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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. They just got better at naming things when ash stopped falling from the sky.
  2. Just rusting everywhere. Got it!
  3. @Kingsdaughter613, I didn’t stop to consider you were also posting these on the shard! I guess this is another way to binge the ones I missed lol!
  4. Ok you know what? I’ll make it official. Why not? 

    so I’m going to be off of the shard for like the foreseeable future. I’ve already pretty much been doing that, but I feel like I should just fully officialify it. I just feel that this has become more of a burden to keep up with than a blessing. I have no idea how significant I am on the shard as of now, but I hope I’m not missed too much. Don’t get me wrong, I love the shard, but I just can’t keep up with the bustle of it. I dunno when I’m going to come back, but I’ll probably return whenever a book is released and I want to talk about it. 

    yeah I dunno if I did that right, but I’m not retaking it. See y’all!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FriarFritz


      Byeeeee hope life goes well

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      I'll miss you, if that makes you feel better.

    4. Condensation


      We'll miss you! Sad to see you go, but it's like that sometimes. Bye!

  5. Nice profile pic! Sorry to be late.

    1. Koloss17


      About noticing your new profile pic

  6. Hmmm. There’s a lot of good ones. One that has been interesting to me recently is should you always be prepared for war? It’s an interesting dilemma that ties into ethics and a lot of other things, which sparks some interesting debates from a simple question.
  7. Hmmmmmm. You might have just found something that’ll show up in the lost metal.
  8. My question here is simple. I’ve seen the claim at some point in here, but I don’t know whether it’s true. And the coppperming doesn’t seem to have much on this. It says that they can leech (warbreaker) Which I presume would also apply to their If that’s the case, since that functions a lot like metalminds, I’d guess it’s work. If leechers can leech metalminds, that’d be huge. That would make leechers a lot more powerful than I had assumed.
  9. When did I win the day??? I just found out that my endowment’s magic system thing has the heart on it! And for some reason, I can’t see when it happened! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Condensation
    3. Koloss17


      I literally found my post about deadeyes before I found my post about Endowment on that board thing. Where is it? Am I looking in the wrong place?

    4. Condensation


      Really? Because I found your thing fairly easily. Last time I tried, at least.

  10. I’d say I’m an Episcopalian, sort of. I don’t give a frick whether or not there is a god, it’s just not what I’m worried about, frankly. I’m more following in the moral teachings of Christianity. The whole love thy neighbor n’ stuff. I love that the Bible is basically a holy debate forum, with many different stances and opinions on what is god and what is right. It allows for great conversation.
  11. Possibly Jasnah did not know as much as you would assume about spren at that point in time. Sure, she was a radiant, but she didn’t have much experience with it. She hadn’t met many others. And her spren might not have been as knowing as they are later on. Sure, they can identify a cryptic spren, but they might not know what it was doing there. Or maybe it just didn’t know it was searching for a host. Or Jasnah didn’t expect it would find Shallan. There’s a lot of logical possibilities.
  12. That’s what I’m thinking too. He’s in a chromium bubble somewhere remote. It might even be that he is near death and having bursts of chromium and every now and then popping in, seeing if technology has advanced enough to give home more life. I think that would be pretty interesting for the fourth book.
  13. So what if you combined stormlight, voidlight, and lifelight? I assume it could be done easily enough; just add voidlight to towerlight or lifelight to the rhythm of war. But once that does happen, so what? The nice thing is that that would be a type of wildcard light. It can be used in any instance. If that would be used in fabrials, for example, that would make it really hard to shut down the fabrial using light blocking mechanisms, like in Urithiru. It could also be a great market in the CR. I bet the Ire would love to get their hands on it. It would be pretty useful. Now, I’m wondering, what’s the downsides to just having this? Rosharlight could fulfill the need for stormlight r lifelight for radiants, like towerlight is, but could also be used in niche circumstances anc act as a corruption failsafe. Is there any reason this wouldn’t work out?
  14. Oh boy! Almost end of January! It’s been an interesting month, but it hasn’t been terrible. Hopefully there’ll be one more touch in the last 2ish weeks that’ll end the month on a high note.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Koloss17


      If you’re asking about the profile pic works, I haven’t gotten any yet. How’s your friend’s work doin’?

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      I can show you what she's done till now600dd7a386d04_Screenshot(65).thumb.png.4926a1e64daf6edb577ee7551f92adf8.png

    4. Koloss17


      Oooh!!! That’s awesome so far!

  15. Hmmmm. That’s a possibility, but I dunno about taking breaths without consent. I think it would really break down the magic system and endowment’s control over her people if that were to happen. Since pure tone stuff is hard, but with the right recourses, not too complex, once that would be found out, Endowment’s whole specialness is thrown out the window. Not only do I think that Endowment wouldn’t want that, I also think it wouldn’t work literarily. But yeah, 16 shards, 16 tones.
  16. Wow! RoW boards sure do give a lot of rep!

    1. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Yep. I swear, some of the simplest posts get repped for some reason.

    2. Koloss17


      Yeah. I made like a half baked theory there and somehow it got like 5 or so rep, which is more than I get on an average post. It is silly. But basically: post and reply when you can! Rep galore!

  17. @I Just Shard Myself!, I share your enjoyment for debating. I think an argument or debate, if done kindly, can help everyone understand a bit more about the topic and person. Now, my goal is not to make a mascot out of a character, but to have a character that can correctly represent a group. for example, if you had a character that was homosexual and homoromantic, I would expect them to be an embodiment of gay culture, I would just want them to actually express that homosexuality and homoromanticness in a way that could educate those that do not know what homosexuality and homoromanticism is learn how those that are homosexuals or homoromantics work, to a certain degree. Now one issue is that everyone is different. No group will have a way of expressing their views or identity that will apply to 100% of that community. So it would be an impossible task to create one character to represent an entire community. But I don’t want to have a reader learn how a sexuality or gender works and get possibly harmful assumptions. So I don’t want someone to make the assumption that someone who is asexual would have sex for the enjoyment of their partner. That would not be a smart assumption to make. Now in this case, it was a very small sentence. It was small and out of the way. It is not something that someone will read and see that as a rule. BUT if that continues, in more detail and elaboration, it would be great. So it’s important to point it out. That’s what I’m saying.
  18. ...when you are using the coppermind. Unless you are using it 24/7, it isn’t like photographic memory.
  19. But while you aren’t using the coppermind, you haven’t memorized it. So if they wanted you to have it on your coppermind, they would have told you the unit in 30 minutes and be done. If they wanted you to retain it even without the coppermind, they’d test ya.
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