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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. So using your own coppermind is like being right at the moment you are learning the information. The questions on the text would then be about translating that information, not remembering and retaining and THEN translating the info. It is a useful thing to have, but it ruins part of the purpose of the test, which would be memorizing and retaining that information later in life. So yeah, I’d say it’s cheating.
  2. So in this case, it does matter a tad. Asexuality Is something that really isn’t represented in books or movies-heck, not many celebrities are ace! So Brandon giving representation to asexual characters is important. It is something that those that are not familiar with it might see this character and learn what asexuality is all about. So doing it correctly is important. now, I’m with ya. I think Brando is learning to write and learning to represent minority groups and communities is something that is tough to do. I’m glad he’s doing it. He’s really trying to represent the LGBTQ+ community in many small, and sometimes big, ways. If he makes mistakes along the way, as long as that is mended, it’s not the end of the world. But it is good to address the mistakes to allow Brando Sando to fix them in future books.
  3. Darn. Wait-can you drain metalminds? When was this info dropped? Chromium just got a lot more powerful than a I thought before.
  4. That is tall! The tallest building in the world right now is 180 meters tall! That makes it 8 times taller than the tallest building in the world!
  5. So there’s all this talk about how dangerous mistborn are, and how dangerous radiants are, but not many people have considered Awakeners. For one, awakeners use invested weapons, so it’ll be tough to soulcast or push/pull. The cloth or other items will be tough to cut through with coins, especially when you can fortify it. Shardblades are tough to stop, but invested vs invested are very good at resisting each other. Awakened stuff is also pretty darn strong, so pewter won’t make a huge difference here. And the strength of awakened objects might even be able to break some Shardplate. so that cancels iron, steel, pewter, shardblades, soulcasting, and maybe even Shardplate right there. now, the radiant’s trump card, regeneration, is tough. BUT awakeners also have resilient tools. The lifeless. One breath lifeless allows you to make an army pretty darn easy. If we are talking one v. one, awakeners will have superiority in numbers. If we are talking about many vs many, every death can be used as another soldier. That would cause a lot of emotional turmoil. If we’re talking about mistborn, lifeless koloss would be annoying to deal with. so that combats large numbers and the regenerative properties of radiants (sort of). now the trump card of mistborn is their atium. But to an awakener with enough breath, that’s no problem. Just do Vasher’s hundred breath trick, catching them off guard and killing them without problem. 100 breaths to kill a mistborn is likely worth it. Heck, that truck might even kill a radiant! So there goes a mistborn’s trump card. Now for the awakener’s trump card. Anti-investiture. Heightenings don’t usually grant much to awakeners in battle. But with the knowledge of anti-investiture, it means everything. Third hiieghtening grants perfect pitch. That allows you to know how to play the opposite tone of any type of investiture. That allows you to be an anti-investiture generator. One blast of that stuff can kill a radiant spren and, since scadrians are of preservation, that means that they too are susceptible to non-existence. so that DEFINITELY defeats Shardplate and regeneration. Now Nicrosil and chromium is hard. It can’t affect the awakener because the breaths are not really kinetic investiture, since they are attatched to the spiderweb, not the person. But it can affect the awakened material (not lifeless though). That renders awakened cloth a tad useless, so long as there is nicrosil or chromium. Though, while that is being done, an anti-investiture blast can finish things off. Abrasion is hard to use against invested stuff, so that’s out. Gravitation is annoying to put up with, but holding anti-investure stops them from air drop kicking you. soothing and rioting can really hurt, especially with duralumin. But an aluminum hat can cancel that easily. Bondsmiths can by tough to deal with if you are dealing with multiple people, but every awakener is an anti-investiture, perpendicularity closing machine. I think, overall, that covered everything that could be thrown at an awakener. Conclusion, awakeners are OP.
  6. So here’s my current theory on how they operate. An excisor is a machine that can place and remove spikes in the person using it without harm, presumably retaining the charge (possibly with aluminum wrapped spikes) when the device is not being used. You then have A and F nicrosil spikes that you spike into the user, allowing the user to compound nicrosil, allowing them to give their ability to use other metals (presumably granted by extra hemalurgic spikes) to others without losing the ability themselves. That way you can have a reusable way to give medallions that use F-nicrosil and other feruchemantic abilities without having many feruchemists or ferrings in your community. And I like that it still has a question to be answered, which is safe hemalurgy. Although I think that might have been done during Sazed’s reformation of Scadrial.
  7. Yay! Thank you! I will say that my theory was shared with others on the shard and elsewhere. It was a conclusion shared by many, I think I just posted first. Thank you nonetheless!
  8. I’m a small human rep-wise (mainly cuz I don’t do many memes). BUT I currently have the most rep I’ve ever gotten in one post-from a theory! 14 rep ain’t record breaking, but it is quite a lot!


    I wonder if I’ll get post of the day at some point...


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doomstick


      lots of smaller posts

    3. Koloss17


      So how does the won the day thing work? Lots of rep within 24 hours?

    4. Doomstick


      The most rep in a day.

  9. So we knew the center-a central circle that breaks into 16 pieces, representing Adonalsium and the shattering. We now know that the four outstretching curves likely represent the dawnshards. Now, there is two pieces left of the symbol. There is the circle and the diamond that encircles the Adonalsun(Tm). What might those be?
  10. It seems that Ruin’s investiture was used in the making of nightblood: It’s a vague quote, but I’m pretty sure it’s confirmation.
  11. Koloss17


    Ah. My bad. I somehow read that, chose a poll option, then noticed that there was nothing said on what type of metal anywhere OTHER than that, and then came to conclusions.
  12. Koloss17


    OhhoHo! Where do you see allomantic affects! This is a poll on the metal in general. And in that case, F and H-tin can be QUITE the metal!
  13. Hmmm. An interesting thought. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. My brain is being really stupid right now. I don’t know if that makes sense or not. It probably does, and I’m a hooligan. A likely possibility.
  14. Oh boy. Should I be nitpicky? I dunno. I’ll be nitpicky. Hope ya don’t mind. “other” implies a binary, cuz of the whole this or that, this one and the other one. There be non-binary people that are outside of the binary. And so I’m saying “other” and implying that there are 2 genders unintentionally, it’s like a small sleight to em. Dunno if this is a tad too nitpicky or if I’m makin a fuss over one word, but I’m just shovin’ that out there. Might regret it, but there it is. I might also be overstating the severity of it all, since it’s really just a small thing. I dunno at this point.
  15. Y’know, I remembered about the whole silly beginner questions today. 

    I apologize for abruptly stopping. Times have been tough for me and I thought it might be a good idea to scale back on stuff that I don’t need to do but can take some energy to do. So I dropped it. I might come back to it, but i won’t for a while. I dunno how fun it was for others, but I did like that reputation. Things might improve enough to put in the consistency, but I don’t know when. 


  16. Koloss17


    Not enough tin votes!
  17. Ooh boy this thread really took a turn for the hurting people, didn’t it? Not the thread’s fault per se, but an easy hole to fall into if you create a thread that attracts negativity in an unobjective way. Y’all need hugs.
  18. Yeah, I think this might be a tad confusing for me. I’ll opt out of this one. @Aspiring Writer, that you so much for inviting me, though!
  19. Oh yeah, I based the theory on you and someone on Reddit’s post. I just drew some conclusions from your thing and fused them with that other human’s thing. I didn’t want to draw much attention to the theory, since it was just drawing lines. But I did need that to be concluded for the Topaz search.
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