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Everything posted by Koloss17

  1. To optimize the people who see that as an option, you should put it on your original post (the thread post) and say that it is an alternative to this club so that we can have equal opportunities to recruit each other’s potential members.
  2. That is very possible! It’s one of the great things about F-tin! Any sort of shadow counts as a separate sense, since it works independently to your sight.
  3. Don’t forget about era 2’s twinbornness allowing feruchemantic savants as well! Still don’t know how those would work...
  4. I just added it. And you should link my club, @AonDii and to that note, there is an important announcement! The F-tin cult has formed an alliegance with the F-duralumin Club! We will not be rivals, but comrades, helping each other’s organizations grow and flourish. It is a big step for this cult!
  5. Woah woah woah. Hold your horses. I am overlord of F-tin. I can also endorse H and A tin within my cult. You may do what you wish, but I draw the line for myself there. if the contract is concluded, we shall agree to the following terms: 1. we each put links to the other’s organization on our main post as alternative groups to join for those that do not wish to join their cult. 2. we do not claim ourselves as rivals, just alliegenced organizations. 3. Do not refer to the Feruchemical Duralumin Club as a cult in any way Is this contract in agreement?
  6. I agree with the terms listed below, if you agree with mine. if I am hearing your terms correctly it is such: 1. Do not refer to the Feruchemical Duralumin Club as anything other than a club.
  7. BOOTS also my apologies. Multi club (Not A Cult TM)/cult empire!!!!! (the /cult refers to my cult/theology, just to clear things up)
  8. I have a proposition. We attempt a peaceful brotherhood cult-type thing. We are brother cults. Sister companies. Non-binary gangs. You link the tin cult on your thread for those that think that tin is superior, and I link your club (Not A Cult TM) OB nine for those that disagree with my views. We can make a vast multi cult/club empire!!! (this is a one time offer, just so ya know)
  9. it’s getting to be a bit of a pain. I don’t know how hard it is to make them editable, so it might be very difficult and something that isn’t worth doing, but I don’t know.
  10. For my next profile pic, I need an artist! Someone who might be able to make some nice art. An art human. I want to have a more being-like profile pic. If any of my now 21 followers are capable of at least finding a human that can do good art, I’d be in their debt. 

    My plan is to PM those that are up to the challenge details on what exactly I want to hire them for, but if it is better that I just say the details here, I can do that too.

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Condensation


      All right, I'll do it as soon as I can scan something into the computer.

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      I have a friend who has agreed to try like, a day ago. I will give you an update whenever she finishes any.

    4. Koloss17
  11. Wait what blaspheme is this? In my cult? hold on... maybe we can have a deal, kind of like with [stormlight] Type member deal...hmmmmmm.... does this place have a thread yet? What’s the traction? What’s the business that would be done during the business hours?
  12. Their what but that’s basically the question. I think senses that animals have that we don’t have would be pretty easily spikable then storable, but the main question is the dynamic with other senses that we share (to a certain degree) with other animals. I think the big issue is obviously animal bind points, but once you’re past that, then what?
  13. So, I’ll resay what I said in this opening post. lift is not trans, so far as I can tell. But her nightwatcher wish portrayed my feeling of physical dysphoria very well. I do not think lift is trans. Sorry if the title confused you.
  14. So long as you announce your allegiance on this thread yes, you would officially join.
  15. Cultists! We must push @StormFather! to join our cult/theology! We need to give some reasons to join!
  16. So I feel like there has to be something past pumping tons of breath and giving it a special intent that could make an item that can damage shards. If that was the case, then the secret of awakening metal without the ninth heightening would be catastrophic. Nalthis’ magic system would be the most powerful by far, creating mistborn slaughtering machines with just 1000 breaths. I feel like there has to be something much harder to do to make something like nightblood.
  17. It’s confirmed on the wiki that nightblood was not originally a Hemalurgic spike or metalmind. So I think the big mystery on why nightblood is nightblood will go unsolved until we learn about a new magical mechanic.
  18. So it doesn’t quite give super clear stuff, but it is a sort of confirmation.
  19. Well, I’m pretty sure we know that ruin’s investiture is involved. So it isn’t quite just a sword infused with lots of breaths. I think there has to be more to nightblood than just an awakened sword with some of Ruin’s investiture, because I don’t think that would allow a sword to be so strong as to snap perpendicularities and kill vessels.
  20. It is a pretty wild theory, but it does give a very useful analasys. Whether or not the theory is right, thank you!
  21. So Raysium has passive ability of sucking in investiture. Nightblood sucks in investiture. There isn’t many other things that could suck in investiture while being a sword. We know Nightblood was based off of a shardblade because Vasher and Shashara visited Roshar. They could have also discovered Raysium and used that for nightblood’s blade. It seems pretty plausible and makes a lot of sense. I don’t think there is any reason why this wouldn’t be a valid theory, but if there is, I’d love to hear it.
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