not yet made a character, but that is mostly because I have So Many Questions. So how do the magic systems interact? Do you have to be born on scadrial to have metalborn powers? Does hemalurgic spikes tie you to ruin? Does being an elantrian kinda suck because of location limitations? Are epics still evil? Are smedry talents still genetic? How abundant are metals like atium or lerasium and ettmetal? How important is connection for being able to communicate with others? Are there multiple earths, or is this a world where epic powers and oculators coexist? What of the wheel of time? Is it counted in here? How much spoiler hiding do I have to do for various books? Are the events of every book still happening? Already happened? Not happened yet? How easy is it to find radiant spren? I apologize for all the questions. But this is so fun, and the potential ramifications are so confusing.
  11. So while the actual growth of the muscles will not end up harming the fullborn (feruchemist+Mistborn), I do think it would be slightly ridiculous. The person in questions would get insanely beefy really quickly, and then deflate real fast. as another user said, a duralumin burst of Nicrosil wouldn’t do much, as any amount of Nicrosil would use up all of the reserves of the target, so you can’t get better than that. as to how you would make it stronger, there’s some minute things. 1) this is assuming that there is a limit to how much you can compound. There is not, as far as I’m aware. So given infinite time and given infinite metalminds, you could get infinitely beefy (for a very short time). 2) if you are trying to get the most infinite out of your infinite, you could have the fullborn in question be a lerasium Mistborn. That way, they would be as strong as possible of a Mistborn. I’m not 100% sure if that’ll allow your compounding to be more efficient, but it sure wouldn’t hurt. 3) Hemalurgy. This one DOES have a limit, but it can be pushed really far if you don’t mind ruin/harmony getting control of you. With spiking yourself with extra A-pewter, your compounding would (presumably) get even better. 4) Nicrosil compounding. This could be a whole post on its own, as F-nicrosil is a finicky thing that we don’t know much about, but from what we understand, it stores your ability to burn a metal. If that’s compounded, I would say that it would increase the strength of whatever metallic art you choose to store. With infinite compounding, you could have an infinitely higher strength for your infinite human strength balloon. 5) maaaaybe F-duralumin compounding. So, here’s the thing. Your connection to preservation is what determines the strength of your allomancy. Lerasium, being a big ol hunk of lerasium, increases your connection to preservation, which is what makes them Mistborn, and very powerful ones. If you could somehow store and compound that connection, which is a big if, you could get real strong powers, which would (again, someone please confirm this for me) lead to real strong human muscle balloon bomb. You could just achieve this with munching a ton of lerasium, but that almost seems harder than just figuring out how to compound connection to preservation.
  12. So are you asking for general “how does this work?” Or is this a larger question of how fortune works in the Cosmere?
  13. Folks, folks, are we really having an argument of definitions?
  14. I’ve heard that too, but sadly can’t give ya more than that.
  15. I think it’s worth pointing out that dalinar used to be the blackthorn. He’s past his prime, and is far less likely to take down armies all by himself anymore. His whole arc in Oathbringer was that he has become much more of a team player that yes, is still a general, but is not the killing machine of the army. Kaladin, on the other hand, has clearly shown that he is that person. In Rhythm of War, it was clear that he is a slaughterhouse and is more than able to 25 to one people. With shardplate, he’ll only be stronger. I certainly think Dalinar is the more powerful of the two, but I think his power no longer comes in the form of generating half of the battlefield’s worth of bodies. He’s now a leader, which in this sense, I don’t think is what is needed.
  17. awesome responses! Does your rep-giving tendencies or site activeness differ much from other social media platforms?
  18. All great answers! And yes, work of any sort can be a pain. I suppose that’s what books are for!
  19. My guess is that it is some sort of Taldanian military force or something of the like. Taldain’s story took place hundreds of years before era 2, so we have very little info on what’s going on there.
  20. Ai generated art is so cool! It won’t be taking over conventional art anytime soon, as art style and nuance is lost a bit in them, but-look! Is pretty! Is good! Is art!
  21. Y’all really aren’t going to let this particular argument die will ya?
  22. Hmmm. That is an interesting question. I mean, it’s quite likely. No matter what though, too many surgebinders will not cause another desolation. It could probably enable a perpendicularity to be formed by an off-world shard, however. Though I don’t think that has really ever been an issue on Roshar past Odium’s initial invasion.
  23. So this will be a twofold post with two main questions being asked. This is not a post to change anyone’s opinions or prompt more or less reputation giving/farming. This is just a fun little question that I think is a cool thing to learn about. So the first question is this: how do you folks decide what deserves reputation given? We only get 15 reputation givings daily, which might be seen as too much or too limiting dependent on how liberal you are with reputation distribution. I will hide my opinion on this, so that others can choose not to be affected by it in their answer. The next question is how much do you care about reputation? Is it something you are quite fond of? Do you think it’s kind of silly? Why do you think that? My response is spoilered below. I am also interested in if these things are actually different from other social media sites you use. I find this platform to be very different in feel from places like Discord or Reddit. I think it helps how small the community is. Well, feel free to answer any of the questions with any amount of reason you want to give. This is purely out of curiosity and interest in how other sharders navigate the site’s rep system.
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