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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. Hmnmmmm. I’ll think about it. Coup is fun, but I dunno how it works as a forum game. also what the heck? This is not coup! Cosmerecoup?
  2. BEWARE! THERE WILL BE ALL OF THE LORE SPOILERS FOR DAWNSHARD AHEAD! I only put this post here instead of the dawnshard board because there is a bit of things relating to RoW, and I’m not supposed to put spoilers for RoW in the dawnshard forum. So. Endowment. Let’s break down the magic system. We have heightenings and the whole breath thing. The hightenings come from breaths being grafted onto your spiderweb, as seen in dawnshard. They are very color-oriented. They make colors pop. This is very useful to know given that color is a fundamental part of shards. We have their light or color, and the anti-light, and color. This doesn’t seems to be a specifically Roshar thing. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you can have anti-Ruin light and so on. So perfect color recognition helps in that respect. it also helps with perfect pitch. That allows you to make the anti-light in the first place much more easily. so basically, the heightenings are very useful for creating anti-investiture. Endowment has created a magic system to specifically allow for this type of thing, with the breaths sticking to your spiderweb, and whatnot. now there are commands. These are based off of Intent and Command, which we learn in Dawnshard is the fundamental part of all of magic in the Cosmere. In other worlds, it is more veiled. The command is symbols in Sel and the molecular composition in Scadrial. But in Nalthis, it is just verbal, which is the most fundamental form there is. The third part is investing objects. This makes them harder to tamper with and make much more powerful objects, such as Nightblood. The final part is the divine breaths, which is all about stapling the cognitive shadow to the physical realm. This is seen in many other systems, but this is given so freely by Endowment, and she made it part of the magic system as well. Nalthis’ magic system seems to be made off of the fundamental building blocks of the cosmere. It is built to allow gateways to all parts of the Cosmere’s magic, within easy and straightforward access. This is quite surprising and quite dangerous. What is Endowment doing? She has plots that involves all of the raw power of the Cosmere within easy access. Why is she doing this? And what does it mean? This is a thing that seems very deliberate on Endowment’s part. I’m quite worried how dangerous she might become later on.
  3. So let me start with this. The dawnshard that is different from the rest is likely the one Hoid held (which was a topaz) and that is now dead. so we know Hoid held the name topaz because of him being the bearer of the first gem, which was a topaz. from the coppermind: And we know that title is linked to him being a dawnshard from this WoB: and we know that the topaz is now “dead” from this letter that frost sent: From all that, it is easy to connect some dots. Now that we have that out of the way, Have we seen the Topaz? The Dawnshard? Not just in the stormlight archive, but in any of the Cosmere. A reference to a strange orange gem or a magical stone? Where is the Dawnshard?
  4. I think this is the answer for the one different from the rest. A dead dawnshard, held by Hoid https://coppermind.net/wiki/First_Gem this whole coppermind entry seems to support it, paired with that quote. themst the theory. I bet others have came to the same conclusion, but this is the deal.
  5. Ok. I doubt the F-nicrosil thing is canon at this point tho.
  6. Really? You sure? Do you mean the names specifically? Or more?
  7. I’m an auger. Idve preferred coinshot/lurcher. Doesn’t quite have to do with my personality, though. Seeker would probably fit better. I like to know what is going on. Will there be a ferring quiz? holy heck this is an OLD thread
  8. I’m pretty sure nightblood was made by ruin’s investiture.
  9. Ok here’s my hot take: kal is if you mixed kelsier with elend and slapped an honorspren to it.
  10. Personally, as a leader of a cult, I don’t mind a following. But that’s just me.
  11. I know I’m late to this whole controversy, but what are y’all’s thoughts on the whole Cyberpunk potential transphobia shebang?
  12. Also apparently make a post about how to get popular gives ya rep. Huh. as to @Dannex’s point, I don’t necessarily care a whole lot about popularity, just about rep. I like advancing through the titles. As for the emoji ideas, I’m not a huge fan of emojis. I think emoticons are cooler, personally. A lot more variety and possibilities while also staying uniform with the rest of the post :/. I don’t like the auto-emoji thing, because then I can’t do the simple smiley >:[.
  13. I want to know how to measure your popularity on the shard and how to get popular in the shard. to start, I’ll lay out the variables. We have reputation, followers, time on the shard, posts, and your mark on the shard. Let’s start with rep, because it is the first one I put, and it is probably the simplest. Reputation on the shard is usually an indicator of your popularity. People give you reputation because they like a post of yours. And so, those that have more reputation have more people that like what they post, indicating how much other people appreciate them on the shard. But the thing with that is that you can only give one reputation per post. It is a smart system, but that means that someone that liked a post way more than someone else will give you the same feedback. That is why you need to factor in followers. The number of followers you have are the number of people that decided that they like enough of your content to stick around to see more. So obviously one follower is worth more than one rep. It’s a simple enough thing. At this point, we should address posts. Posts are obviously the things that you post. They are your content. Each post is a chance to get rep and followers, but not every post will get you that. So what is the significance of your content count? Content can vary in significance, so it isn’t a great tell of a person’s popularity. It just gives you chances to be popular and to increase your popularity. What really matters is the amount of posts over time. That will show you how active any given sharder is. The more active a sharder is, the more people will notice them within that time. That will increase their popularity and make it more likely to get followers and reputation. Basically, the more active you are, the more popular you will get in a shorter amount of time. So you can see how important time is here. Time is something you cannot change (unless you are using bendalloy or cadmium). That means the only question is what you do with that time. It can also be the perfect thing to base things on. Over time, how quickly does this person get rep? Or followers? Earning popularity is all about time. The faster you get popularity, the more likely you are to be popular. Now the good news is that the longer you are on the shard, the more likely others are to see your posts and give you rep. So just being on the shard and posting some already helps. Now for the biggest, best way to get popular on the shard. Making your mark on the shard. What I mean by that is having a legacy, of sorts. Something that people will immediately think of when they see your name pop up. That can be formed through a small event, like challenging Chaos, or over a long time, like being the nicest person on the shard. These things will get you noticed, which will give you more opportunities to get rep and followers, as well as give you that title on the shard, something people will remember you by. If you get a moment like that or make a legacy for yourself, it will be the easiest way to earn your popularity. Now that we have all the variables established, we need to know how they affect each other. Rep affects nothing, interestingly enough. It is only affected by things, which actually makes it a great indicator of popularity. Followers increase rep, because more people will see your content automatically. Otherwise, it is affected by other things. Your mark on the shard will affect your reputation and your followers very positively. Posts will increase opportunities for rep, followers, and a starting or carrying out of your mark on the shard. It isn’t too valuable on it’s own, but paired with time, it is really useful. time will increase opportunities for followers and reputation. On its own, it is a small booster of popularity, but as soon as you pair it with things, it can be quite useful. reputation over time will be affected by a lot of things, possibly even a big event that you caused on the shard that caused a spike in rep over a short period of time. Since it is wildly differing over a short time, it is better seen over the long run. Over the long run, it can be compared with other graphs to show how those things affected it. It is again a great indicator of the sum of all the other things you did over a period of time. followers over time shows how many people wanted to see more of your content over a period of time, so it is actually a great indicator of that form of popularity. This affects your reputation over time. posts over time is something that will easily affect your reputation and followers over time. It all depends on the quality of the posts, but more posts means more chances for rep and followers, as established before. Now that we have all of that mess, we now know two things. 1. reputation over time is a great indicator of how popular a given person is. It does not fully capture how popular a person is, though. 2. the best way to get popular is to make your mark on the shard, but there are other ways.
  14. So as a tin feruchemist, a Ferring could store their sense of pain, meaning that they would not feel pain. There isn’t many a reason to tap to increase your sense of pain, so likely you would throw out the ring or bracer you are using to store it. That would bypass the need to have a ton of rings, for that sense, at least.
  15. Have we come to the consensus that you can spike senses that animals have that we don’t, but we have no idea what will happen if we spike senses that we share with animals, but work differently?
  16. Yeah, basically what @Stormtide_Leviathan said. I did a lot of research into it and asked a lot of questions in the shard to find out what tin can and can’t store. I made lots of posts about it, and I bet ya could find em. I came to the conclusion that it can store a lot of things. And yeah, wearing a ton of metalminds is one downside. But tons of rings or chain mail would be cool, so it would be fine anyway. one of the coolest things about tin is being able to store your sense of pain. It would allow you to store pain without tapping it, so you don’t have to wear any rings or chainmail.
  17. So it obviously depends on what type of blindness you mean, but I possibly understand you. Now, I don’t exactly agree with that though, but I do understand what you’re saying. so if you were to store atiumsight, it is a new sense. Do you only get access to that sense when you are burning atium, or is it more of a percentage bar. You can fully store your sense of feeling, bringing your sense of touch to 0%. In this case, atiumsense is on default at 0%. Once you tap it, I think you would bring that sense up, without needing to burn atium. and if we were to take a different approach, what causes you to be allowed to burn atiumsense? Is it the presence of the atiumsense that allows atiumsense, and burning atium just makes the atiumsense present? Is it something else?
  18. Yes. The process would be that you burn, say, atium. While you are burning atium, you store the atium shadows using your tinmind. You can then tap the atiumsense, and even store more, extending the shadows farther than you could with atium.
  19. So there was a WoB about how a feruchemist could become a savant. so the two ways we know of is through unkeyed metalminds and reverse compounding. There are a handful of metals that would allow you to do this easily. You can reverse compound the fortune from atium, you can reverse compound mental speed from F-steel, you can reverse compound strength using pewter and a pewtermind, and of course there is tin, which is the grandest of them all. The one issue with tin is that since there is so many senses you can store, you would likely be a savant in one sense, not all senses.
  20. Oh yeah! You can also store steelsight/ironsight, bronze sight, of course tin, atium, electrum, Malatium, gold, and the sense of balance you get in pewter! That allows you to have a huge boost of that type of allomancy, and even become a feruchemical savant! That means that around half of all F-tin twinborns can reverse compound their metal in some way. F-tin works wonders within scadrial. here’s the full argument for why F-tin is the best.
  21. And remember, we are no longer rivals. We are allies (of a form). More of friendly competitors. Might want to edit that in your original post as well.
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