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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Well, I suppose, but the workings of nuclear reactors and nuclear warheads are different enough that, though they are field by some form of uranium, I would not consider them to be quite adjacent enough to call nuclear reactors domesticated warheads.
  2. I’d tend to agree, but I feel that there are limited applications for nuclear warheads in a civilian atmosphere.
  3. Honestly I think it’s clear by the sixth of dusk sequel preview that neither will really be “good guys”. Both will be their own version of villains. One things for sure though; the Cosmere will be at war, and each planet will pay the price for it.
  4. Hmmm. I absolutely adore serene from Elantris so that’s likely my go-to there. My favorite non-pov character is the kicker though. I’m tempted to say pattern, cuz he’s a fun little guy!
  5. I don’t think it is possible to Un-merge harmony without the death of its vessel. However, I do think that Autonomy wanted to push along the creation of Discord, which she certainly did. There was definitely an implication that we haven’t seen the last of Autonomy messing with Scadrial, and I’m sure Autonomy would love to exploit Discord’s volatile state in the future. Autonomy is one of the most conniving shards in the Cosmere, and there is no way that she would enter a planetary war without it being a win-win situation for her.
  6. Folks, each of these posts are reading more and more aggressive. I doubt that’s what y’all intend, but things tend to default to a negative light over a virtual medium. I doubt either of you guys intend to have this be an argument. I totally think the both of you want to get closer to the truth and to learn new stuff. However, I think it’s quite likely that you are riling each other up. Are y’all good? Is everyone in this situation chill with the other?
  7. I have a defense for those that change early: Brando Sando and Peter deserve to be celebrated early
  8. I think it’s possible, but I think there’s a deeper mystery afoot. I don’t know what, but unless adawathwyn is more important than we thought, Brandon has something bigger in mind.
  9. I would say it depends on what you’re looking to create. If you want military innovations, wartime is when those happen. If you want less murdery technological advancements, like many inventions during the industrial revolution, I would say having a time of peace gives that. In era 3, it seems very likely that war will be inevitable, and that harmony will need to change to discord to save the planet. Harmony has no place in war, and Sazed’s descisions to literally solve his problems by sending a hyper killer to murder all the problems away makes it clear that an intent change is inevitable and necessary.
  10. This shall be the almighty list of reverse compounding for all books thus far. Feel free to add on to anything I missed. for those of you unaware, reverse-compounding is like a weaker form of full on compounding. Compounding is a magical hack that squeezes an abnormal amount of feruchemy from a metalmind when it is burned. Reverse compounding is a simple breaking of the end-neutrality of feruchemy by using some sort of outside force to increase a storable ability. This basically allows you to do a few cool things, most importantly of which is the ability to become a feruchemical savant. Reverse compounding is most easily done with a combination of allomancy and feruchemy, so we’ll start there. My list will be going down each feruchemantic ability and seeing what other forms of allomancy/feruchemy can be reverse compounded in the metalmind. This will not be covering how other magic systems affect the mix, which will likely be a separate post. I will also note that something like storing weight while tapping strength does not count as reverse compounding, as that extra weight still comes from you. While it sure is nice, and enables extra versatility within metalminds, it ain’t reverse compounding. I also will not be counting compounding for this post, as that’s fairly self-explanatory. with all that out of the way, let’s get started Iron: Iron stores weight, but doesn’t do much else. As we have seen in the books, it has been quite versatile, but it doesn’t do much reverse-compounding wise. Steel: now steel’s more interesting. You can reverse compound pewter’s extra speed, which can end up being quite useful without inhibiting pewter much. You could also maybe reverse compound F-iron, but it seems unlikely. Bendalloy could maybe be used to reverse compound, but it seems extra unlikely, as bendalloy does diddly squat to your body’s capabilities. Tin: tin is the king of reverse compounding, easily beating any other metal. With tin you can store any extra senses created by metals, including steel/iron sense, bronze sense, as well as atium, electrum, and gold shadows. Additionally, it can store extra balance gained from A-pewter and F-steel. I would argue it can also store the G-force resistance from F-steel as well. Of course, it can also reverse compound senses gained from A-tin. For those keeping track, that means that F-tin can store every physical allomantic ability, as well as 4 others. That’s 8 of the 17 twinborn combinations that can reverse compound! And that’s not including the feruchemical reverse compounding. The main downside is that each of these effects that are stored are quite important to the functioning of the other ability, so you can’t do much with the other metal while you are reverse compounding it. Pewter: pewter stores physical muscle mass. Unfortunately, this means it is unable to even reverse compound with A-pewter, which doesn’t affect muscle mass at all. A useful feruchemantic metal, but not for our sake. Zinc: zinc is actually quite interesting. Atium has shows that it increases mental speed, as does F-steel. You could argue that you could store the additional mental speed from a bronzemind, but sadly that would not count as reverse compounding. Brass: brass stores warmth. I had thought before TLM that brass did not have anything it could reverse compound, but due to Wax subconsciously burning pewter to stay warm in the water, we know know that A-pewter can be reverse compounded! This is actually really convenient for a twinborn, as the extra warmth granted from pewter is almost never valuable, enabling the user to reverse compound whenever pewter is burned. Copper: copper stores memories. While useful, it has no reverse compounding applications that I can see. Bronze: bronze stores wakefulness. Pewter assists with wakefulness, if I recall correctly, so that could likely be reverse compounded. Past that, while there is uses for assisting with F-gold or F-electrum, neither would really count for reverse compounding. Chromium: Chromium stores fortune, which is a finicky thing in the Cosmere. Atium gives some sort of fortune, yet I have no clue how that would exactly work. Would it spawn atium shadows? Who knows. So there are reverse compounding capabilities, but they are limited and weird. Nicrosil: Nicrosil stores investiture, specifically innate investiture, which is your ability to use a certain ability. While it is fundamental for the process of making unsealed metalminds, it does not have any reverse compounding uses. Aluminum: Aluminum stores identity, which is weird, but not helpful here. Duralumin: Duralumin stores connection, which can be very useful for a worldhopper, it does nothing here. Cadmium: Cadmium stores breath. F-gold can help squeeze some extra breath out of you when storing, but doesn’t reverse compound. I think it’s fair to say pewter can help here, as pewter allows you to survive with less air. Bendalloy: Bendalloy stores energy, specifically caloric intake. So while you would think pewter, tin, F-steel, or F-bronze would allow reverse compounding, I don’t think it does. You could maybe do something with F-gold, but it wouldn’t really be reverse compounding. Gold: gold stores health. I think it’s safe to say that you could reverse compound with pewter. Interestingly enough, I think there’s some interesting shenanigans you can do with F-aluminum and identity, as gold acts based off of your spiritual identity. Wouldn’t help for reverse compounding, but an interesting note. Electrum: electrum stores determination. You sadly cannot riot yourself to make you more determined, but you could get other people to do that for you, allowing you to reverse compound. Don’t know how useful it would be, but a cool thought. Atium: atium sort of stores age. While I think there’s some weird applications with temporal allomancy and speed/slowness bubbles, I’m not sure it would actually reverse compound. An interesting question though. Alright, I think that’s all of them. For those keeping track, pewter is the best allomantic metal at reverse compounding, reverse compounding with 7 of the 17 feruchemantic metals. Tin is the undisputed best at reverse compounding on the feruchemantic side, with a whopping 8 out of 17 allomantic metals enabling reverse compounding. 8 of the 17 feruchemantic metals can reverse compounded without actual compounding, and 9 of the 17 allomantic metals can help reverse compound. If you have more reverse compounding instances, please let me know. It’s really cool to see, and I hope we see some interesting applications in-world.
  11. Alright I have to join in on the fun. I’m not great, but I can’t improve without some mistakes. I’m not good at long poems, but I try to make the most of a few words. Anyway, here’s Leto. Leto Leto, queen on none, cursed by Zeus and pursued by Hera, you keep running, but for how long? No mortal will help you, no god will shelter you. You hope for an island that will never come. Keep that hope, seek that flame. Bearer of gods, you will run far. You shall suffer and toil, but shall bring wonders to the world that has forsaken you. Leto, queen of none, child of two, you shall go far.
  12. Alright I am SHOCKED no one has mentioned The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir. It is so well written and hits the same beats that I love about Sanderson. Long story short, it’s about gay necromancers learning the secrets of immortality in an ancient mansion in space. It is insanely good, with amazing everything. apart from that, I really liked Neil Gaiman’s works in general, especially American Gods. and I’m with others in this thread, Name of The Wind is fantastic.
  13. Alright folks. It’s time to merge Brandon Sanderson and magic. We’ll be answering 3 questions for each character in the Cosmere. 1. What color/color combination would represent them (color pie alignments) 2. what type of deck they would play 3. How invested (pun 1000% intended) would they be in Magic: The Gathering? I’ll start with a few of the main Mistborn cast members. Breeze: He definitely plays mono blue. You could argue that he would run group hug decks, which I think would also be valid. Color-wise, I’d say he’s mostly white leaning, with a bit of blue in there. I know that pins him as azorius, which is a bit too basic of his personality, but I’m sure you can find some nuanced bit of Azorius that fits him best. Maybe Ojutai? playing-wise, I think he’d be semi interested in the game, but mostly infatuated in the politics of a multiplayer game. That’s why I totally think he would be an avid commander player that really just does it for the kicks. I could see him being super competitive though. Vin: she’s probably the mono-red aggro player of the table. I think she’d be overwhelmed by the game’s rules and just stick with the basics. Maybe run some mono-green now and again? Color-pie wise, I think I’m the first book, she was quite black-aligned. Over time though, especially in books 2 and 3, I think she’s more Boros aligned, with a ruthless side, but mostly interested in acting as a shield and maintaining order among the chaos. So I’d say she’s overall Mardu in nature. Sazed: now Sazed is interesting. I think he would be dragged into playing by Kell or someone, and manage to take 20 minute turns. He’d totally lean towards the more complicated deck archetypes and give himself the most possibilities at all times and not want to lose any creatures in combat, and likely rarely attack. That’s why i’d say any type of Jeskai (red/white/blue) deck would be right up his alley. I could also totally see him building a collection. He’s get a kick out of the lore and all the different religions in Magic as well. Color-wise, I think he’s the most straightforward of the bunch. His whole arch is about representing both preservation and ruin. I’d say the color combo that best represents that is white/black Orzhov. let me know what you think of my calls and feel free to add your own! I know this is a less serious post, so if this better belongs in another forum, feel free to move it. Just thought this could get some thoughts going on our beloved characters.
  14. Welcome to the shard, Tindwyl! What’s your favorite pov character in the Cosmere? And what’s your favorite non-pov character?
  15. I’d argue that they are agender and gender non-conforming, but it’s dependent on the kandra. MeLaan is hella feminine, but I don’t think she’d call herself female or even genderfluid. No matter what tho, Kandra are goals.
  16. That’s completely fair. Not entirely sure this would fit the bill, but there admittedly isn’t a lot that will cause all the nerves in your body to go into a pain response at once, which is what I would assume would happen. edit: do we have confirmation that ettmetal works with feruchemy?
  17. Now here’s the interesting thing: how non-lethal could it be? I feel like if you store enough, or store damage from something like a knife wound or three, the pain could be enough to kill someone from shock.
  18. So Shai is Moonlight. I get that. Makes relative sense. I’m sure Shai was an easy person to recruit into the Ghostbloods. However, for being hundreds of years old, she sure does not seem to be the most powerful forger of her time. From what she has said, she has three soul stamps on her. Two of which are universal stamps, which I am certain is quite difficult to pull off. The third is an essence stamp that makes her an Elantrian, which is also surely difficult to pull off. However. Three soul stamps? Really? Shai is certainly better than that. Is it a limitation of resources? What Shai has made is certainly impressive, but probably something an average forger could pull off in 100 years of living. I think it’s safe to assume Shai’s been kicking for longer than that, and again, she is THE BEST forger of her lifetime. If this is the Shai we know, I would expect a whole briefcase of powerful soul stamps, including more than just one essence mark. I understand that she only has so much access to her abilities, since there’s only so much Dor that she has access to. However, even with limited resources, more options are always welcome. I find it slightly hard to believe that Shai wouldn’t have proper materials to make more, as the Ghostbloods are at this point quite far reaching and could certainly procure some. Especially since, as far as I’m aware, Shai is quite high up in their ranks. So what’s up? Why does Shai, the most powerful forger or her time, who has presumably been alive for hundreds of years, honing her skills, pals with Kelsier himself, have only three soul stamps?
  19. Oh my sweet summer child, do not cite the old magic to me. I know it all. I am with you though. The lack of medallions in Ghostblood possession was quite odd.
  20. Oh NOW we’re talking. I don’t think it’s the most powerful use of an ettmettal grenade, but it can be a lot more dangerous than a steelpush grenade in the right environment.
  21. So I just wanted to point it to all that might have missed it, we got confirmation in TLM by Telsin that F-tin can store pain. This is huge, as it makes (as far as I know) F-tin the only feruchemantic metal that can be utilized in a non-end neutral way. There’s nearly no reason to tap pain once it is stored, so you can easily throw out your painmind once full. Once again solidifying the absolute absurdity of F-tin.
  22. Indeed, indeed. Yeah basically all the other peeps said it. Atium, bronze, electrum, the 11th metal, gold, lifesense, aviar stuff (sense related of course) iron, and steel all count as their own sense. You can even possibly count pain as it’s own sense! Basically, anything that lets you see, hear, feel, taste, or touch things that function outside of those five senses (ie. being able to see atium shadows while blind, which the inquisitors can do), you can store as it’s own sense. This also counts for stuff like pewter’s sense of balance and (stormlight spoilers) Can be stored as an add on to those other senses! really cool stuff!
  23. Well, iirc, there was some duplicating Leras shenanigans going on in SH, wrent there? Leras both visiting Kel as well as some other background souls? Might be wrong tho.
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